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Azure Mobile Apps SDK for Unity 2017


This is a Sandbox project. The content in this article is unsupported, and therefore may be out of date or not in a working state. That said, we still think it was awesome enough to include here. Enjoy!


This is an experimental Unity SDK for Azure Mobile Apps. As such, please note that this SDK is not supported and is not provided by the Azure Mobile Apps team. If you run into problems, please let us know using the GitHub Issues page for this fork.

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Azure Mobile Apps for Gaming

Azure Mobile Apps contains a variety of features for building cross-platform mobile titles. This SDK currently supports working with Easy Tables. Easy Tables are a great way to read, write, and query data in a simple table format. While more features exist in the service, they are not yet supported by this SDK, but will be evaluated for future releases.



This has been tested with the following Unity exporters. Others may work -- we haven't tested every platform, so please let us know if you've had success!

  • Windows standalone
  • UWP (.NET)
  • iOS
  • Android (Mono)
  • Unity editor

Known Issues and Limitations

There are a few known issues and workarounds.

Unity and SSL support

Due to a Unity limitation, HTTPS requests using the standard .NET networking stack (i.e. not using UnityWebRequest) will fail. To workaround this, you will need to use the http version of the Mobile Apps endpoint instead of https. This means your data will not be encrypted to and from the server. Here's an example:


Other Platforms

We have not had success in compiling or running games using the following platforms:

  • Android (IL2CPP)
  • UWP (IL2CPP)
  • WebGL

We will continue working on these and update as we find fixes.

Import the SDK

To import the SDK into your own project, make sure you have downloaded the latest .unitypackage from GitHub. Then, do the following:

  1. Open Unity and select Edit > Project Settings > Player to open the PlayerSettings panel.

  2. Select Experimental (.NET 4.6 Equivalent) from the Scripting Runtime Version dropdown in the Configuration section.

    Scripting Configuration dialog

  3. Add the .unitypackage you downloaded in the first step to Unity by using the Assets > Import Package > Custom Package menu option.

  4. In the Import Unity Package box that pops up, you can select which things you'd like to import. By default everything will be selected. If you don't care to use the sample, you can uncheck that box.

  5. Click the Import button to add the items to your project.

With the package added, you can now use the normal API in your scripts as you would in any other application. Please take a look at the corresponding sample (also included in each .unitypackage) which demonstrates how to use each of the services to perform simple tasks.

Please refer to the Azure Mobile Apps Docs for even more samples and tutorials on using the API.

Try the Sample

To use the sample, you will need to have an Azure Mobile Apps account setup along with a valid connection string. You can learn more about that here.

To use the sample, do the following:

  1. Download the Unity SDKs repo from GitHub (or import it from the .unitypackage and continue to step 4).

  2. Unzip to a location on your hard drive.

  3. Open Unity 2017.1 (or greater) and point it to the MobileApps directory inside the unzipped package.

  4. In the Project window, double-click the AzureMobileApps scene inside the Assets\AzureSamples\MobileApps directory to open the main scene for the sample.

  5. In this scene, select the MobileAppsObject item in the Hierarchy window.

  6. With MobileAppsObject selected, you'll notice that there is a blank entry named Mobile App Uri in the Inspector window. Fill in this entry with the valid URI as shown on the Azure portal, but remember to change the endpoint to use http as described above. The URI will be http://<yourAppName>.azurewebsites.net/.

    Azure Mobile Apps Keys in Azure Porta

  7. Run the project from within the editor by clicking the Play button. Alternatively, you can export to the platform of your choosing and run there.

  8. At this point, you can click the button for any of the four Mobile Apps types and watch the output window. If things are setup and working, you will see the sample test a standard workflow.

The code for the sample is broken out into four separate scripts, one for each Mobile Apps type. Take a look at each to learn more about how it works.

Next Steps