CounterCreationDataCollection 생성자


CounterCreationDataCollection 클래스의 새 인스턴스를 초기화합니다.



연결된 CounterCreationData 인스턴스가 없는 상태에서 CounterCreationDataCollection 클래스의 새 인스턴스를 초기화합니다.


CounterCreationDataCollection 인스턴스의 지정된 배열을 사용하여 CounterCreationData 클래스의 새 인스턴스를 초기화합니다.


CounterCreationDataCollection 인스턴스의 지정된 컬렉션을 사용하여 CounterCreationData 클래스의 새 인스턴스를 초기화합니다.


연결된 CounterCreationData 인스턴스가 없는 상태에서 CounterCreationDataCollection 클래스의 새 인스턴스를 초기화합니다.

public CounterCreationDataCollection ();
Public Sub New ()

적용 대상


CounterCreationDataCollection 인스턴스의 지정된 배열을 사용하여 CounterCreationData 클래스의 새 인스턴스를 초기화합니다.

 CounterCreationDataCollection(cli::array <System::Diagnostics::CounterCreationData ^> ^ value);
public CounterCreationDataCollection (System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData[] value);
new System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection : System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData[] -> System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection
Public Sub New (value As CounterCreationData())

매개 변수


CounterCreationData을 초기화하는 데 사용할 CounterCreationDataCollection 인스턴스의 배열입니다.


value이(가) null인 경우


다음 예제에서는 배열을 사용하여 CounterCreationData 개체를 CounterCreationDataCollection 만드는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

String^ myCategoryName;
int numberOfCounters;
Console::Write( "Enter the category Name : " );
myCategoryName = Console::ReadLine();

// Check if the category already exists or not.
if (  !PerformanceCounterCategory::Exists( myCategoryName ) )
   Console::Write( "Enter the number of counters : " );
   numberOfCounters = Int32::Parse( Console::ReadLine() );
   array<CounterCreationData^>^myCounterCreationData = gcnew array<CounterCreationData^>(numberOfCounters);
   for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfCounters; i++ )
      Console::Write( "Enter the counter name for {0} counter : ", i );
      myCounterCreationData[ i ] = gcnew CounterCreationData;
      myCounterCreationData[ i ]->CounterName = Console::ReadLine();

   CounterCreationDataCollection^ myCounterCollection = gcnew CounterCreationDataCollection( myCounterCreationData );
   // Create the category.
   PerformanceCounterCategory::Create( myCategoryName, "Sample Category", myCounterCollection );
   for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfCounters; i++ )
      myCounter = gcnew PerformanceCounter( myCategoryName,myCounterCreationData[ i ]->CounterName,"",false );

   Console::WriteLine( "The list of counters in 'CounterCollection' are :" );
   for ( int i = 0; i < myCounterCollection->Count; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "Counter {0} is '{1}'", i, myCounterCollection[ i ]->CounterName );
   Console::WriteLine( "The category already exists" );
string myCategoryName;
int numberOfCounters;
Console.Write("Enter the category Name : ");
myCategoryName = Console.ReadLine();
// Check if the category already exists or not.
if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(myCategoryName))
    Console.Write("Enter the number of counters : ");
    numberOfCounters = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    CounterCreationData[] myCounterCreationData =
       new CounterCreationData[numberOfCounters];

    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCounters; i++)
        Console.Write("Enter the counter name for {0} counter : ", i);
        myCounterCreationData[i] = new CounterCreationData();
        myCounterCreationData[i].CounterName = Console.ReadLine();
    CounterCreationDataCollection myCounterCollection =
       new CounterCreationDataCollection(myCounterCreationData);
    // Create the category.
       "Sample Category",
    PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, myCounterCollection);

    Console.WriteLine("The list of counters in 'CounterCollection' are :");
    for (int i = 0; i < myCounterCollection.Count; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("Counter {0} is '{1}'", i, myCounterCollection[i].CounterName);
    Console.WriteLine("The category already exists");
Dim myCategoryName As String
Dim numberOfCounters As Integer
Console.Write("Enter the category Name : ")
myCategoryName = Console.ReadLine()
' Check if the category already exists or not.
If Not PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(myCategoryName) Then
   Console.Write("Enter the number of counters : ")
   numberOfCounters = Integer.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
   Dim myCounterCreationData(numberOfCounters-1) As CounterCreationData

   Dim i As Integer
   For i = 0 To numberOfCounters - 1
      Console.Write("Enter the counter name for {0} counter : ", i)
      myCounterCreationData(i) = New CounterCreationData()
      myCounterCreationData(i).CounterName = Console.ReadLine()
   Next i
   Dim myCounterCollection As New CounterCreationDataCollection(myCounterCreationData)
   ' Create the category.
       PerformanceCounterCategory.Create(myCategoryName, "Sample Category", _
              PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, myCounterCollection)

   Console.WriteLine("The list of counters in 'CounterCollection' are :")

   For i = 0 To myCounterCollection.Count - 1
      Console.WriteLine("Counter {0} is '{1}'", i, _
   Next i
   Console.WriteLine("The category already exists")
End If

적용 대상


CounterCreationDataCollection 인스턴스의 지정된 컬렉션을 사용하여 CounterCreationData 클래스의 새 인스턴스를 초기화합니다.

