Durable Functions


This is a Sandbox project. The content in this article is unsupported, and therefore may be out of date or not in a working state. That said, we still think it was awesome enough to include here. Enjoy!

Setting up Orchestrations

Starting Orchestrations Start a stateful orchestration
Authoring Orchestrator Functions Authoring durable orchestrator functions
Authoring Activity Functions Authoring activity functions

Managing Orchestrations

Identifying Instances Identifying unique orchestration invocations
Exposing HTTP Management APIs Manage orchestrations via HTTP
Inspecting the status of an orchestration Check the status of an orchestration
Sending event notifications Send notifications to running orchestrations
Terminating a running orchestration instance Terminate an orchestration instance

Error Handling and Diagnostics

Logging in orchestrator functions Prevent duplicate logs in orchestrator functions
Handling activity function exceptions Unhandled exceptions in activity functions
Calling activity function with retry Add retry behavior to activity function calls