Resolver.FindCompletions 메서드

Returns the completion list at the specified location.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Intellisense
어셈블리:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.dll)


Public Shared Function FindCompletions ( _
    parseResult As ParseResult, _
    line As Integer, _
    col As Integer, _
    displayInfoProvider As IMetadataDisplayInfoProvider _
) As IList(Of Declaration)
‘사용 방법
Dim parseResult As ParseResult 
Dim line As Integer 
Dim col As Integer 
Dim displayInfoProvider As IMetadataDisplayInfoProvider 
Dim returnValue As IList(Of Declaration)

returnValue = Resolver.FindCompletions(parseResult, _
    line, col, displayInfoProvider)
public static IList<Declaration> FindCompletions(
    ParseResult parseResult,
    int line,
    int col,
    IMetadataDisplayInfoProvider displayInfoProvider
static IList<Declaration^>^ FindCompletions(
    ParseResult^ parseResult, 
    int line, 
    int col, 
    IMetadataDisplayInfoProvider^ displayInfoProvider
static member FindCompletions : 
        parseResult:ParseResult * 
        line:int * 
        col:int * 
        displayInfoProvider:IMetadataDisplayInfoProvider -> IList<Declaration> 
public static function FindCompletions(
    parseResult : ParseResult, 
    line : int, 
    col : int, 
    displayInfoProvider : IMetadataDisplayInfoProvider
) : IList<Declaration>

매개 변수

반환 값

유형: System.Collections.Generic.IList<Declaration>
A IList<T> of Declaration objects that contain the completion list items.

참고 항목


Resolver 클래스

Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Intellisense 네임스페이스