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ModelTransformExtensionContext - класс

Provides file and project information to Visual Studio extensions that extend the file loading and saving of .edmx files by the Entity Data Model Designer.

Пространство имен: Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.Extensibility
Сборка: Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.Extensibility (в microsoft.data.entity.design.extensibility.dll)



Public MustInherit Class ModelTransformExtensionContext
    Inherits ExtensionContext
public abstract class ModelTransformExtensionContext : ExtensionContext
public ref class ModelTransformExtensionContext abstract : public ExtensionContext
public abstract class ModelTransformExtensionContext extends ExtensionContext
public abstract class ModelTransformExtensionContext extends ExtensionContext


In a Visual Studio extension, the ModelTransformExtensionContext class is used when you want to extend the loading and saving of .edmx files by the Entity Data Model Designer (Entity Designer). An instance of ModelTransformExtensionContext is passed to the OnAfterModelLoaded or OnBeforeModelSaved methods, which define custom file loading and saving functionality of .edmx files.

By default, the Entity Designer loads and saves .edmx files. The IModelTransformExtension class transforms an .edmx file before it is displayed in the Entity Designer and before it is saved. The IModelConversionExtension class, by contrast, enables the Entity Designer to load and save files with a different format. These two classes can be used together in the same Visual Studio extension.

For more information about extending the functionality of the ADO.NET Entity Data Model Tools, see Extending the Entity Data Model Tools and ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer Extension Starter Kit.

Иерархия наследования


Многопоточное использование

Все общие статические члены (Shared в Visual Basic) можно использовать в потокобезопасных операциях. Безопасная многопоточная работа с членами экземпляров типа не гарантируется.


Платформы разработки

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 , Windows Server 2008 и Windows 2000

Целевые платформы

См. также


Члены ModelTransformExtensionContext
Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.Extensibility - пространство имен

Другие ресурсы

Visual Studio Extensibility Developer Center
Developing Visual Studio Extensions
.edmx File Overview