JobSchedule.FrequencySubDayTypes 속성

Gets or sets the unit of time used to specify the interval between scheduled jobs that run during the day.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent
어셈블리:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo(Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


<SfcPropertyAttribute(SfcPropertyFlags.Standalone)> _
Public Property FrequencySubDayTypes As FrequencySubDayTypes 
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As JobSchedule 
Dim value As FrequencySubDayTypes 

value = instance.FrequencySubDayTypes

instance.FrequencySubDayTypes = value
public FrequencySubDayTypes FrequencySubDayTypes { get; set; }
property FrequencySubDayTypes FrequencySubDayTypes {
    FrequencySubDayTypes get ();
    void set (FrequencySubDayTypes value);
member FrequencySubDayTypes : FrequencySubDayTypes with get, set
function get FrequencySubDayTypes () : FrequencySubDayTypes 
function set FrequencySubDayTypes (value : FrequencySubDayTypes)

속성 값

유형: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.FrequencySubDayTypes
A FrequencySubDayTypes object value that specifies the unit of time used to specify the interval between scheduled jobs that run during the day.


The FrequencySubDayInterval has meaning only when the FrequencyTypes property of the JobSchedule object is set to FrequencyType.Daily and the FrequencySubDayTypes property is set to FrequencySubDayType.Hour or FrequencySubDayType.Minute.

For example, to schedule an activity for daily occurrence, every 15 minutes, set FrequencyTypes to FrequencyType.Daily, set FrequencySubDayTypes to FrequencySubDayType.Minute, and set FrequencySubDayInterval to 15.

SQL Server 에이전트에서 자동 관리 태스크 예약

참고 항목


JobSchedule 클래스

Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent 네임스페이스

관련 자료

관리 태스크 자동화(SQL Server 에이전트)
