class AuthDelegate

Delegate for auth related operations.


Members Descriptions
public virtual bool AcquireOAuth2Token(const Identity& identity, const OAuth2Challenge& challenge, OAuth2Token& token) This method is called when an auth token is required for the policy engine with the given identity and the given challenge. The client should return whether acquiring token was successful. If successful, it should initialize the given token object.
public virtual bool AcquireOAuth2Token(const Identity& identity, const OAuth2Challenge& challenge, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context, OAuth2Token& token) This method is called when an auth token is required for the policy engine with the given identity and the given challenge. The client should return whether acquiring token was successful. If successful, it should initialize the given token object.


AcquireOAuth2Token function

This method is called when an auth token is required for the policy engine with the given identity and the given challenge. The client should return whether acquiring token was successful. If successful, it should initialize the given token object.


  • identity: User for whom a token is requested

  • challenge: OAuth2 challenge

  • token: [Output] Base64-encoded OAuth2 token

Returns: True if token successfully acquired, else false On failure, if token output parameter contains an error message, it will be included in the NoAuthTokenError exception that will later be raised to the application.

Deprecated: This method will soon be deprecated in favor of the one accepting a context parameter. If the new version has been implemented, there is no need to implement this version.

AcquireOAuth2Token function

This method is called when an auth token is required for the policy engine with the given identity and the given challenge. The client should return whether acquiring token was successful. If successful, it should initialize the given token object.


  • identity: User for whom a token is requested

  • challenge: OAuth2 challenge

  • context: Opaque context that was passed to the MIP API by the host application

  • token: [Output] Base64-encoded OAuth2 token

Returns: True if token successfully acquired, else false On failure, if token output parameter contains an error message, it will be included in the NoAuthTokenError exception that will later be raised to the application.