Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors 네임스페이스

Provides classes used to integrate the SQL Server Management Studio code editors into the Visual Studio shell environment used by Management Studio.


  클래스 설명
공용 클래스 AnalysisServicesExecutionOptions Class that corresponds to Analysis Services result option page in Tools/Options. This class is used for editions of SQL Server other than SQL Server Express.
공용 클래스 AnalysisServicesResultsOptions Class that corresponds to the Analysis Services result option page in Tools/Options. This class is used for editions of SQL Server other than SQL Server Express.
공용 클래스 ConfigProvider Represents the configuration provider object.
공용 클래스 Configuration Represents a Configuration object.
공용 클래스 ConnectionSettingsOption Corresponds to first connection-option page in Tools/Options.
공용 클래스 ConnectionSettingsOption2 Corresponds to second connection-option page on the Tools menu, Options submenu.
공용 클래스 ConnectionSettingsOption4 Corresponds to the fourth connection option page on the Tools menu, Options submenu.
공용 클래스 ConnectionSettingsOptionBase Common base class that adds events when options are persisted.
공용 클래스 EditorFactoryBase Base class for editor factories.
공용 클래스 EditorFactoryPackage Implements the package that is responsible for registering all SQL Workbench editor factories and creating editors.
공용 클래스 EditorFactorySql SQL editor factory.
공용 클래스 EditorFactorySqlCe Editor factory for SQL Server CE.
공용 클래스 EditorTabTextSettingsOption Corresponds to the editor tab text-option page in Tools/Options.
공용 클래스 FontAndColorProviderBase Base class for font and color providers
공용 클래스 FontAndColorProviderGridResults Gets the grid results category Guid.
공용 클래스 FontAndColorProviderShowplan Font and color provider show plan.
공용 클래스 FontAndColorProviderTextResults Font and color provider text results.
공용 클래스 MultiServerResultsSettingsOption Corresponds to the Multiserver Results option page on the Tools menu, Options submenu.
공용 클래스 PropertyPagesGuids Contains Guid objects of Tools menu, Options submenu property pages implemented by this assembly.
공용 클래스 QEStatusBarManager SQL Server Utility class that handles interaction with the status bars
공용 클래스 ResultsSettingsOption Corresponds to SQL result-to-grid option page in the Tools menu, Options submenu.
공용 클래스 ResultsToTextSettingsOption Corresponds to Result-to-Text SQL result option page in Tools->Options.
공용 클래스 ScriptAndResultsEditorControl Base class for all editors that have a script, a splitter below it, and a control below the splitter.
공용 클래스 ScriptFactory Represents the static functions for creating different types of scripts.
공용 클래스 ShowPlanEditorFactory The ShowPlanEditor factory.
공용 클래스 SqlResultsGeneralOption Class that corresponds to General SQL result option page on the Tools menu, Options submenu.
공용 클래스 SqlScriptEditorControl Implements SQL script editing. This class implements all execution options of scripts and handles all requests from the menu toolbars.
보호된 클래스 SqlScriptEditorControl.DisplayResultsUserControl Control that shows execution results below splitter as opposed to showing them in the tab pages.
보호된 클래스 SqlScriptEditorControl.MultiServerPropertiesDisplay Represents the properties object shown in the Visual Studio properties window.
공용 클래스 SQLWBToolsOptionsOlapPage Base class for all OLAP option pages on one of the tabs in the Tools menu, Options submenu.
공용 클래스 SQLWBToolsOptionsPage<TOptions> Base class for all Management Studio pages on the Tools menu, Options submenu.
공용 클래스 SQLWBToolsOptionsSqlPage Base class for all Management Studio pages on the Tools menu, Options submenu.
공용 클래스 SQLWorkbenchCommands GUIDs and command IDs for the menus.
공용 클래스 SqlWorkbenchKeyboardOption Class that corresponds to SQL keyboard option page on the Tools menu, Options submenu.
공용 클래스 SqlWorkbenchOption Corresponds to SQL Environment option page on the Tools menu, Options submenu.
공용 클래스 ToolsOptionsBaseControl<TOptions> Base class for user controls that are shown on one of the tabs in the Tools menu, Options submenu.
공용 클래스 ToolsOptionsBaseUserControl Base class for user controls that are shown on the Tools menu, Options submenu dialog box.


  인터페이스 설명
공용 인터페이스 IDocWindowPane Defines a file-based Visual Studio window pane.


  대리자 설명
공용 대리자 DisplayPopupMenuDelegate Delegate used to show popup menu.


  열거형 설명
공용 열거형 DocumentOptions Options for creating the editor or designer, primarly whether the object is new (as specified by the IsNew Value).
공용 열거형 QEOptionsComponent Defines logical components of the options component.
공용 열거형 QEStatusBarKnownStates Defines all the states for which QEStatusBarManager provides native support on the general panel (left most one). Handles both messages and icons.