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Inhoud beheren met aangepaste afbeeldingslijsten in C#

In dit artikel vindt u informatie en codevoorbeelden om aan de slag te gaan met de Content Moderator SDK voor .NET en het volgende te doen:

  • Een aangepaste afbeeldingslijst maken
  • Afbeeldingen toevoegen aan en verwijderen van de lijst
  • De id's van alle afbeeldingen in de lijst ophalen
  • De metagegevens van de lijst ophalen en bijwerken
  • De zoekindex van de lijst vernieuwen
  • Onderzoeken of afbeeldingen overeenkomen met afbeeldingen van de lijst
  • Alle afbeeldingen uit de lijst verwijderen
  • De aangepaste lijst verwijderen


Er is een maximumlimiet van 5 afbeeldingslijsten waarbij elke lijst niet meer dan 10.000 afbeeldingen mag bevatten.

De consoletoepassing voor deze handleiding simuleert enkele taken die u kunt uitvoeren met de API voor de lijst met installatiekopieën.

Als u nog geen abonnement op Azure hebt, maak dan een gratis account aan voordat u begint.

Registreren voor de Content Moderator-services

Om de Content Moderator-services via de REST-API of de SDK te kunnen gebruiken, hebt u een API-abonnementssleutel nodig. Abonneer u op de Content Moderator-service in de Azure-portal om ermee te kunnen werken.

Het Visual Studio-project maken

  1. Voeg een nieuw project van het type Console-app (.NET Framework) toe aan uw oplossing.

    Geef het project de naam ImageLists in de voorbeeldcode.

  2. Selecteer dit project als het enige opstartproject voor de oplossing.

De vereiste pakketten installeren

Installeer de volgende NuGet-pakketten:

  • Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.ContentModerator
  • Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime
  • Newtonsoft.Json

De using-instructies van het programma bijwerken

Voeg de volgende using-instructies toe

using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.ContentModerator;
using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.ContentModerator.Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;

De Content Moderator-client maken

Voeg de volgende code toe om een Content Moderator-client voor uw abonnement te maken. Werk de AzureEndpoint velden en CMSubscriptionKey bij met de waarden van uw eindpunt-URL en abonnementssleutel. U vindt deze op het tabblad Snel starten van uw resource in de Azure Portal.

/// <summary>
/// Wraps the creation and configuration of a Content Moderator client.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This class library contains insecure code. If you adapt this 
/// code for use in production, use a secure method of storing and using
/// your Content Moderator subscription key.</remarks>
public static class Clients
	/// <summary>
	/// The base URL for Content Moderator calls.
	/// </summary>
	private static readonly string AzureEndpoint = "YOUR ENDPOINT URL";

	/// <summary>
	/// Your Content Moderator subscription key.
	/// </summary>
	private static readonly string CMSubscriptionKey = "YOUR API KEY";

	/// <summary>
	/// Returns a new Content Moderator client for your subscription.
	/// </summary>
	/// <returns>The new client.</returns>
	/// <remarks>The <see cref="ContentModeratorClient"/> is disposable.
	/// When you have finished using the client,
	/// you should dispose of it either directly or indirectly. </remarks>
	public static ContentModeratorClient NewClient()
		// Create and initialize an instance of the Content Moderator API wrapper.
		ContentModeratorClient client = new ContentModeratorClient(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(CMSubscriptionKey));

		client.Endpoint = AzureEndpoint;
		return client;


Vergeet niet de sleutel uit uw code te verwijderen wanneer u klaar bent, en plaats deze sleutel nooit in het openbaar. Gebruik voor productie een veilige manier om uw referenties op te slaan en te openen, zoals Azure Key Vault. Zie het artikel Beveiliging van Azure AI-services voor meer informatie.

Toepassingsspecifieke instellingen initialiseren

Voeg de volgende klassen en statische velden toe aan de klasse Program in Program.cs.

