Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars Namespace


  Class Description
Public class _CommandBarButtonEvents_SinkHelper Helper for command bar button event listeners.
Public class _CommandBarComboBoxEvents_SinkHelper Helper for listeners to the command bar combo box Change event.
Public class _CommandBarsEvents_SinkHelper Helper for listeners to events on CommandBars objects.
Public class CommandBarButtonClass Represents a command bar button.
Public class CommandBarComboBoxClass Represents a command bar combo box.
Public class CommandBarsClass Represents the set of CommandBar objects.


  Interface Description
Public interface _CommandBarActiveX This interface is not supported in Visual Studio 2010.
Public interface _CommandBarButton Represents a command bar button.
Public interface _CommandBarButtonEvents Represents command bar button events.
Public interface _CommandBarButtonEvents_Event Represents command bar button events.
Public interface _CommandBarComboBox Represents a command bar combo box.
Public interface _CommandBarComboBoxEvents Represents command bar combo box events.
Public interface _CommandBarComboBoxEvents_Event Represents the command bar combo box Changed event.
Public interface _CommandBars Represents the set of CommandBar objects.
Public interface _CommandBarsEvents Represents events for command bars.
Public interface _CommandBarsEvents_Event Represents events on the CommandBars object.
Public interface _IVsMsoDispObj The dispatch interface for command bar interfaces.
Public interface _IVsMsoOleAccDispObj The dispatch interface that also implements IAccessible.
Public interface CommandBar Represents a command bar.
Public interface CommandBarButton Represents the command bar button.
Public interface CommandBarComboBox Represents a command bar combo box.
Public interface CommandBarControl Represents a control (button, combo box, dropdown, or other element) on a command bar.
Public interface CommandBarControls A set of command bar controls.
Public interface CommandBarPopup Represents a command bar popup.
Public interface CommandBars Represents the set of command bars.
Public interface IAccessible The IAccessible interface for this namespace. It is essentially the same as the IAccessible interface.
Public interface ICommandBarButtonEvents Represents events on CommandBarButton objects.
Public interface ICommandBarComboBoxEvents Represents events on CommandBarComboBox objects.
Public interface ICommandBarsEvents Represents events on CommandBars objects.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate _CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler The event handler for the command bar button's click event.
Public delegate _CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler The event handler for the command bar combo box Change event.
Public delegate _CommandBarsEvents_OnUpdateEventHandler The event handler for the Update event on a CommandBars object.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration MsoBarPosition Represents the position of the command bar.
Public enumeration MsoBarProtection Represents the ways in which a command bar can be protected from user customization.
Public enumeration MsoBarRow Represents the possible docking orders of a command bar.
Public enumeration MsoBarType Represents the type of the command bar.
Public enumeration MsoButtonState Represents the different states of a command bar button.
Public enumeration MsoButtonStyle Represents the different button styles.
Public enumeration MsoButtonStyleHidden Not supported by Visual Studio.
Public enumeration MsoComboStyle Represents the different combo box styles.
Public enumeration MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType Not supported by Visual Studio.
Public enumeration MsoControlOLEUsage Not supported by Visual Studio.
Public enumeration MsoControlType Represents the different types of controls.
Public enumeration MsoMenuAnimation Represents the type of animation.
Public enumeration MsoOLEMenuGroup Not supported by Visual Studio.