DistributionPublisher.HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists 속성

Gets a value that indicates whether the Log Reader Agent job exists for the non-SQL Server Publisher.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
어셈블리:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo(Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll)


Public ReadOnly Property HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists As Boolean 
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As DistributionPublisher 
Dim value As Boolean 

value = instance.HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists
public bool HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists { get; }
property bool HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists {
    bool get ();
member HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists : bool
function get HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists () : boolean

속성 값

유형: System.Boolean
true if the agent job exists; otherwise, false.


The HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists property is only supported for non-SQL Server Publishers. For SQL Server Publishers, use LogReaderAgentExists.

The HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists property can only be retrieved by members of the sysadmin fixed server role at the Distributor or by members of the db_owner fixed database role on the distribution database.

Retrieving the HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists property is equivalent to executing sp_helplogreader_agent.

The HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists property is a read/write property.

참고 항목


DistributionPublisher 클래스

Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication 네임스페이스