/// <summary>
/// The minimum amount of time, im milliseconds, to wait between calls
/// to the Image List API.
/// </summary>
private const int throttleRate = 3000;

/// <summary>
/// The number of minutes to delay after updating the search index before
/// performing image match operations against the list.
/// </summary>
private const double latencyDelay = 0.5;

/// <summary>
/// Define constants for the labels to apply to the image list.
/// </summary>
private class Labels
	public const string Sports = "Sports";
	public const string Swimsuit = "Swimsuit";

/// <summary>
/// Define input data for images for this sample.
/// </summary>
private class Images
	/// <summary>
	/// Represents a group of images that all share the same label.
	/// </summary>
	public class Data
		/// <summary>
		/// The label for the images.
		/// </summary>
		public string Label;

		/// <summary>
		/// The URLs of the images.
		/// </summary>
		public string[] Urls;

	/// <summary>
	/// The initial set of images to add to the list with the sports label.
	/// </summary>
	public static readonly Data Sports = new Data()
		Label = Labels.Sports,
		Urls = new string[] {

	/// <summary>
	/// The initial set of images to add to the list with the swimsuit label.
	/// </summary>
	/// <remarks>We're adding sample16.png (image of a puppy), to simulate
	/// an improperly added image that we will later remove from the list.
	/// Note: each image can have only one entry in a list, so sample4.png
	/// will throw an exception when we try to add it with a new label.</remarks>
	public static readonly Data Swimsuit = new Data()
		Label = Labels.Swimsuit,
		Urls = new string[] {

	/// <summary>
	/// The set of images to subsequently remove from the list.
	/// </summary>
	public static readonly string[] Corrections = new string[] {

/// <summary>
/// The images to match against the image list.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Samples 1 and 4 should scan as matches; samples 5 and 16 should not.</remarks>
private static readonly string[] ImagesToScreen = new string[] {

/// <summary>
/// A dictionary that tracks the ID assigned to each image URL when 
/// the image is added to the list.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Indexed by URL.</remarks>
private static readonly Dictionary<string, int> ImageIdMap =
	new Dictionary<string, int>();

/// <summary>
/// The name of the file to contain the output from the list management operations.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Relative paths are relative to the execution directory.</remarks>
private static string OutputFile = "ListOutput.log";

/// <summary>
/// A static reference to the text writer to use for logging.
/// </summary>
private static TextWriter writer;

/// <summary>
/// A copy of the list details.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Used to initially create the list, and later to update the
/// list details.</remarks>
private static Body listDetails;


De sleutel van uw Content Moderator-service heeft een limiet voor het aantal aanvragen per seconde (RPS). Als u die limiet overschrijdt, genereert de SDK een uitzondering met foutcode 429. Een sleutel voor de gratis laag heeft een limiet van één RPS.

Een methode definiëren voor het schrijven van berichten naar het logboekbestand

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program.

/// <summary>
/// Writes a message to the log file, and optionally to the console.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">The message.</param>
/// <param name="echo">if set to <c>true</c>, write the message to the console.</param>
private static void WriteLine(string message = null, bool echo = false)
	writer.WriteLine(message ?? String.Empty);

	if (echo)
		Console.WriteLine(message ?? String.Empty);

Een methode maken voor het maken van de aangepaste lijst

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program.

/// <summary>
/// Creates the custom list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Content Moderator client.</param>
/// <returns>The response object from the operation.</returns>
private static ImageList CreateCustomList(ContentModeratorClient client)
	// Create the request body.
	listDetails = new Body("MyList", "A sample list",
		new BodyMetadata("Acceptable", "Potentially racy"));

	WriteLine($"Creating list {listDetails.Name}.", true);

	var result = client.ListManagementImageLists.Create(
		"application/json", listDetails);

	WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));

	return result;

Een methode maken om een verzameling afbeeldingen toe te voegen aan de lijst

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program. Deze handleiding laat niet zien hoe u tags toepast op afbeeldingen in de lijst.

