Aracılığıyla paylaş

Verme, iptal etme ve izinleri reddetme

ServerPermissionNesne izinleri veya bir sunucu izni atamak için kullanılan ServerPermissionSetnesnesini. Sunucu düzeyinde izinler için bir oturum açma grantee ifade eder. Windows kimlik doğrulaması oturum açma Windows kullanıcı adları olarak listelenir. Bu kod örneği çalıştırıldığında grantee izni iptal eder ve doğrular ile kaldırıldı EnumServerPermissionsyöntemi.

Veritabanı izinleri ve veritabanı nesne izinleri atanabilir benzer şekilde kullanarak DatabasePermissionSetnesnesi ve ObjectPermissionSetnesnesini.


Sunulan kod örneklerinden herhangi birini kullanmak için, programlama ortamını, programlama şablonunu ve uygulamanızı oluşturacağınız programlama dilini seçmeniz gerekecektir. Daha fazla bilgi için, bkz. Visual Studio'da Visual Basic smo proje oluşturun.NET veya Visual Studio'da Visual C# smo proje oluşturun.NET.

Visual Basic'te sunucusu izinlerini verme

Bu kod örneği belirtilen oturum açma bitiş noktası Create ve Alter Any bitiş noktası izinleri verir ve sonra sıralar ve izinleri görüntüler. İzinlerinden birini iptal edildi ve sonra izinleri yeniden numaralandırılır. Bu örnek, belirtilen oturum açma ile başlayan belirtilen izinleri olduğunu varsayar.

' compile with: /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll 
' /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.dll /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo

Public Class A
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim svr As New Server()

      ' Creating the logins (Grantee)
      Dim vGrantee As [String] = "Grantee1"
      Dim login As New Login(svr, vGrantee)
      login.LoginType = LoginType.SqlLogin

      Dim vGrantee2 As [String] = "Grantee2"
      Dim login2 As New Login(svr, vGrantee2)
      login2.LoginType = LoginType.SqlLogin

      ' Define a ServerPermissionSet that contains permission to Create Endpoint and Alter Any Endpoint. 
      Dim sps As New ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.CreateEndpoint)

      ' Grant Create Endpoint and Alter Any Endpoint permissions to Grantee
      svr.Grant(sps, vGrantee)
      svr.Grant(sps, vGrantee2)

      ' Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 
      Dim spis As ServerPermissionInfo() = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee, sps)
      'enumerates all server permissions for the Grantee from the specified permission set
      Console.WriteLine("===========Before revoke==================")
      For Each spi As ServerPermissionInfo In spis
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " & spi.PermissionType.ToString() & " permission.")
      Console.WriteLine(" ")

      ' Revoke the create endpoint permission from the grantee. 
      svr.Revoke(New ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.CreateEndpoint), vGrantee)

      ' Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee, sps)

      Console.WriteLine("=========After revoke================")
      For Each spi As ServerPermissionInfo In spis
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " & spi.PermissionType.ToString() & " permission.")
      Console.WriteLine(" ")

      ' Grant the Create Server Role permission to the grantee. 
      svr.Grant(New ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.ViewAnyDatabase), vGrantee)
      ' Enumerate and display the server permissions for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 

      ' enumerates all server permissions for the Grantee
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee)

      Console.WriteLine("=========After grant===============")

      For Each spi As ServerPermissionInfo In spis
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " & spi.PermissionType.ToString() & " permission.")

      ' Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for all logins. 
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(sps)
      'enumerates all server permissions in the set for all logins
      Console.WriteLine("=========After grant===============")

      For Each spi As ServerPermissionInfo In spis
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " & spi.PermissionType.ToString() & " permission.")
   End Sub
End Class

' compile with: /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll 
' /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.dll /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo

Public Class A
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim svr As New Server()

      ' Creating the logins (Grantee)
      Dim vGrantee As [String] = "Grantee1"
      Dim login As New Login(svr, vGrantee)
      login.LoginType = LoginType.SqlLogin

      Dim vGrantee2 As [String] = "Grantee2"
      Dim login2 As New Login(svr, vGrantee2)
      login2.LoginType = LoginType.SqlLogin

      ' Define a ServerPermissionSet that contains permission to Create Endpoint and Alter Any Endpoint. 
      Dim sps As New ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.CreateEndpoint)

      ' Grant Create Endpoint and Alter Any Endpoint permissions to Grantee
      svr.Grant(sps, vGrantee)
      svr.Grant(sps, vGrantee2)

      ' Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 
      Dim spis As ServerPermissionInfo() = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee, sps)
      'enumerates all server permissions for the Grantee from the specified permission set
      Console.WriteLine("===========Before revoke==================")
      For Each spi As ServerPermissionInfo In spis
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " & spi.PermissionType.ToString() & " permission.")
      Console.WriteLine(" ")

