
Applies to: yesVisual Studio noVisual Studio for Mac


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If a function has a defined point at which debugging is to end, the debug starting point is identified by a symbol with a SymTagFuncDebugEnd tag.


The following table shows the properties that are valid for this symbol type.

Property Data type Description
IDiaSymbol::get_addressOffset DWORD Offset part of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_addressSection DWORD Section part of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_customCallingConvention BOOL TRUE if the function uses a custom calling convention (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_farReturn BOOL TRUE if function performs a far return (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_interruptReturn BOOL TRUE if function contains a return from interrupt (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_isStatic BOOL TRUE if the function is static (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_lexicalParent IDiaSymbol* Symbol for the enclosing function.
IDiaSymbol::get_lexicalParentId DWORD ID of the lexical parent symbol.
IDiaSymbol::get_locationType DWORD End points have static location; for details, see Symbol Locations.
IDiaSymbol::get_noInline BOOL TRUE if the function was specified with the noinline attribute (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_noReturn BOOL TRUE if the function was specified with the noreturn attribute (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_notReached BOOL TRUE if the function is never called (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_offset LONG Offset of symbol in memory; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration, LocIsRegRel.
IDiaSymbol::get_optimizedCodeDebugInfo BOOL TRUE if the function has debug information for optimized code (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_symIndexId DWORD Index ID of symbol.
IDiaSymbol::get_relativeVirtualAddress DWORD Relative position of the end of this function within its module.
IDiaSymbol::get_symTag DWORD Returns SymTagFuncDebugEnd (one of the SymTagEnum Enumeration values).
IDiaSymbol::get_virtualAddress ULONGLONG Position of this function within the executable image.

See also