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Overview of API plugins for Microsoft Copilot (Private Preview)

Develop API plugins to add custom functionality to Microsoft Copilot experiences, by connecting your own application data to Microsoft Copilot. API plugins enable a Copilot experience to interact with your own APIs, enhancing the experience to perform a wider range of actions. For more information on availability, see the Roadmap.

An API plugin consists of an API, an API specification, and a plugin manifest.


These features are in Private Preview.

For Copilot for Microsoft 365, see Extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365.

API plugin capabilities

API plugins can retrieve information or perform tasks on behalf of a user. For example, an API plugin could retrieve the latest news and weather information, or let a user add or remove items in a to-do list.

The large language model that powers Microsoft Copilot is trained on a wide range of data, which means that Microsoft Copilot can already understand and respond to a wide range of topics. However, Microsoft Copilot is unable to retrieve real-time information from third-party services. API plugins can extend the capabilities of Microsoft Copilot by retrieving real-time information, to allow users to interact with the information in a natural way.

Architecture of an API plugin

An API plugin is made up of three parts:

  • An API that runs on your own server, and which performs tasks.

  • An API specification, as a YAML or JSON file, which describes your API by using the OpenAPI schema. For example, openapi.yaml.

  • A plugin manifest, as a JSON file named ai-plugin.json, which is used by Microsoft Copilot to know when and how to use your plugin.

The API, API specification, and plugin manifest are all hosted on your own server:

Your web server, which hosts the API, the API spec, and the manifest


The part of your API plugin that handles user actions is your API. Your API exposes the endpoints that enable users to achieve the tasks they need to achieve with your plugin - for example, a real estate plugin defining a /get-listings endpoint.

You can implement this API any way you want, using your preferred server-side programming language. Make sure to host your API on a server that's accessible to the internet via HTTPS.

API specification

You must document your API, by using a YAML or a JSON file that follows the OpenAPI schema - for example, openapi.yaml. Your API specification is required for Microsoft Copilot to know which endpoints your API exposes, how to send requests to them, and how to read responses.

API plugins don't directly display the result of their API calls to users. The Microsoft Copilot experience in which an API plugin is installed reads the API responses by using the API specification, and then generates a user response based on the data that's returned by the API:

Flow diagram showing when a user asks a question, Microsoft Copilot calls the API, receives a response from it, and then presents the returned data to users

API specification fields

The following are the most important fields that your API specification must contain:

Field Description Type Required Guideline
openapi The version of the OpenAPI schema that your specification is based on. String Yes Use 3.0.1
info Metadata about your API. Object Yes This object must contain the title and description strings. The description string must be less than 200 characters, and describes what the API does.
servers The server where your API is available. Array Yes This list must contain at least one object, with its url field set to the URL where your API is available.
paths The list of request paths that your API can handle. In our example, there's just one request path: /get-listings. Object Yes Each request must have a summary field which describes what the request does. The summary string must be less than 200 characters. Each request must also have an operationId field.

Plugin manifest

The plugin manifest is a JSON file named ai-plugin.json, that contains metadata about your API plugin. This manifest is used by Microsoft Copilot to know when and how to use your API plugin.

Depending on the description of your API plugin and depending on the question a user is asking, Microsoft Copilot can decide to invoke your API plugin to respond to the user.

The manifest file doesn't contain code, but instead, contains a natural-language description of your API plugin. The large language model that powers Microsoft Copilot reads your plugin manifest file and can make decisions about whether your API plugin can be used to assist a user with their question.

Here's an example manifest file for a real estate plugin that's available on


The following manifest file uses version v1 of the API plugin manifest schema, which is no longer recommended.

  "schema_version": "v1",
  "name_for_model": "contosorealestate",
  "description_for_model": "Plugin for finding properties for sale on the market in a particular city, and with a given number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and amenities",
  "name_for_human": "Contoso Real Estate",
  "description_for_human": "Find up to date and detailed real estate properties for sale on the market",
  "api": {
    "type": "openapi",
    "url": "",
    "is_user_authenticated": false
  "auth": {
    "type": "none"
  "logo_url": "",
  "contact_email": "",
  "legal_info_url": "",
  "privacy_policy_url": ""
Plugin manifest fields


The following plugin manifest fields are included in version v1 of the API plugin manifest schema. Version v1 is no longer recommended.

The following fields can be used in a plugin manifest:

Field Description Type Required? Guideline
schema_version Version of the schema this plugin manifest is written for. String Yes Use v1.
name_for_model Name of the plugin, for the model that powers Microsoft Copilot. String Yes Must only contain letters; no spaces or special characters. Must be less than 50 characters.
description_for_model Description of the plugin, for the model that powers Microsoft Copilot. String Yes Limited to 8000 characters. This is a factual description of your plugin. Describe what your plugin does for users. Don't use this description to tell the model to use your plugin or to answer in a particular way.
name_for_human Name of the plugin, displayed to users in the Microsoft Copilot experience where your plugin is installed. String Yes Limited to 20 characters.
description_for_human Description of the plugin, displayed to users in the Microsoft Copilot experience where your plugin is installed. String Yes Limited to 100 characters.
api Information about where to find your API documentation. Object Yes A JSON object that has type, url, and is_user_authenticated properties. The type property must be set to openapi. The url property must point to the location of your API's OpenAPI documentation YAML file (openapi.yaml, in this example).
auth Information about whether or not your API requires authentication from Microsoft Copilot. Object Yes To learn more, see Restrict access to your API plugin.
logo_url The URL to your plugin's logo. String Yes The URL must point to an image resource. The image must be 512x512 pixels. The image must not be a GIF.
contact_email Email address for support requests about your plugin. String Yes This address is publicly visible.
legal_info_url URL of the terms of use, terms of service, or end user license for your plugin. The terms are directly between you and the end user. String Yes This URL is publicly visible.
privacy_policy_url A link to your privacy policy, which must describe your usage of any data that's collected by or processed through the plugin. String Yes This URL is publicly visible.

See also:

API plugin process flow

Microsoft Copilot uses the following process flow when a user asks a question and Microsoft Copilot answers the question by searching for and by using an API plugin:

Diagram showing the process flow for the user asking a question and Copilot answering the question by searching for and using an API plugin

The process flow has the following steps. The Examples column below refers to an example API plugin that can find real estate listings based on search criteria such as the city. To learn to build this real estate API plugin example yourself, see Get started building an API plugin for Microsoft Copilot.

# Steps Examples
1 The user asks a question in the chat UI of the Microsoft Copilot experience. "Find 4 bedroom properties for sale in New York"
2 Microsoft Copilot evaluates the question and decides whether to use an API plugin to help answer the question, based on the API plugin description and API specification. The description of the API plugin is "Plugin for finding properties for sale on the market in a particular city, and with a given number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and amenities". The API exposes a single endpoint called get-listings, which is described as "Get a list of properties matching the specified criteria".
3 Microsoft Copilot calls the API, by using the OpenAPI specification to generate the right API request. Microsoft Copilot sends an API request to
4 The API receives the request and returns a response. The API returns data such as [{"title": "Luminous apartment in the heart of the city", "city": "New York", "bedrooms": 4, "description": "..."}].
5 Microsoft Copilot extracts the information from the response, by using the OpenAPI specification. n/a
6 Microsoft Copilot answers the user's question, by using its training data, its natural language generation abilities, and the information that's in the API response. "Here are a few apartments for sale in New York that have 4 bedrooms: ..."

See also