Audit.DateLastModified 속성

Gets the date and time when the audit log was last modified.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
어셈블리:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo(Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


<SfcPropertyAttribute(SfcPropertyFlags.Standalone)> _
Public ReadOnly Property DateLastModified As DateTime 
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As Audit 
Dim value As DateTime 

value = instance.DateLastModified
public DateTime DateLastModified { get; }
property DateTime DateLastModified {
    DateTime get ();
member DateLastModified : DateTime
function get DateLastModified () : DateTime

속성 값

유형: System.DateTime
A DateTime system object value that specifies the time and date when the audit log was last modified.

The following code example demonstrates how to get the date and time when the audit log was last modified, and displays that information on the console.


using System;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;

namespace samples
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create the audit
            Server dbServer = new Server("(local)");
            Audit dbAudit = new Audit(dbServer, "Test Audit");
            dbAudit.DestinationType = AuditDestinationType.File;
            dbAudit.FilePath = "C:\\AuditDirectory";

            //Display the date of the most recent modification to the 
            //log on the console
            DateTime auditModificationDate = dbAudit.DateLastModified;
            Console.WriteLine("The most recent modification of the  
                              audit log was made on " + 


#Create the audit
$dbServer = new-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server("(local)")
$dbAudit = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Audit($dbServer, "Test Audit")
$dbAudit.DestinationType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.AuditDestinationType]'File'
$dbAudit.FilePath = "C:\AuditDirectory"

#Display the date of the most recent modification to the log
Write-Host "The most recent modification of the audit log was made on" 

참고 항목


Audit 클래스

Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo 네임스페이스