IScriptingOptions 인터페이스

Provides programmatic options that can be set for scripting operations.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration
어셈블리:  SqlWorkbench.Interfaces(SqlWorkbench.Interfaces.dll)


Public Interface IScriptingOptions
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As IScriptingOptions
public interface IScriptingOptions
public interface class IScriptingOptions
type IScriptingOptions =  interface end
public interface IScriptingOptions

IScriptingOptions 유형에서 다음 멤버를 표시합니다.


  이름 설명
공용 속성 BatchSeparator Gets a value that separates script into batches.
공용 속성 ConvertUddtToBaseType Gets a value indicating whether user-defined data types are converted to the most appropriate SQL Server base data types in the generated script.
공용 속성 DelimitStatements Gets the specified limitation of a statement.
공용 속성 GenerateAnsiPadding Gets a value indicating whether the script generates ANSI-PADDING.
공용 속성 IncludeCollation Gets a value indicating whether to include the collation clause in the generated script.
공용 속성 IncludeHeaders Gets a value indicating whether the script contains a header that includes the date and time generation.
공용 속성 IncludeIdentity Gets a value indicating whether the definitions of the identity property seed and increment are included in the generated script.
공용 속성 IncludeIfNotExists Gets a value indicating whether to check if an object doesn't exist before including it in the script.
공용 속성 IncludeVarDecimal Gets a value indicating whether to include the N clause when you create VarDecimal columns in the generated script.
공용 속성 SchemaQualify Gets a value indicating whether the script contains an object with a qualified schema.
공용 속성 SchemaQualifyForeignKeys Gets a value indicating whether an object with no schema that is referenced by a foreign key are included in the generated script.
공용 속성 ScriptBinding Gets a value indicating whether the binding of the script is included.
공용 속성 ScriptChangeTracking Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the change tracking information.
공용 속성 ScriptCheckConstraints Gets a value indicating whether the constraints in the script are checked.
공용 속성 ScriptDataCompressionOptions Gets a value indicating whether to include data compression options in the generated script.
공용 속성 ScriptDefaults Gets a value indicating whether the creation of the referenced object is included in the generated script.
공용 속성 ScriptDependentObjects Gets a value indicating whether a script is generated for the additional objects that are required when the script for the selected object is executed.
공용 속성 ScriptDriIncludeSystemNames Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the system-generated constraint names to enforce declarative referential integrity.
공용 속성 ScriptExtendedProperties Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the extended properties.
공용 속성 ScriptFileGroups Gets a value indicating whether the script specifies the file groups.
공용 속성 ScriptForeignKeys Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the foreign key constraints.
공용 속성 ScriptFullTextCatalogs Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the full-text catalogs.
공용 속성 ScriptFullTextIndexes Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the full-text indexes.
공용 속성 ScriptIndexes Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the clustered, non-clustered, and XML indexes.
공용 속성 ScriptOwner Gets a value indicating whether the owner of the script is included.
공용 속성 ScriptPartitionSchemes Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the table partitioning schemes.
공용 속성 ScriptPermissions Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the permissions on database objects.
공용 속성 ScriptPrimaryKeys Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the primary key constraints.
공용 속성 ScriptStatistics Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the user-defined statistics.
공용 속성 ScriptTriggers Gets a value indicating whether to include the definition for triggers in the generated script.
공용 속성 ScriptUniqueKeys Gets a value indicating whether the script includes the unique constraints.
공용 속성 ScriptUseDatabase Gets a value indicating whether the script adds the use database statement to create database objects in the context of the current object explorer database.
공용 속성 ScriptViewColumns Gets a value indicating whether the script declares view columns in view headers in the script.
공용 속성 TargetDatabaseEngineType Gets the DatabaseEngineType property value.
공용 속성 TargetVersion Gets the version for which the generated script is intended.

맨 위로 이동


  이름 설명
공용 메서드 GetSmoScriptingOptions Retrieves the collections of objects from the scripting options.

맨 위로 이동

참고 항목


Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration 네임스페이스