/// <summary>
/// Adds images to an image list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Content Moderator client.</param>
/// <param name="listId">The list identifier.</param>
/// <param name="imagesToAdd">The images to add.</param>
/// <param name="label">The label to apply to each image.</param>
/// <remarks>Images are assigned content IDs when they are added to the list.
/// Track the content ID assigned to each image.</remarks>
private static void AddImages(
ContentModeratorClient client, int listId,
IEnumerable<string> imagesToAdd, string label)
	foreach (var imageUrl in imagesToAdd)
		WriteLine($"Adding {imageUrl} to list {listId} with label {label}.", true);
			var result = client.ListManagementImage.AddImageUrlInput(
				listId.ToString(), "application/json", new BodyModel("URL", imageUrl), null, label);

			ImageIdMap.Add(imageUrl, Int32.Parse(result.ContentId));

			WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));
		catch (Exception ex)
			WriteLine($"Unable to add image to list. Caught {ex.GetType().FullName}: {ex.Message}", true);

Een methode maken om afbeeldingen uit de lijst te verwijderen

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program.

/// <summary>
/// Removes images from an image list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Content Moderator client.</param>
/// <param name="listId">The list identifier.</param>
/// <param name="imagesToRemove">The images to remove.</param>
/// <remarks>Images are assigned content IDs when they are added to the list.
/// Use the content ID to remove the image.</remarks>
private static void RemoveImages(
	ContentModeratorClient client, int listId,
	IEnumerable<string> imagesToRemove)
	foreach (var imageUrl in imagesToRemove)
		if (!ImageIdMap.ContainsKey(imageUrl)) continue;
		int imageId = ImageIdMap[imageUrl];

		WriteLine($"Removing entry for {imageUrl} (ID = {imageId}) from list {listId}.", true);

		var result = client.ListManagementImage.DeleteImage(
			listId.ToString(), imageId.ToString());


		WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));

Een methode maken om alle inhoud-id's van afbeeldingen uit de lijst op te halen

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program.

/// <summary>
/// Gets all image IDs in an image list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Content Moderator client.</param>
/// <param name="listId">The list identifier.</param>
/// <returns>The response object from the operation.</returns>
private static ImageIds GetAllImageIds(
	ContentModeratorClient client, int listId)
	WriteLine($"Getting all image IDs for list {listId}.", true);

	var result = client.ListManagementImage.GetAllImageIds(listId.ToString());

	WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));

	return result;

Een methode maken om de lijstdetails bij te werken

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program.

/// <summary>
/// Updates the details of an image list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Content Moderator client.</param>
/// <param name="listId">The list identifier.</param>
/// <returns>The response object from the operation.</returns>
private static ImageList UpdateListDetails(
	ContentModeratorClient client, int listId)
	WriteLine($"Updating details for list {listId}.", true);

	listDetails.Name = "Swimsuits and sports";

	var result = client.ListManagementImageLists.Update(
		listId.ToString(), "application/json", listDetails);

	WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));

	return result;

Een methode maken om de lijstdetails op te halen

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program.

/// <summary>
/// Gets the details for an image list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Content Moderator client.</param>
/// <param name="listId">The list identifier.</param>
/// <returns>The response object from the operation.</returns>
private static ImageList GetListDetails(
	ContentModeratorClient client, int listId)
	WriteLine($"Getting details for list {listId}.", true);

	var result = client.ListManagementImageLists.GetDetails(listId.ToString());

	WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));

	return result;

Een methode maken om de zoekindex van de lijst te vernieuwen

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program. Telkens wanneer u een lijst bijwerkt, moet u de zoekindex vernieuwen voordat u de lijst gebruikt om afbeeldingen te screenen.

