class ContentLabel

Abstraction for a Microsoft Information Protection label that is applied to a piece of content, typically a document. It also holds properties for a specific applied label instance.


Members Descriptions
public std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> GetCreationTime() const Get the creation time of the label.
public AssignmentMethod GetAssignmentMethod() const Get the assignment method of the label.
public const std::vector<MetadataEntry>& GetExtendedProperties() const Gets extended properties.
public bool IsProtectionAppliedFromLabel() const Gets if protection was applied by the label or not.
public std::shared_ptr<Label> GetLabel() const Get the actual label object applied on the content.


GetCreationTime function

Get the creation time of the label.

Returns: Creation time.

GetAssignmentMethod function

Get the assignment method of the label.

Returns: AssignmentMethod STANDARD | PRIVILEGED | AUTO.

See also: mip::AssignmentMethod

GetExtendedProperties function

Gets extended properties.

Returns: Extended properties.

IsProtectionAppliedFromLabel function

Gets if protection was applied by the label or not.

Returns: True if there is template protection and it was by this label, else false.

GetLabel function

Get the actual label object applied on the content.

Returns: The label object applied on the content.

See also: mip::Label