
Hello World: API Management

Overview of API Management [04:05]
Why should you care about API management platforms? In this segment, we will discuss the benefits of API management solutions and introduce the basics of Azure API Management.


  • Mike Budzynski, @mbudzynski, linkedin.com/in/mikebudzynski


Importing an API and adding policies [16:12]
Why every API developer needs to use API management platforms? In this segment, we will discuss and demonstrate the benefits of Azure API Management for authoring APIs.


  • John Scott, Twitter: @johnnybiztalk , LinkedIn: @johnbiztalk

Publishing your APIs [28:29]
How can you easily publish your APIs to API consumers, offer self-serve onboarding experiences, and create new digital products and revenue streams? In this segment, we will discuss and demonstrate how to publish APIs to internal audiences, partners, or external application developers with the built-in developer portal in Azure API Management.


  • Steve Leonard, Twitter: @Steve_Leonard, LinkedIn: @s-leonard
  • Matthew Fortunka, Twitter: @memleek, LinkedIn: @MatthewFortunka


Diego's Wall - Peloton Effect [40:35]


Observability (API reports, App Insights / Azure Monitor) [45:42]
Why is it important to observe your APIs and who might be interested in the data? In this segment, we will present categorization of data insights and demonstrate how to monitor and analyze APIs with Azure API Management.
  • Mike Budzynski, @mbudzynski, linkedin.com/in/mikebudzynski
