Operator 속성

보호된 멤버 포함
상속된 멤버 포함

Operator 유형에서 다음 멤버를 표시합니다.


  이름 설명
공용 속성 CategoryName Gets or sets the name of the category to which the operator belongs.
공용 속성 EmailAddress Gets or sets the e-mail address of the referenced operator.
공용 속성 Enabled Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the operator is enabled or not.
공용 속성 ID Gets the ID value that uniquely identifies the operator.
공용 속성 LastEmailDate Gets the date and time when the operator last received an alert notification by e-mail.
공용 속성 LastNetSendDate Gets the date and time when the operator last received an alert notification by net-send.
공용 속성 LastPagerDate Gets the date and time when the operator last received an alert notification by pager.
공용 속성 Name Gets or sets the name of the object. (NamedSmoObject에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 NetSendAddress Gets or sets an operator's net-send address.
공용 속성 PagerAddress Gets or sets an operator's pager address.
공용 속성 PagerDays Gets or sets the days of the week on which SQL Server Agent attempts to notify the referenced operator by pager.
공용 속성 Parent Gets or sets the JobServer object that is the parent of the Operator object.
공용 속성 Properties Gets a collection of Property objects that represent the object properties. (SqlSmoObject에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 SaturdayPagerEndTime Gets or sets the latest time of day at which the referenced operator is available to receive alert notification by pager on Saturdays.
공용 속성 SaturdayPagerStartTime Gets or sets the earliest time of day at which the referenced operator is available to receive alert notification by pager on Saturdays.
공용 속성 State Gets the state of the referenced object. (SmoObjectBase에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 SundayPagerEndTime Gets or sets the latest time of day at which the referenced operator is available to receive alert notification by pager on Sundays.
공용 속성 SundayPagerStartTime Gets or sets the earliest time of day at which the referenced operator is available to receive alert notification by pager on Sundays.
공용 속성 Urn Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address value that uniquely identifies the object. (SqlSmoObject에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 UserData Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object. (SmoObjectBase에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 WeekdayPagerEndTime Gets or sets the latest time of day at which the referenced operator is available to receive alert notification by pager on weekdays.
공용 속성 WeekdayPagerStartTime Gets or sets the earliest time of day at which the referenced operator is available to receive alert notification by pager on weekdays.

맨 위로 이동

참고 항목


Operator 클래스

Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent 네임스페이스