      ' Revoke the create endpoint permission from the grantee. 
      svr.Revoke(New ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.CreateEndpoint), vGrantee)

      ' Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee, sps)

      Console.WriteLine("=========After revoke================")
      For Each spi As ServerPermissionInfo In spis
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " & spi.PermissionType.ToString() & " permission.")
      Console.WriteLine(" ")

      ' Grant the Create Server Role permission to the grantee. 
      svr.Grant(New ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.ViewAnyDatabase), vGrantee)
      ' Enumerate and display the server permissions for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 

      ' enumerates all server permissions for the Grantee
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee)

      Console.WriteLine("=========After grant===============")

      For Each spi As ServerPermissionInfo In spis
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " & spi.PermissionType.ToString() & " permission.")

      ' Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for all logins. 
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(sps)
      'enumerates all server permissions in the set for all logins
      Console.WriteLine("=========After grant===============")

      For Each spi As ServerPermissionInfo In spis
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " & spi.PermissionType.ToString() & " permission.")
   End Sub
End Class

Visual C# sunucusu izinlerini verme

Bu kod örneği belirtilen oturum açma bitiş noktası Create ve Alter Any bitiş noktası izinleri verir ve sonra sıralar ve izinleri görüntüler. İzinlerinden birini iptal edildi ve sonra izinleri yeniden numaralandırılır. Bu örnek, belirtilen oturum açma ile başlayan belirtilen izinleri olduğunu varsayar.

// compile with: /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll 
// /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.dll /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll
using System;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;

public class A {
   public static void Main() {
      Server svr = new Server();

      // Creating the logins (Grantee)
      String vGrantee = "Grantee1";
      Login login = new Login(svr, vGrantee);
      login.LoginType = LoginType.SqlLogin;

      String vGrantee2 = "Grantee2";
      Login login2 = new Login(svr, vGrantee2);
      login2.LoginType = LoginType.SqlLogin;

      // Define a ServerPermissionSet that contains permission to Create Endpoint and Alter Any Endpoint. 
      ServerPermissionSet sps = new ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.CreateEndpoint);

      // Grant Create Endpoint and Alter Any Endpoint permissions to Grantee
      svr.Grant(sps, vGrantee);
      svr.Grant(sps, vGrantee2);

      // Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 
      ServerPermissionInfo[] spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee, sps); //enumerates all server permissions for the Grantee from the specified permission set

      Console.WriteLine("===========Before revoke==================");
      foreach (ServerPermissionInfo spi in spis) {
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " + spi.PermissionType.ToString() + " permission.");
      Console.WriteLine(" ");

      // Revoke the create endpoint permission from the grantee. 
      svr.Revoke(new ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.CreateEndpoint), vGrantee);

      // Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee, sps);

      Console.WriteLine("=========After revoke================");
      foreach (ServerPermissionInfo spi in spis) {
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " + spi.PermissionType.ToString() + " permission.");
      Console.WriteLine(" ");

      // Grant the Create Server Role permission to the grantee. 
      svr.Grant(new ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.ViewAnyDatabase), vGrantee);
      // Enumerate and display the server permissions for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 

      // enumerates all server permissions for the Grantee
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee); 

      Console.WriteLine("=========After grant===============");

      foreach (ServerPermissionInfo spi in spis) {
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " + spi.PermissionType.ToString() + " permission.");

      // Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for all logins. 
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(sps); //enumerates all server permissions in the set for all logins

      Console.WriteLine("=========After grant===============");

      foreach (ServerPermissionInfo spi in spis) {
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " + spi.PermissionType.ToString() + " permission.");

// compile with: /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll 
// /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.dll /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll
using System;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;

public class A {
   public static void Main() {
      Server svr = new Server();

      // Creating the logins (Grantee)
      String vGrantee = "Grantee1";
      Login login = new Login(svr, vGrantee);
      login.LoginType = LoginType.SqlLogin;

      String vGrantee2 = "Grantee2";
      Login login2 = new Login(svr, vGrantee2);
      login2.LoginType = LoginType.SqlLogin;

      // Define a ServerPermissionSet that contains permission to Create Endpoint and Alter Any Endpoint. 
      ServerPermissionSet sps = new ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.CreateEndpoint);

      // Grant Create Endpoint and Alter Any Endpoint permissions to Grantee
      svr.Grant(sps, vGrantee);
      svr.Grant(sps, vGrantee2);

      // Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 
      ServerPermissionInfo[] spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee, sps); //enumerates all server permissions for the Grantee from the specified permission set