/// <summary>
/// Refreshes the search index for an image list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Content Moderator client.</param>
/// <param name="listId">The list identifier.</param>
/// <returns>The response object from the operation.</returns>
private static RefreshIndex RefreshSearchIndex(
	ContentModeratorClient client, int listId)
	WriteLine($"Refreshing the search index for list {listId}.", true);

	var result = client.ListManagementImageLists.RefreshIndexMethod(listId.ToString());

	WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));

	return result;

Een methode maken om afbeeldingen te koppelen aan items uit de lijst

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program.

/// <summary>
/// Matches images against an image list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Content Moderator client.</param>
/// <param name="listId">The list identifier.</param>
/// <param name="imagesToMatch">The images to screen.</param>
private static void MatchImages(
	ContentModeratorClient client, int listId,
	IEnumerable<string> imagesToMatch)
	foreach (var imageUrl in imagesToMatch)
		WriteLine($"Matching image {imageUrl} against list {listId}.", true);

		var result = client.ImageModeration.MatchUrlInput(
				"application/json", new BodyModel("URL", imageUrl), listId.ToString());

		WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));

Een methode maken om alle afbeeldingen uit de lijst te verwijderen

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program.

/// <summary>
/// Deletes all images from an image list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Content Modertor client.</param>
/// <param name="listId">The list identifier.</param>
private static void DeleteAllImages(
	ContentModeratorClient client, int listId)
	WriteLine($"Deleting all images from list {listId}.", true);

	var result = client.ListManagementImage.DeleteAllImages(listId.ToString());

	WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));

Een methode maken om de lijst te verwijderen

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program.

/// <summary>
/// Deletes an image list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Content Moderator client.</param>
/// <param name="listId">The list identifier.</param>
private static void DeleteCustomList(
	ContentModeratorClient client, int listId)
	WriteLine($"Deleting list {listId}.", true);

	var result = client.ListManagementImageLists.Delete(listId.ToString());

	WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));

Een methode maken om de id's van alle afbeeldingslijsten op te halen

Voeg de volgende methode toe aan de klasse Program.

/// <summary>
/// Gets all list identifiers for the client.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Content Moderator client.</param>
/// <returns>The response object from the operation.</returns>
private static IList<ImageList> GetAllListIds(ContentModeratorClient client)
	WriteLine($"Getting all image list IDs.", true);

	var result = client.ListManagementImageLists.GetAllImageLists();

	WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));

	return result;

Code toevoegen om het gebruik van een lijst afbeeldingen te simuleren

Voeg de volgende code aan de methode Main. Deze code simuleert veel van de bewerkingen die u zou uitvoeren bij het definiëren en beheren van de lijst en bij het gebruik van de lijst voor schermafbeeldingen. Met de functies voor logboekregistratie kunt u de antwoordobjecten zien die worden gegenereerd door de SDK-aanroepen naar de Content Moderator-service.

// Create the text writer to use for logging, and cache a static reference to it.
using (StreamWriter outputWriter = new StreamWriter(OutputFile))
	writer = outputWriter;

	// Create a Content Moderator client.
	using (var client = Clients.NewClient())
		// Create a custom image list and record the ID assigned to it.
		var creationResult = CreateCustomList(client);
		if (creationResult.Id.HasValue)
			// Cache the ID of the new image list.
			int listId = creationResult.Id.Value;

			// Perform various operations using the image list.
			AddImages(client, listId, Images.Sports.Urls, Images.Sports.Label);
			AddImages(client, listId, Images.Swimsuit.Urls, Images.Swimsuit.Label);
			GetAllImageIds(client, listId);
			UpdateListDetails(client, listId);
			GetListDetails(client, listId);

			// Be sure to refresh search index
			RefreshSearchIndex(client, listId);

			// WriteLine();
			WriteLine($"Waiting {latencyDelay} minutes to allow the server time to propagate the index changes.", true);
			Thread.Sleep((int)(latencyDelay * 60 * 1000));

