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CoreWebView2NavigationStartingEventArgs Class

Event args for the CoreWebView2.NavigationStarting event.


Members Description
Cancel Determines whether to cancel the navigation.
IsRedirected true when the navigation is redirected.
IsUserInitiated true when the new window request was initiated through a user gesture.
NavigationId Gets the ID of the navigation.
RequestHeaders Gets the HTTP request headers for the navigation.
Uri Gets the uri of the requested navigation.



bool Cancel

Determines whether to cancel the navigation. If set to true, the navigation is no longer present and the content of the current page is intact. For performance reasons, GET HTTP requests may happen, while the host is responding. You may set cookies and use part of a request for the navigation. Cancellation for navigation to about:blank or frame navigation to srcdoc is not supported and ignored.


readonly bool IsRedirected

true when the navigation is redirected.


readonly bool IsUserInitiated

true when the new window request was initiated through a user gesture. Examples of user initiated requests are:

  • Selecting an anchor tag with target
  • Programmatic window open from a script that directly run as a result of user interaction such as via onclick handlers. Non-user initiated requests are programmatic window opens from a script that are not directly triggered by user interaction, such as those that run while loading a new page or via timers. The Microsoft Edge popup blocker is disabled for WebView so the app is able to use this flag to block non-user initiated popups.

readonly uint64_t NavigationId

Gets the ID of the navigation.


readonly CoreWebView2HttpRequestHeaders RequestHeaders

Gets the HTTP request headers for the navigation. Note, you are not able to modify the HTTP request headers in a CoreWebView2.NavigationStarting event.


readonly string Uri

Gets the uri of the requested navigation.

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