DistributionPublisher 클래스

Represents information about a Publisher registered at the currently connected Distributor.

상속 계층


네임스페이스:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
어셈블리:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo(Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class DistributionPublisher _
    Inherits ReplicationObject
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As DistributionPublisher
public sealed class DistributionPublisher : ReplicationObject
public ref class DistributionPublisher sealed : public ReplicationObject
type DistributionPublisher =  
        inherit ReplicationObject 
public final class DistributionPublisher extends ReplicationObject

DistributionPublisher 유형에서 다음 멤버를 표시합니다.


  이름 설명
공용 메서드 DistributionPublisher() Creates a new instance of the DistributionPublisher class.
공용 메서드 DistributionPublisher(String, ServerConnection) Creates a new instance of the DistributionPublisher class with the Publisher name and with a connection to the Distributor used by the Publisher.

맨 위로 이동


  이름 설명
공용 속성 CachePropertyChanges Gets or sets whether to cache changes made to the replication properties or to apply them immediately. (ReplicationObject에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 ConnectionContext Gets or sets the connection to an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (ReplicationObject에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 DistributionDatabase Gets or sets the name of the distribution database used by the Publisher.
공용 속성 DistributionPublications Gets the publications that exist at the Publisher.
공용 속성 HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentExists Gets a value that indicates whether the Log Reader Agent job exists for the non-SQL Server Publisher.
공용 속성 HeterogeneousLogReaderAgentProcessSecurity Gets the security context used by the Log Reader agent for a non-SQL Server Publisher.
공용 속성 IsExistingObject Gets whether the object exists on the server or not. (ReplicationObject에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 Name Gets or sets the name of the Publisher instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
공용 속성 PublisherSecurity Gets the security context used by replication agent when connecting to the Publisher.
공용 속성 PublisherType Gets or sets the Publisher type.
공용 속성 RegisteredSubscribers Gets the Subscribers that are subscribed to publications at the Publisher.
공용 속성 SqlServerName Gets the name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance to which this object is connected. (ReplicationObject에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 Status Gets the Publisher status.
공용 속성 ThirdParty Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Publisher is a non-SQL Server Publisher.
공용 속성 TransPublications Gets the transactional publications at the Publisher.
공용 속성 TrustedDistributorConnection 인프라입니다. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the distributor connection is trusted.
공용 속성 UserData Gets or sets an object property that allows users to attach their own data to the object. (ReplicationObject에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 WorkingDirectory Gets or sets the name of the working directory used to store data and schema files for the publication.

맨 위로 이동


  이름 설명
공용 메서드 CommitPropertyChanges Sends all the cached property change statements to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (ReplicationObject에서 상속됨)
공용 메서드 Create Registers the Publisher with the specified properties at the Distributor.
공용 메서드 CreateHeterogeneousLogReaderAgent Creates a Log Reader Agent job for a non-SQL Server Publisher.
공용 메서드 Decouple Decouples the referenced replication object from the server. (ReplicationObject에서 상속됨)
공용 메서드 EnumDistributionPublications Returns information stored at the Distributor about publications at this Publisher.
공용 메서드 EnumRegisteredSubscribers Returns information stored at the Distributor about Subscribers to publications at this Publisher.
공용 메서드 EnumTransPublications Returns information at the Distributor about transactional publications at this Publisher.
공용 메서드 Equals (Object에서 상속됨)
공용 메서드 GetHashCode (Object에서 상속됨)
공용 메서드 GetType (Object에서 상속됨)
공용 메서드 Load Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (ReplicationObject에서 상속됨)
공용 메서드 LoadProperties Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (ReplicationObject에서 상속됨)
공용 메서드 Refresh Reloads the properties of the object. (ReplicationObject에서 상속됨)
공용 메서드 Remove Removes the registration for this Publisher from the currently connected Distributor.
공용 메서드 Script Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to install or uninstall the Publisher.
공용 메서드 ToString (Object에서 상속됨)

맨 위로 이동


The DistributionPublisher class requires a connection to the Distributor that is used by the Publisher.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

This example shows how a DistributionPublisher object is used to enable publishing.