 CounterCreationDataCollection(System::Diagnostics::CounterCreationDataCollection ^ value);
public CounterCreationDataCollection (System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection value);
new System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection : System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection -> System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection
Public Sub New (value As CounterCreationDataCollection)

매개 변수


CounterCreationDataCollection을 초기화하는 데 사용할 CounterCreationData 인스턴스가 포함된 CounterCreationDataCollection입니다.


value이(가) null인 경우


다음 예제에서는 다른 CounterCreationDataCollection개체를 사용 하 여 CounterCreationData 개체를 CounterCreationDataCollection 만드는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

String^ myCategoryName;
int numberOfCounters;
Console::Write( "Enter the number of counters : " );
numberOfCounters = Int32::Parse( Console::ReadLine() );
array<CounterCreationData^>^myCounterCreationData = gcnew array<CounterCreationData^>(numberOfCounters);
for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfCounters; i++ )
   Console::Write( "Enter the counter name for {0} counter : ", i );
   myCounterCreationData[ i ] = gcnew CounterCreationData;
   myCounterCreationData[ i ]->CounterName = Console::ReadLine();

CounterCreationDataCollection^ myCounterCollection = gcnew CounterCreationDataCollection( myCounterCreationData );
Console::Write( "Enter the category Name:" );
myCategoryName = Console::ReadLine();

// Check if the category already exists or not.
if (  !PerformanceCounterCategory::Exists( myCategoryName ) )
   CounterCreationDataCollection^ myNewCounterCollection = gcnew CounterCreationDataCollection( myCounterCollection );
   PerformanceCounterCategory::Create( myCategoryName, "Sample Category", myNewCounterCollection );
   for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfCounters; i++ )
      myCounter = gcnew PerformanceCounter( myCategoryName,myCounterCreationData[ i ]->CounterName,"",false );

   Console::WriteLine( "The list of counters in 'CounterCollection' are : " );
   for ( int i = 0; i < myNewCounterCollection->Count; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "Counter {0} is '{1}'", i, myNewCounterCollection[ i ]->CounterName );
   Console::WriteLine( "The category already exists" );
string myCategoryName;
int numberOfCounters;
Console.Write("Enter the number of counters : ");
numberOfCounters = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
CounterCreationData[] myCounterCreationData =
   new CounterCreationData[numberOfCounters];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCounters; i++)
    Console.Write("Enter the counter name for {0} counter : ", i);
    myCounterCreationData[i] = new CounterCreationData();
    myCounterCreationData[i].CounterName = Console.ReadLine();
CounterCreationDataCollection myCounterCollection =
   new CounterCreationDataCollection(myCounterCreationData);
Console.Write("Enter the category Name:");
myCategoryName = Console.ReadLine();
// Check if the category already exists or not.
if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(myCategoryName))
    CounterCreationDataCollection myNewCounterCollection =
       new CounterCreationDataCollection(myCounterCollection);
    PerformanceCounterCategory.Create(myCategoryName, "Sample Category",
    PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, myNewCounterCollection);

    Console.WriteLine("The list of counters in 'CounterCollection' are : ");
    for (int i = 0; i < myNewCounterCollection.Count; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("Counter {0} is '{1}'", i, myNewCounterCollection[i].CounterName);
    Console.WriteLine("The category already exists");
Dim myCategoryName As String
Dim numberOfCounters As Integer
Console.Write("Enter the number of counters : ")
numberOfCounters = Integer.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
Dim myCounterCreationData(numberOfCounters - 1) As CounterCreationData
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To numberOfCounters - 1
    Console.Write("Enter the counter name for {0} counter : ", i)
    myCounterCreationData(i) = New CounterCreationData()
    myCounterCreationData(i).CounterName = Console.ReadLine()
Next i
Dim myCounterCollection As New CounterCreationDataCollection(myCounterCreationData)
Console.Write("Enter the category Name:")
myCategoryName = Console.ReadLine()
' Check if the category already exists or not.
If Not PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(myCategoryName) Then
    Dim myNewCounterCollection As New CounterCreationDataCollection(myCounterCollection)
    PerformanceCounterCategory.Create(myCategoryName, "Sample Category", _
       PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, myNewCounterCollection)

    Console.WriteLine("The list of counters in 'CounterCollection' are : ")

    For i = 0 To myNewCounterCollection.Count - 1
        Console.WriteLine("Counter {0} is '{1}'", i, myNewCounterCollection(i).CounterName)
    Next i
    Console.WriteLine("The category already exists")
End If

적용 대상