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This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

Specifies the search options for symbol and file names.


enum NameSearchOptions {
    nsfCaseSensitive     = 0x1,
    nsfCaseInsensitive   = 0x2,
    nsfFNameExt          = 0x4,
    nsfRegularExpression = 0x8,
    nsfUndecoratedName   = 0x10,

// For backward compatibility:
    nsCaseSensitive           = nsfCaseSensitive,
    nsCaseInsensitive         = nsfCaseInsensitive,
    nsFNameExt                = nsfCaseInsensitive | nsfFNameExt,
    nsRegularExpression       = nsfRegularExpression | nsfCaseSensitive,
    nsCaseInRegularExpression = nsfRegularExpression | nsfCaseInsensitive


nsNone No options are specified.

nsfCaseSensitive Applies a case-sensitive name match.

nsfCaseInsensitive Applies a case-insensitive name match.

nsfFNameExt Treats names as paths and applies a filename.ext name match.

nsfRegularExpression Applies a case-sensitive name match using asterisks (*) and question marks (?) as wildcards. (Other common regular expression characters are not supported.)

nsfUndecoratedName Applies only to symbols that have both undecorated and decorated names.


The values from this enumeration are passed to the following methods:


Header: dia2.h

See also