          // Set the server and database names
            string distributionDbName = "distribution";
            string publisherName = publisherInstance;
            string publicationDbName = "AdventureWorks2012";

            DistributionDatabase distributionDb;
            ReplicationServer distributor;
            DistributionPublisher publisher;
            ReplicationDatabase publicationDb;

            // Create a connection to the server using Windows Authentication.
            ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);

                // Connect to the server acting as the Distributor 
                // and local Publisher.

                // Define the distribution database at the Distributor,
                // but do not create it now.
                distributionDb = new DistributionDatabase(distributionDbName, conn);
                distributionDb.MaxDistributionRetention = 96;
                distributionDb.HistoryRetention = 120;

                // Set the Distributor properties and install the Distributor.
                // This also creates the specified distribution database.
                distributor = new ReplicationServer(conn);
                distributor.InstallDistributor((string)null, distributionDb);

                // Set the Publisher properties and install the Publisher.
                publisher = new DistributionPublisher(publisherName, conn);
                publisher.DistributionDatabase = distributionDb.Name;
                publisher.WorkingDirectory = @"\\" + publisherName + @"\repldata";
                publisher.PublisherSecurity.WindowsAuthentication = true;

                // Enable AdventureWorks2012 as a publication database.
                publicationDb = new ReplicationDatabase(publicationDbName, conn);

                publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing = true;
                publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Implement appropriate error handling here.
                throw new ApplicationException("An error occured when installing distribution and publishing.", ex);
' Set the server and database names
Dim distributionDbName As String = "distribution"
Dim publisherName As String = publisherInstance
Dim publicationDbName As String = "AdventureWorks2012"

Dim distributionDb As DistributionDatabase
Dim distributor As ReplicationServer
Dim publisher As DistributionPublisher
Dim publicationDb As ReplicationDatabase

' Create a connection to the server using Windows Authentication.
Dim conn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(publisherName)

    ' Connect to the server acting as the Distributor 
    ' and local Publisher.

    ' Define the distribution database at the Distributor,
    ' but do not create it now.
    distributionDb = New DistributionDatabase(distributionDbName, conn)
    distributionDb.MaxDistributionRetention = 96
    distributionDb.HistoryRetention = 120

    ' Set the Distributor properties and install the Distributor.
    ' This also creates the specified distribution database.
    distributor = New ReplicationServer(conn)
    distributor.InstallDistributor((CType(Nothing, String)), distributionDb)

    ' Set the Publisher properties and install the Publisher.
    publisher = New DistributionPublisher(publisherName, conn)
    publisher.DistributionDatabase = distributionDb.Name
    publisher.WorkingDirectory = "\\" + publisherName + "\repldata"
    publisher.PublisherSecurity.WindowsAuthentication = True

    ' Enable AdventureWorks2012 as a publication database.
    publicationDb = New ReplicationDatabase(publicationDbName, conn)

    publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing = True
    publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing = True

Catch ex As Exception
    ' Implement appropriate error handling here.
    Throw New ApplicationException("An error occured when installing distribution and publishing.", ex)


End Try

This example shows how a DistributionPublisher object is used to disable publishing at the Distributor.

         // Set the Distributor and publication database names.
            // Publisher and Distributor are on the same server instance.
            string publisherName = publisherInstance;
            string distributorName = publisherInstance;
            string distributionDbName = "distribution";
            string publicationDbName = "AdventureWorks2012";

            // Create connections to the Publisher and Distributor
            // using Windows Authentication.
            ServerConnection publisherConn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);
            ServerConnection distributorConn = new ServerConnection(distributorName);

            // Create the objects we need.
            ReplicationServer distributor =
                new ReplicationServer(distributorConn);
            DistributionPublisher publisher;
            DistributionDatabase distributionDb =
                new DistributionDatabase(distributionDbName, distributorConn);
            ReplicationDatabase publicationDb;
            publicationDb = new ReplicationDatabase(publicationDbName, publisherConn);

                // Connect to the Publisher and Distributor.

