Get a person and listen for availability

Applies to: Skype for Business 2015 | Skype for Business Online

The SDK gives you access to a user's person list. A user can start a conversation with a person from of her person list or from a person search result. After a user gets a Person from one of these sources, she can start a conversation as long as the person's presence shows as available. Your app should show current person presence to give a real-time view of the availability of any person displayed in a UI.

Requesting presence notifications

To request continued presence notifications from Skype for Business Server when a person's presence changes, get the person you are interested in and add a listener for changes in the Person.status property.

To request presence notifications

  1. Get a person from the user's person list or from search results.

  2. Register a listener for the "changed" event on the Person.status Property.

  3. In the listener method, show the new availability on your UI.

  4. Call status.subscribe method to subscribe for update of the person's status. In this case, the code is getting a reference to the status Property and the subscribe function is called on the property reference.

//get a person. In this case, the first person in the user's person list   
var person = application.personsAndGroupsManager.all.persons(0);
person.status.changed(function (status) {
    console.log('availability status is changed to ' + status);
person.activity.changed(function (activity) {
    console.log('activity is changed to ' + status);

To fetch presence on demand

  1. Get a person from the user's person list or from search results.

  2. Call status.get method to trigger a call to UCWA to fetch the person's presence. In this case, the code is getting a reference to the status Property and the get function is called on the property reference.


Doing a get on the status forces a server call. However, this is the preferred method of fetching presence in on-demand scenarios (eg. opening contact card) rather than subscribing to every person's status.

//get a person. In this case, the first person in the user's person list   
var person = application.personsAndGroupsManager.all.persons(0);
person.status.get().then(function (status) {
    console.log('availability status is ', status);

See also