Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic namespace


This documentation refers to the Classic QDK, which has been replaced by the Modern QDK.

Please see for the API documentation for the Modern QDK.


Name Summary
Assert > [!WARNING]
AssertProb > [!WARNING]
CCNOT Applies the doubly controlled–NOT (CCNOT) gate to three qubits.
CNOT Applies the controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate to a pair of qubits.
Exp Applies the exponential of a multi-qubit Pauli operator.
ExpFrac Applies the exponential of a multi-qubit Pauli operator with an argument given by a dyadic fraction.
H Applies the Hadamard transformation to a single qubit.
I Performs the identity operation (no-op) on a single qubit.
M Performs a measurement of a single qubit in the Pauli $Z$ basis.
Measure Performs a joint measurement of one or more qubits in the specified Pauli bases.
R Applies a rotation about the given Pauli axis.
R1 Applies a rotation about the $\ket{1}$ state by a given angle.
R1Frac Applies a rotation about the $\ket{1}$ state by an angle specified as a dyadic fraction.
RFrac Applies a rotation about the given Pauli axis by an angle specified as a dyadic fraction.
Random > [!WARNING]
Reset Given a single qubit, measures it and ensures it is in the 0⟩ state such that it can be safely released.
ResetAll Given an array of qubits, measure them and ensure they are in the 0⟩ state such that they can be safely released.
Rx Applies a rotation about the $x$-axis by a given angle.
Rxx Applies the two qubit Ising $XX$ rotation gate.
Ry Applies a rotation about the $y$-axis by a given angle.
Ryy Applies the two qubit Ising $YY$ rotation gate.
Rz Applies a rotation about the $z$-axis by a given angle.
Rzz Applies the two qubit Ising $ZZ$ rotation gate.
S Applies the π/4 phase gate to a single qubit.
SWAP Applies the SWAP gate to a pair of qubits.
T Applies the π/8 gate to a single qubit.
X Applies the Pauli $X$ gate.
Y Applies the Pauli $Y$ gate.
Z Applies the Pauli $Z$ gate.


Name Summary
Message Logs a message.