                // Disable all publishing on the AdventureWorks2012 database.
                if (publicationDb.LoadProperties())
                    if (publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing)
                        publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing = false;
                    else if (publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing)
                        publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing = false;
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                        String.Format("The {0} database does not exist.", publicationDbName));

                // We cannot uninstall the Publisher if there are still Subscribers.
                if (distributor.RegisteredSubscribers.Count == 0)
                    // Uninstall the Publisher, if it exists.
                    publisher = new DistributionPublisher(publisherName, distributorConn);
                    if (publisher.LoadProperties())
                        // Do something here if the Publisher does not exist.
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                            "{0} is not a Publisher for {1}.", publisherName, distributorName));

                    // Drop the distribution database.
                    if (distributionDb.LoadProperties())
                        // Do something here if the distribition DB does not exist.
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                            "The distribution database '{0}' does not exist on {1}.",
                            distributionDbName, distributorName));

                    // Uninstall the Distributor, if it exists.
                    if (distributor.LoadProperties())
                        // Passing a value of false means that the Publisher 
                        // and distribution databases must already be uninstalled,
                        // and that no local databases be enabled for publishing.
                        //Do something here if the distributor does not exist.
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                            "The Distributor '{0}' does not exist.", distributorName));
                    throw new ApplicationException("You must first delete all subscriptions.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Implement appropriate error handling here.
                throw new ApplicationException("The Publisher and Distributor could not be uninstalled", ex);
' Set the Distributor and publication database names.
' Publisher and Distributor are on the same server instance.
Dim publisherName As String = publisherInstance
Dim distributorName As String = subscriberInstance
Dim distributionDbName As String = "distribution"
Dim publicationDbName As String = "AdventureWorks2012"

' Create connections to the Publisher and Distributor
' using Windows Authentication.
Dim publisherConn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(publisherName)
Dim distributorConn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(distributorName)

' Create the objects we need.
Dim distributor As ReplicationServer
distributor = New ReplicationServer(distributorConn)
Dim publisher As DistributionPublisher
Dim distributionDb As DistributionDatabase
distributionDb = New DistributionDatabase(distributionDbName, distributorConn)
Dim publicationDb As ReplicationDatabase
publicationDb = New ReplicationDatabase(publicationDbName, publisherConn)

    ' Connect to the Publisher and Distributor.

    ' Disable all publishing on the AdventureWorks2012 database.
    If publicationDb.LoadProperties() Then
        If publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing Then
            publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing = False
        ElseIf publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing Then
            publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing = False
        End If
        Throw New ApplicationException( _
            String.Format("The {0} database does not exist.", publicationDbName))
    End If

    ' We cannot uninstall the Publisher if there are still Subscribers.
    If distributor.RegisteredSubscribers.Count = 0 Then
        ' Uninstall the Publisher, if it exists.
        publisher = New DistributionPublisher(publisherName, distributorConn)
        If publisher.LoadProperties() Then
            ' Do something here if the Publisher does not exist.
            Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                "{0} is not a Publisher for {1}.", publisherName, distributorName))
        End If

        ' Drop the distribution database.
        If distributionDb.LoadProperties() Then
            ' Do something here if the distribition DB does not exist.
            Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
             "The distribution database '{0}' does not exist on {1}.", _
             distributionDbName, distributorName))
        End If

        ' Uninstall the Distributor, if it exists.
        If distributor.LoadProperties() Then
            ' Passing a value of false means that the Publisher 
            ' and distribution databases must already be uninstalled,
            ' and that no local databases be enabled for publishing.
            'Do something here if the distributor does not exist.
            Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                "The Distributor '{0}' does not exist.", distributorName))
        End If
        Throw New ApplicationException("You must first delete all subscriptions.")
    End If

Catch ex As Exception
    ' Implement appropriate error handling here.
    Throw New ApplicationException("The Publisher and Distributor could not be uninstalled", ex)


End Try

스레드 보안

이 유형의 모든 공용 static(Visual Basic에서는 Shared) 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전합니다. 인스턴스 멤버는 스레드로부터의 안전성이 보장되지 않습니다.

참고 항목


Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication 네임스페이스

관련 자료

방법: 게시 및 배포 구성(RMO 프로그래밍)