NetworkInterface.DefinitionStages.WithPrimaryPrivateIP Interface

public static interface NetworkInterface.DefinitionStages.WithPrimaryPrivateIP

The stage of the network interface definition allowing to specify private IP address within a virtual network subnet.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract WithCreate withPrimaryPrivateIPAddressDynamic()

Enables dynamic private IP address allocation within the specified existing virtual network subnet for the network interface's primary IP configuration.

abstract WithCreate withPrimaryPrivateIPAddressStatic(String staticPrivateIPAddress)

Assigns the specified static private IP address within the specified existing virtual network subnet to the network interface's primary IP configuration.

Method Details


public abstract NetworkInterface.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withPrimaryPrivateIPAddressDynamic()

Enables dynamic private IP address allocation within the specified existing virtual network subnet for the network interface's primary IP configuration.


the next stage of network interface definition


public abstract NetworkInterface.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withPrimaryPrivateIPAddressStatic(String staticPrivateIPAddress)

Assigns the specified static private IP address within the specified existing virtual network subnet to the network interface's primary IP configuration.


staticPrivateIPAddress - the static IP address within the specified subnet to assign to the network interface


the next stage of network interface definition

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