Alle toepassingsproxy-apps ophalen met behulp van jokertekens publiceren

In het PowerShell-voorbeeldscript worden alle Microsoft Entra-toepassingsproxytoepassingen weergegeven met behulp van jokertekenpublicatie.

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Het wordt aanbevolen de Azure Az PowerShell-module te gebruiken om te communiceren met Azure. Zie Azure PowerShell installeren om aan de slag te gaan. Raadpleeg Azure PowerShell migreren van AzureRM naar Az om te leren hoe u naar de Azure PowerShell-module migreert.

Voor het voorbeeld is de Microsoft Graph Beta PowerShell-module 2.10 of hoger vereist.


# This sample script gets all Microsoft Entra application proxy application wildcard published apps.
# Version 1.0
# This script requires PowerShell 5.1 (x64) and one of the following modules:
# Microsoft.Graph ver 2.10 or newer
# Before you begin:
#    Required Microsoft Entra role: Global Administrator or Application Administrator or Application Developer 
#    or appropriate custom permissions as documented

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Applications

Connect-MgGraph -Scope Directory.Read.All -NoWelcome

Write-Host "Reading service principals. This operation might take longer..." -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Green"

$allApps = Get-MgBetaServicePrincipal -Top 100000 | where-object {$_.Tags -Contains "WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryOnPremApp"}

$numberofAadapApps = 0

Write-Host "Displaying wildcard Microsoft Entra application proxy applications..." -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Green"
Write-Host " "

foreach ($item in $allApps) {

 $aadapApp = $null
 $aadapAppId =  Get-MgBetaApplication | where-object {$_.AppId -eq $item.AppId}
 $aadapApp = Get-MgBetaApplication -ApplicationId $aadapAppId.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -select OnPremisesPublishing | select OnPremisesPublishing -expand OnPremisesPublishing 

  if (($aadapApp -ne $null) -and ($aadapApp.ExternalUrl -match "\*.")) {
  Write-Host $item.DisplayName"(AppId: " $item.AppId ", ObjId:" $item.Id")"
  Write-Host "External Url: " $aadapApp.ExternalUrl
  Write-Host "Internal Url: " $aadapApp.InternalUrl

  $numberofAadapApps = $numberofAadapApps + 1      


Write-Host "Number of the Microsoft Entra application proxy applications: " $numberofAadapApps
Write-Host "Finished." -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Green"
Write-Host "To disconnect from Microsoft Graph, please use the Disconnect-MgGraph cmdlet."

Uitleg van het script

Opdracht Opmerkingen
Verbinding maken-MgGraph Verbinding maken s naar Microsoft Graph
Get-MgBetaServicePrincipal Hiermee haalt u een service-principal op
Get-MgBetaApplication Hiermee haalt u een bedrijfstoepassing op

Volgende stappen