SubscriberSubscription 속성

보호된 멤버 포함
상속된 멤버 포함

SubscriberSubscription 유형에서 다음 멤버를 표시합니다.


  이름 설명
공용 속성 LastAgentStatus Gets or sets status information from last run of the synchronization agent.
공용 속성 LastAgentSummary Gets or sets the last agent summary message during synchronization.
공용 속성 LastAgentSyncDateTime Gets or sets the date and time of the last run of the synchronization agent.
공용 속성 PublicationDBName Gets or sets the name of the publication database.
공용 속성 PublicationName Gets or sets the name of the publication to which the subscription is subscribed.
공용 속성 PublisherName Gets or sets the name of the Publisher.
공용 속성 SubscriptionDBName Gets or sets the name of the subscription database.
공용 속성 SubscriptionType Gets or sets the subscription type.
공용 속성 Type Gets or sets the type of publication to which the subscription is subscribed.
공용 속성 UpdateMode Gets or sets the update mode for an updating subscription to a transactional publication.
공용 속성 UserData Gets or sets an object property that allows users to attach their own data to this object.

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SubscriberSubscription 클래스

Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication 네임스페이스