			// Match images against the image list.
			MatchImages(client, listId, ImagesToMatch);

			// Remove images
			RemoveImages(client, listId, Images.Corrections);

			// Be sure to refresh search index
			RefreshSearchIndex(client, listId);

			WriteLine($"Waiting {latencyDelay} minutes to allow the server time to propagate the index changes.", true);
			Thread.Sleep((int)(latencyDelay * 60 * 1000));

			// Match images again against the image list. The removed image should not get matched.
			MatchImages(client, listId, ImagesToMatch);

			// Delete all images from the list.
			DeleteAllImages(client, listId);

			// Delete the image list.
			DeleteCustomList(client, listId);

			// Verify that the list was deleted.

		writer = null;

Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");

Het programma uitvoeren en de uitvoer controleren

De lijst-id en de id's van de afbeeldingsinhoud zijn elke keer dat u de toepassing uitvoert anders. Het logboekbestand dat door het programma wordt geschreven, heeft de volgende uitvoer:

Creating list MyList.
	"Id": 169642,
	"Name": "MyList",
	"Description": "A sample list",
	"Metadata": {
		"Key One": "Acceptable",
		"Key Two": "Potentially racy"

Adding to list 169642 with label Sports.
	"ContentId": "169490",
	"AdditionalInfo": [
		"Key": "Source",
		"Value": "169642"
		"Key": "ImageDownloadTimeInMs",
		"Value": "233"
		"Key": "ImageSizeInBytes",
		"Value": "2945548"
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_b4d3e20a-0751-4760-8829-475e5da33ce8"

Adding to list 169642 with label Sports.
	"ContentId": "169491",
	"AdditionalInfo": [
		"Key": "Source",
		"Value": "169642"
		"Key": "ImageDownloadTimeInMs",
		"Value": "215"
		"Key": "ImageSizeInBytes",
		"Value": "2440050"
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_cc1eb6af-2463-4e5e-9145-2a11dcecbc30"

Adding to list 169642 with label Sports.
	"ContentId": "169492",
	"AdditionalInfo": [
		"Key": "Source",
		"Value": "169642"
		"Key": "ImageDownloadTimeInMs",
		"Value": "98"
		"Key": "ImageSizeInBytes",
		"Value": "1631958"
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_01edc1f2-b448-48cf-b7f6-23b64d5040e9"

Adding to list 169642 with label Swimsuit.
	"ContentId": "169493",
	"AdditionalInfo": [
		"Key": "Source",
		"Value": "169642"
		"Key": "ImageDownloadTimeInMs",
		"Value": "27"
		"Key": "ImageSizeInBytes",
		"Value": "17280"
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_41f7bc6f-8778-4576-ba46-37b43a6c2434"

Adding to list 169642 with label Swimsuit.
	"ContentId": "169494",
	"AdditionalInfo": [
		"Key": "Source",
		"Value": "169642"
		"Key": "ImageDownloadTimeInMs",
		"Value": "129"
		"Key": "ImageSizeInBytes",
		"Value": "1242855"
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_61a48f33-eb55-4fd9-ac97-20eb0f3622a5"

Adding to list 169642 with label Swimsuit.
Unable to add image to list. Caught Microsoft.CognitiveServices.ContentModerator.Models.APIErrorException: Operation returned an invalid status code 'Conflict'

Adding to list 169642 with label Swimsuit.
	"ContentId": "169495",
	"AdditionalInfo": [
		"Key": "Source",
		"Value": "169642"
		"Key": "ImageDownloadTimeInMs",
		"Value": "65"
		"Key": "ImageSizeInBytes",
		"Value": "1088127"
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_1c1f3de4-58b9-4aa8-82fa-1b0f479f6d7c"

Getting all image IDs for list 169642.
	"ContentSource": "169642",
	"ContentIds": [
"Status": {
	"Code": 3000,
	"Description": "OK",
	"Exception": null
"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_0d017deb-38fa-4701-a7b1-5b6608c79da2"

