IDTSEventInfos100.Add 메서드

이 API는 SQL Server 2012 인프라를 지원하기 위한 것으로 코드에서 직접 사용할 수 없습니다.

Adds an IDTSEventInfo100 object to the current collection.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
어셈블리:  Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap(Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll)


Sub Add ( _
    EventName As String, _
    Description As String, _
    AllowEventHandlers As Boolean, _
    ByRef ParamNames As String(), _
    ByRef ParamTypes As UShort(), _
    ByRef ParamDescs As String() _
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As IDTSEventInfos100 
Dim EventName As String 
Dim Description As String 
Dim AllowEventHandlers As Boolean 
Dim ParamNames As String()
Dim ParamTypes As UShort()
Dim ParamDescs As String()

instance.Add(EventName, Description, AllowEventHandlers, _
    ParamNames, ParamTypes, ParamDescs)
void Add(
    string EventName,
    string Description,
    bool AllowEventHandlers,
    ref string[] ParamNames,
    ref ushort[] ParamTypes,
    ref string[] ParamDescs
void Add(
    [InAttribute] String^ EventName, 
    [InAttribute] String^ Description, 
    [InAttribute] bool AllowEventHandlers, 
    [InAttribute] array<String^>^% ParamNames, 
    [InAttribute] array<unsigned short>^% ParamTypes, 
    [InAttribute] array<String^>^% ParamDescs
abstract Add : 
        EventName:string * 
        Description:string * 
        AllowEventHandlers:bool * 
        ParamNames:string[] byref * 
        ParamTypes:uint16[] byref * 
        ParamDescs:string[] byref -> unit
function Add(
    EventName : String, 
    Description : String, 
    AllowEventHandlers : boolean, 
    ParamNames : String[], 
    ParamTypes : ushort[], 
    ParamDescs : String[]

매개 변수

  • Description
    유형: System.String
    The description of the event.
  • AllowEventHandlers
    유형: System.Boolean
    true to indicate that the event handler objects can be created for the event; otherwise, false.
  • ParamNames
    유형: array<System.String[]%
    An array of parameters passed to the event.
  • ParamTypes
    유형: array<System.UInt16[]%
    The type of each parameter in the ParamNames array.
  • ParamDescs
    유형: array<System.String[]%
    An array that contains descriptions for each of the parameters in ParamNames.


For more information, see EventInfos.

참고 항목


IDTSEventInfos100 인터페이스

Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper 네임스페이스