IVsHierarchyDeleteHandler2.ShowSpecificDeleteRemoveMessage Method

Shows a specific delete or remove message.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0.dll)


Function ShowSpecificDeleteRemoveMessage ( _
    dwDelItemOps As UInteger, _
    cDelItems As UInteger, _
    rgDelItems As UInteger(), _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef pfShowStandardMessage As Integer, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef pdwDelItemOp As UInteger _
) As Integer
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As IVsHierarchyDeleteHandler2
Dim dwDelItemOps As UInteger
Dim cDelItems As UInteger
Dim rgDelItems As UInteger()
Dim pfShowStandardMessage As Integer
Dim pdwDelItemOp As UInteger
Dim returnValue As Integer

returnValue = instance.ShowSpecificDeleteRemoveMessage(dwDelItemOps, _
    cDelItems, rgDelItems, pfShowStandardMessage, _
int ShowSpecificDeleteRemoveMessage(
    uint dwDelItemOps,
    uint cDelItems,
    uint[] rgDelItems,
    out int pfShowStandardMessage,
    out uint pdwDelItemOp
int ShowSpecificDeleteRemoveMessage(
    [InAttribute] unsigned int dwDelItemOps, 
    [InAttribute] unsigned int cDelItems, 
    [InAttribute] array<unsigned int>^ rgDelItems, 
    [OutAttribute] int% pfShowStandardMessage, 
    [OutAttribute] unsigned int% pdwDelItemOp
abstract ShowSpecificDeleteRemoveMessage : 
        dwDelItemOps:uint32 * 
        cDelItems:uint32 * 
        rgDelItems:uint32[] * 
        pfShowStandardMessage:int byref * 
        pdwDelItemOp:uint32 byref -> int 
function ShowSpecificDeleteRemoveMessage(
    dwDelItemOps : uint, 
    cDelItems : uint, 
    rgDelItems : uint[], 
    pfShowStandardMessage : int, 
    pdwDelItemOp : uint
) : int


  • cDelItems
    Type: System.UInt32
    [in]The number of items in rgDelItems
  • rgDelItems
    Type: array<System.UInt32[]
    [in] Array of VSITEMID values indicating items to delete from the project.
  • pfShowStandardMessage
    Type: System.Int32%
    [out] Set to true if the shell is to ignore pdwDelItemOp and shows the standard message.

Return Value

Type: System.Int32
If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.


COM Signature

From vsshell80.idl:

HRESULT IVsHierarchyDeleteHandler2::ShowSpecificDeleteRemoveMessage(
   [in] DWORD dwDelItemOps, 
   [in] ULONG cDelItems, 
   [in, size_is(cDelItems)] VSITEMID rgDelItems[], 
   [out] BOOL *pfShowStandardMessage, 

Notes for Callers

If the project returns true in pfShowStandardMessage, any value in pdwDelItemOp is ignored.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


IVsHierarchyDeleteHandler2 Interface

IVsHierarchyDeleteHandler2 Members

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Namespace