Get started with Kaizala


Microsoft Kaizala has retired on August 31, 2023. We recommend using Microsoft Teams for continued connection, sharing, and collaboration.

Here are four easy – yet powerful – things you can do to get the most out of Kaizala. This simple getting started guide will enable the following four powerful scenarios for your organization.

Scenario Description
Image of Bring Everyone Together.

Bring everyone together
Build a company-wide phone directory and enable all your employees to discover and connect with anyone in the organization.
Image of Get Conversations Going.

Get conversations going
Enable secure chat, discussions, and knowledge sharing within your organization while retaining complete ownership of data.
Image of Connect with Employees.

Connect with employees
Create company connect groups and extend corporate communication by sharing announcements and collecting feedback with entire external networks.
Image of Digitize Everyday Tasks.

Digitize everyday tasks
Use Kaizala Actions to digitize processes such as field data collection, attendance, trainings, surveys, and many more.