ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeering.DefinitionStages.WithAdvertisedPublicPrefixes Interface

public static interface ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeering.DefinitionStages.WithAdvertisedPublicPrefixes

The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering definition allowing to specify advertised address prefixes.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract WithCustomerASN withAdvertisedPublicPrefixes(String publicPrefixes)

Specify advertised prefixes: sets a list of all prefixes that are planned to advertise over the BGP session.

Method Details


public abstract ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeering.DefinitionStages.WithCustomerASN withAdvertisedPublicPrefixes(String publicPrefixes)

Specify advertised prefixes: sets a list of all prefixes that are planned to advertise over the BGP session. Only public IP address prefixes are accepted. A set of prefixes can be sent as a comma-separated list. These prefixes must be registered to you in an RIR / IRR.


publicPrefixes - advertised prefixes


next stage of definition

Applies to