StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus Enum


Indicates success or failure of a SendStatelessMessageAsync operation.

public enum class StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, 524288)]
enum class StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract), 524288)]
public enum StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus
var value = Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService.StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus.success
Public Enum StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows 10, version 1903 (introduced in 10.0.18362.0)
API contract
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (introduced in v8.0)


AppNotInstalled 1

The operation failed due to the app not being presented on the remote system.

AppServiceUnavailable 3

The operation failed due to the app not supporting the requested app service.

AppUnavailable 2

The operation failed due to the app failing to start.

AuthenticationError 11

The operation failed due to unsuccessful account authentication. The user must re-validate the account to continue.

DisabledByPolicy 13

The operation failed, as the app service needed service or capabilities disabled by some policies on the local or remote device.

Failure 9

The operation failed.

MessageSizeTooLarge 8

The operation failed due to the message size being too large.

NetworkNotAvailable 12

The operation failed due to lack of an internet connection.

NotAuthorized 6

The operation failed due to authorization.

RemoteSystemNotSupportedByApp 5

The operation failed due to the app service on the remote system missing the SupportsRemoteSystems flag.

RemoteSystemUnavailable 4

The operation failed due to the remote system being unavailable.

ResourceLimitsExceeded 7

The operation failed due to resource limits being exceeded.

Success 0

The operation completed succesfully.

Unknown 10

An unknown error occurred.

WebServiceUnavailable 14

The operation failed because one or more necessary cloud services were temporarily unavailable.


Indicates success or failure of a SendStatelessMessageAsync operation.

Version history

Windows version SDK version Value added
2004 19041 AuthenticationError
2004 19041 DisabledByPolicy
2004 19041 NetworkNotAvailable
2004 19041 WebServiceUnavailable

Applies to