Updating details for list 169642.
	"Id": 169642,
	"Name": "Swimsuits and sports",
	"Description": "A sample list",
	"Metadata": {
		"Key One": "Acceptable",
		"Key Two": "Potentially racy"

Getting details for list 169642.
	"Id": 169642,
	"Name": "Swimsuits and sports",
	"Description": "A sample list",
	"Metadata": {
		"Key One": "Acceptable",
		"Key Two": "Potentially racy"

Refreshing the search index for list 169642.
	"ContentSourceId": "169642",
	"IsUpdateSuccess": true,
	"AdvancedInfo": [],
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "RefreshIndex successfully completed.",
		"Exception": null
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_c72255cd-55a0-415e-9c18-0b9c08a9f25b"
Waiting 0.5 minutes to allow the server time to propagate the index changes.

Matching image against list 169642.
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_ec384878-dbaa-4999-9042-6ac986355967",
	"CacheID": null,
	"IsMatch": true,
	"Matches": [
			"Score": 1.0,
			"MatchId": 169493,
			"Source": "169642",
			"Tags": [],
			"Label": "Swimsuit"
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null

Matching image against list 169642.
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_e9db4b8f-3067-400f-9552-d3e6af2474c0",
	"CacheID": null,
	"IsMatch": true,
	"Matches": [
			"Score": 1.0,
			"MatchId": 169490,
			"Source": "169642",
			"Tags": [],
			"Label": "Sports"
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null

Matching image against list 169642.
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_25991575-05da-4904-89db-abe88270b403",
	"CacheID": null,
	"IsMatch": false,
	"Matches": [],
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null

Matching image against list 169642.
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_c65d1c91-0d8a-4511-8ac6-814e04adc845",
	"CacheID": null,
	"IsMatch": true,
	"Matches": [
			"Score": 1.0,
			"MatchId": 169495,
			"Source": "169642",
			"Tags": [],
			"Label": "Swimsuit"
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null

Removing entry for (ID = 169495) from list 169642.

Refreshing the search index for list 169642.
	"ContentSourceId": "169642",
	"IsUpdateSuccess": true,
	"AdvancedInfo": [],
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "RefreshIndex successfully completed.",
		"Exception": null
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_b55a375e-30a1-4612-aa7b-81edcee5bffb"

Waiting 0.5 minutes to allow the server time to propagate the index changes.

Matching image against list 169642.
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_00544948-2936-489c-98c8-b507b654bff5",
	"CacheID": null,
	"IsMatch": true,
	"Matches": [
			"Score": 1.0,
			"MatchId": 169493,
			"Source": "169642",
			"Tags": [],
			"Label": "Swimsuit"
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null

Matching image against list 169642.
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_c36ec646-53c2-4705-86b2-d72b5c2273c7",
	"CacheID": null,
	"IsMatch": true,
	"Matches": [
			"Score": 1.0,
			"MatchId": 169490,
			"Source": "169642",
			"Tags": [],
			"Label": "Sports"
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null

Matching image against list 169642.
	TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_22edad74-690d-4fbc-b7d0-bf64867c4cb9",
	"CacheID": null,
	"IsMatch": false,
	"Matches": [],
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null

Matching image against list 169642.
	"TrackingId": "WE_f0527c49616243c5ac65e1cc3482d390_ContentModerator.Preview_abd4a178-3238-4601-8e4f-cf9ee66f605a",
	"CacheID": null,
	"IsMatch": false,
	"Matches": [],
	"Status": {
		"Code": 3000,
		"Description": "OK",
		"Exception": null

Deleting all images from list 169642.
"Reset Successful."

Deleting list 169642.

Getting all image list IDs.

Volgende stappen

Download de Content Moderator .NET SDK en de Visual Studio-oplossing voor deze en andere snelstarts over Content Moderator voor .NET en begin met de integratie.