Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(String, DateTime) Метод


Устанавливает дату и время последней записи в заданный каталог в формате всемирного координированного времени (UTC).

 static void SetLastWriteTimeUtc(System::String ^ path, DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc);
public static void SetLastWriteTimeUtc (string path, DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc);
static member SetLastWriteTimeUtc : string * DateTime -> unit
Public Shared Sub SetLastWriteTimeUtc (path As String, lastWriteTimeUtc As DateTime)



Путь к каталогу.


Дата и время последней записи в файл или каталог. Значение выражено в формате всемирного координированного времени (UTC).


Параметр path не найден (например, каталог не существует или находится на несопоставленном диске).

Параметр path не найден (например, каталог не существует или находится на несопоставленном диске).

платформа .NET Framework и .NET Core версий старше 2.1: path строка нулевой длины, содержит только пробелы или содержит один или несколько недопустимых символов. Вы можете запросить недопустимые символы с помощью метода GetInvalidPathChars().

path имеет значение null.

Указанный путь, имя файла или оба значения превышают максимальную длину, заданную в системе.

У вызывающего объекта отсутствует необходимое разрешение.

Текущая операционная система не является системой Windows NT или более поздней версии.

lastWriteTimeUtc указывает значение вне диапазона дат или времени, разрешенного для операции.


В следующем примере показаны различия в выходных данных при использовании выходных данных в формате UTC.

// This sample shows the differences between dates from methods that use
//coordinated universal time (UTC) format and those that do not.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
int main()
   // Set the directory.
   String^ n = "C:\\test\\newdir";
   //Create two variables to use to set the time.
   DateTime dtime1 = DateTime(2002,1,3);
   DateTime dtime2 = DateTime(1999,1,1);
   //Create the directory.
      Directory::CreateDirectory( n );
   catch ( IOException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( e );

   //Set the creation and last access times to a variable DateTime value.
   Directory::SetCreationTime( n, dtime1 );
   Directory::SetLastAccessTimeUtc( n, dtime1 );
   // Print to console the results.
   Console::WriteLine( "Creation Date: {0}", Directory::GetCreationTime( n ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "UTC creation Date: {0}", Directory::GetCreationTimeUtc( n ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Last write time: {0}", Directory::GetLastWriteTime( n ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "UTC last write time: {0}", Directory::GetLastWriteTimeUtc( n ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Last access time: {0}", Directory::GetLastAccessTime( n ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "UTC last access time: {0}", Directory::GetLastAccessTimeUtc( n ) );
   //Set the last write time to a different value.
   Directory::SetLastWriteTimeUtc( n, dtime2 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Changed last write time: {0}", Directory::GetLastWriteTimeUtc( n ) );

// Obviously, since this sample deals with dates and times, the output will vary
// depending on when you run the executable. Here is one example of the output:
//Creation Date: 1/3/2002 12:00:00 AM
//UTC creation Date: 1/3/2002 8:00:00 AM
//Last write time: 12/31/1998 4:00:00 PM
//UTC last write time: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM
//Last access time: 1/2/2002 4:00:00 PM
//UTC last access time: 1/3/2002 12:00:00 AM
//Changed last write time: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM
// This sample shows the differences between dates from methods that use
//coordinated universal time (UTC) format and those that do not.
using System;
using System.IO;

namespace IOSamples
  public class DirectoryUTCTime
    public static void Main()
    // Set the directory.
      string n = @"C:\test\newdir";
        //Create two variables to use to set the time.
      DateTime dtime1 = new DateTime(2002, 1, 3);
      DateTime dtime2 = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1);

    //Create the directory.
      catch (IOException e)

    //Set the creation and last access times to a variable DateTime value.
      Directory.SetCreationTime(n, dtime1);
      Directory.SetLastAccessTimeUtc(n, dtime1);

        // Print to console the results.
      Console.WriteLine("Creation Date: {0}", Directory.GetCreationTime(n));
      Console.WriteLine("UTC creation Date: {0}", Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc(n));
      Console.WriteLine("Last write time: {0}", Directory.GetLastWriteTime(n));
      Console.WriteLine("UTC last write time: {0}", Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(n));
      Console.WriteLine("Last access time: {0}", Directory.GetLastAccessTime(n));
      Console.WriteLine("UTC last access time: {0}", Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc(n));