      Console.WriteLine("===========Before revoke==================");
      foreach (ServerPermissionInfo spi in spis) {
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " + spi.PermissionType.ToString() + " permission.");
      Console.WriteLine(" ");

      // Revoke the create endpoint permission from the grantee. 
      svr.Revoke(new ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.CreateEndpoint), vGrantee);

      // Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee, sps);

      Console.WriteLine("=========After revoke================");
      foreach (ServerPermissionInfo spi in spis) {
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " + spi.PermissionType.ToString() + " permission.");
      Console.WriteLine(" ");

      // Grant the Create Server Role permission to the grantee. 
      svr.Grant(new ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.ViewAnyDatabase), vGrantee);
      // Enumerate and display the server permissions for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable. 

      // enumerates all server permissions for the Grantee
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee); 

      Console.WriteLine("=========After grant===============");

      foreach (ServerPermissionInfo spi in spis) {
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " + spi.PermissionType.ToString() + " permission.");

      // Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for all logins. 
      spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(sps); //enumerates all server permissions in the set for all logins

      Console.WriteLine("=========After grant===============");

      foreach (ServerPermissionInfo spi in spis) {
         Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee + " has " + spi.PermissionType.ToString() + " permission.");

PowerShell sunucusu izinlerini verme

Bu kod örneği belirtilen oturum açma bitiş noktası Create ve Alter Any bitiş noktası izinleri verir ve sonra sıralar ve izinleri görüntüler. İzinlerinden birini iptal edildi ve sonra izinleri yeniden numaralandırılır. Bu örnek, belirtilen oturum açma ile başlayan belirtilen izinleri olduğunu varsayar.

# Set the path context to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
CD \sql\localhost\
$srv = get-item default

#The subject login:
# \"Place Login Name here - has permission to Create Endpoints\"
$vGrantee = "LoginName"

#This sample assumes that the grantee already has permission to Create Endpoints. 

$sps  =  New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ServerPermissionSet

$sps.CreateEndpoint = $true
$sps.AlterAnyEndpoint = $true

#This sample assumes that the grantee already has permission to Create Endpoints. 

#Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified
# in the vGrantee string variable.
$spis = $srv.EnumServerPermissions($vGrantee)

"=================Before revoke==========================="
foreach ( $spi in $spis)
    $spi.Grantee + " has " + $spi.PermissionType + " permission."
#remove perission to create an endpoint
$sps.CreateEndpoint = $false
$srv.Revoke($sps, $vGrantee)

#Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified
# in the vGrantee string variable.
$spis = $srv.EnumServerPermissions($vGrantee)

"=================After revoke==========================="
foreach ( $spi in $spis)
    $spi.Grantee + " has " + $spi.PermissionType + " permission."
#Grant the revoked permissions back
$sps.CreateEndpoint = $true
$sps.AlterAnyEndpoint = $true
$srv.Grant($sps, $vGrantee)

#Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified
# in the vGrantee string variable.
$spis = $srv.EnumServerPermissions($vGrantee)

"=================After grant==========================="
foreach ( $spi in $spis)
    $spi.Grantee + " has " + $spi.PermissionType + " permission."

# Set the path context to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
CD \sql\localhost\
$srv = get-item default

#The subject login:
# \"Place Login Name here - has permission to Create Endpoints\"
$vGrantee = "LoginName"

#This sample assumes that the grantee already has permission to Create Endpoints. 

$sps  =  New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ServerPermissionSet

$sps.CreateEndpoint = $true
$sps.AlterAnyEndpoint = $true

#This sample assumes that the grantee already has permission to Create Endpoints. 

#Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified
# in the vGrantee string variable.
$spis = $srv.EnumServerPermissions($vGrantee)

"=================Before revoke==========================="
foreach ( $spi in $spis)
    $spi.Grantee + " has " + $spi.PermissionType + " permission."
#remove perission to create an endpoint
$sps.CreateEndpoint = $false
$srv.Revoke($sps, $vGrantee)

#Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified
# in the vGrantee string variable.
$spis = $srv.EnumServerPermissions($vGrantee)

"=================After revoke==========================="
foreach ( $spi in $spis)
    $spi.Grantee + " has " + $spi.PermissionType + " permission."
#Grant the revoked permissions back
$sps.CreateEndpoint = $true
$sps.AlterAnyEndpoint = $true
$srv.Grant($sps, $vGrantee)

#Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified
# in the vGrantee string variable.
$spis = $srv.EnumServerPermissions($vGrantee)

"=================After grant==========================="
foreach ( $spi in $spis)
    $spi.Grantee + " has " + $spi.PermissionType + " permission."

Ayrıca bkz.


İzinleri hiyerarşi (veritabanı altyapısı)