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Sample: Retrieve valid status transitions

This sample shows how to retrieve valid state transitions regardless of whether custom state transitions have been defined for the table.

How to run this sample

See How to run samples for information about how to run this sample.

What this sample does

The GetValidStatusOptions method is intended to be used in a scenario where it contains data that returns valid status option transitions regardless of whether state transitions are enabled for the table.

How this sample works

In order to simulate the scenario described in What this sample does, the sample will do the following:


  1. Checks for the current version of the org.
  2. The MetadataFilterExpression method checks for table definitions.


  1. The MetadataFilterExpression method retrieves the status options for the Incident table.
  2. The RetrieveMetadataChangeRequest method retrieves table definitions.
  3. The GetValidStatusOptions method gets the valid status transitions for each status option.

Clean up

This sample creates no records. No clean up is required.