        //Set the last write time to a different value.
      Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(n, dtime2);
      Console.WriteLine("Changed last write time: {0}", Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(n));
// Obviously, since this sample deals with dates and times, the output will vary
// depending on when you run the executable. Here is one example of the output:
//Creation Date: 1/3/2002 12:00:00 AM
//UTC creation Date: 1/3/2002 8:00:00 AM
//Last write time: 12/31/1998 4:00:00 PM
//UTC last write time: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM
//Last access time: 1/2/2002 4:00:00 PM
//UTC last access time: 1/3/2002 12:00:00 AM
//Changed last write time: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM
// This sample shows the differences between dates from methods that use
//coordinated universal time (UTC) format and those that do not.
open System
open System.IO

// Set the directory.
let n = @"C:\test\newdir"
//Create two variables to use to set the time.
let dtime1 = DateTime(2002, 1, 3)
let dtime2 = DateTime(1999, 1, 1)

//Create the directory.
    Directory.CreateDirectory n |> ignore
with :? IOException as e ->
    printfn $"{e}"

//Set the creation and last access times to a variable DateTime value.
Directory.SetCreationTime(n, dtime1)
Directory.SetLastAccessTimeUtc(n, dtime1)

// Print to console the results.
printfn $"Creation Date: {Directory.GetCreationTime n}"
printfn $"UTC creation Date: {Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc n}"
printfn $"Last write time: {Directory.GetLastWriteTime n}"
printfn $"UTC last write time: {Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc n}"
printfn $"Last access time: {Directory.GetLastAccessTime n}"
printfn $"UTC last access time: {Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc n}"

//Set the last write time to a different value.
Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(n, dtime2)
printfn $"Changed last write time: {Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc n}"
// Obviously, since this sample deals with dates and times, the output will vary
// depending on when you run the executable. Here is one example of the output:
//Creation Date: 1/3/2002 12:00:00 AM
//UTC creation Date: 1/3/2002 8:00:00 AM
//Last write time: 12/31/1998 4:00:00 PM
//UTC last write time: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM
//Last access time: 1/2/2002 4:00:00 PM
//UTC last access time: 1/3/2002 12:00:00 AM
//Changed last write time: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM
' This sample shows the differences between dates from methods that use
'coordinated universal time (UTC) format and those that do not.
Imports System.IO

Public Class DirectoryUTCTime
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Set the directory.
      Dim n As String = "C:\test\newdir"
      'Create two variables to use to set the time.
      Dim dtime1 As New DateTime(2002, 1, 3)
      Dim dtime2 As New DateTime(1999, 1, 1)
      'Create the directory.
      Catch e As IOException
      End Try
      'Set the creation and last access times to a variable DateTime value.
      Directory.SetCreationTime(n, dtime1)
      Directory.SetLastAccessTimeUtc(n, dtime1)
      ' Print to console the results.
      Console.WriteLine("Creation Date: {0}", Directory.GetCreationTime(n))
      Console.WriteLine("UTC creation Date: {0}", Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc(n))
      Console.WriteLine("Last write time: {0}", Directory.GetLastWriteTime(n))
      Console.WriteLine("UTC last write time: {0}", Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(n))
      Console.WriteLine("Last access time: {0}", Directory.GetLastAccessTime(n))
      Console.WriteLine("UTC last access time: {0}", Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc(n))
      'Set the last write time to a different value.
      Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(n, dtime2)
      Console.WriteLine("Changed last write time: {0}", Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(n))
   End Sub
End Class

' Since this sample deals with dates and times, the output will vary
' depending on when you run the executable. Here is one example of the output:

' Creation Date: 1/3/2002 12:00:00 AM
' UTC creation Date: 1/3/2002 8:00:00 AM
' Last write time: 12/31/1998 4:00:00 PM
' UTC last write time: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM
' Last access time: 1/2/2002 4:00:00 PM
' UTC last access time: 1/3/2002 12:00:00 AM
' Changed last write time: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM


Параметр path может указывать относительные или абсолютные сведения о пути. Относительные сведения о пути интерпретируются как относительные относительно текущего рабочего каталога. Сведения о том, как получить текущий рабочий каталог, см. в разделе GetCurrentDirectory.

Чувствительность параметра к регистру path соответствует значению файловой системы, в которой выполняется код. Например, регистр не учитывается в NTFS (файловая система Windows по умолчанию) и учитывает регистр в файловых системах Linux.

Список распространенных задач ввода-вывода см. в разделе Общие задачи ввода-вывода.

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