class FileEngine::Settings


Members Descriptions
public Settings(const std::string& engineId, const std::shared_ptr<AuthDelegate>& authDelegate, const std::string& clientData, const std::string& locale, bool loadSensitivityTypes) FileEngine::Settings constructor for loading an existing engine.
public Settings(const Identity& identity, const std::shared_ptr<AuthDelegate>& authDelegate, const std::string& clientData, const std::string& locale, bool loadSensitivityTypes) FileProfile::Settings constructor for creating a new engine.
public const std::string& GetEngineId() const Returns the engine ID.
public void SetEngineId(const std::string& id) Set the engine ID.
public const Identity& GetIdentity() const Returns the engine Identity.
public void SetIdentity(const Identity& identity) Sets the engine identity.
public const std::string& GetClientData() const Returns the engine client data.
public const std::string& GetLocale() const Return the engine locale.
public void SetCustomSettings(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& value) Sets a list of name/value pairs used for testing and experimentation.
public const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& GetCustomSettings() const Gets a list of name/value pairs used for testing and experimentation.
public void SetSessionId(const std::string& sessionId) Sets the engine session ID.
public const std::string& GetSessionId() const Return the engine session ID.
public void SetCloud(Cloud cloud) Optionally sets the target cloud.
public Cloud GetCloud() const Gets the target cloud used by all service requests.
public void SetDataBoundary(DataBoundary dataBoundary) Optionally sets the target diagnostic region.
public DataBoundary GetDataBoundary() const Gets the data boundary region.
public void SetProtectionCloudEndpointBaseUrl(const std::string& protectionCloudEndpointBaseUrl) Sets the protection cloud endpoint base URL for custom cloud.
public const std::string& GetProtectionCloudEndpointBaseUrl() const Gets the protection cloud endpoint base url.
public void SetPolicyCloudEndpointBaseUrl(const std::string& policyCloudEndpointBaseUrl) Sets the policy cloud endpoint base URL for custom cloud.
public const std::string& GetPolicyCloudEndpointBaseUrl() const Gets the policy cloud endpoint base url.
public void SetProtectionOnlyEngine(bool protectionOnly) Sets protection only engine indicator - no policy/label.
public const bool IsProtectionOnlyEngine() const Return protection only engine indicator - no policy/label.
public bool IsLoadSensitivityTypesEnabled() const Get the the flag indicating if load sensitivity labels is enabled.
public void EnablePFile(bool value) Sets the flag indicating if produce PFiles.
public const bool IsPFileEnabled() Get the flag indicating if produce PFiles.
public void SetDelegatedUserEmail(const std::string& delegatedUserEmail) Sets the delegated user.
public const std::string& GetDelegatedUserEmail() const Gets the delegated user.
public void SetLabelFilter(const std::vector<LabelFilterType>& deprecatedLabelFilters) Sets the label filter.
public const std::vector<LabelFilterType>& GetLabelFilter() const Gets the label filters set through deprecated function SetLabelFilter.
public void ConfigureFunctionality(FunctionalityFilterType functionalityFilterType, bool enabled) Enables or disables functionality.
public const std::map<FunctionalityFilterType, bool>& GetConfiguredFunctionality() const Gets the configured functionality.
public void SetAuthDelegate(const std::shared_ptr<AuthDelegate>& authDelegate) Set the Engine Auth Delegate.
public std::shared_ptr<AuthDelegate> GetAuthDelegate() const Get the Engine Auth Delegate.
public const std::shared_ptr<void>& GetLoggerContext() const Get logger context that will be opaquely passed to the logger delegate for logs associated with the created engine.
public void SetLoggerContext(const std::shared_ptr<void>& loggerContext) Sets the logger context that will be opaquely passed to the logger delegate for logs associated with the created engine.


Settings function

FileEngine::Settings constructor for loading an existing engine.


  • engineId: Set it to the unique engine ID generated by AddEngineAsync.

  • authDelegate: The authentication delegate used by the SDK to acquire authentication tokens, will override the PolicyProfile::Settings::authDelegate if both provided

  • clientData: customizable client data that can be stored with the engine when unloaded, can be retrieved from a loaded engine.

  • locale: engine localizable output will be provided in this locale.

  • loadSensitivityTypes: Optional flag indicating when the engine is loaded should load also custom sensitivity types, if true OnPolicyChange Observer on the profile will be invoked on updates to custom sensitivity types as well as policy changes. if false ListSensitivityTypes call will always return an empty list.

Settings function

FileProfile::Settings constructor for creating a new engine.


  • identity: Identity info of the user associated with the new engine.

  • authDelegate: The authentication delegate used by the SDK to acquire authentication tokens, will override the PolicyProfile::Settings::authDelegate if both provided

  • clientData: customizable client data that can be stored with the engine when unloaded, can be retrieved from a loaded engine.

  • locale: engine localizable output will be provided in this locale.

  • loadSensitivityTypes: Optional flag indicating when the engine is loaded should load also custom sensitivity types, if true OnPolicyChange Observer on the profile will be invoked on updates to custom sensitivity types as well as policy changes. if false ListSensitivityTypes call will always return an empty list.

GetEngineId function

Returns the engine ID.

SetEngineId function

Set the engine ID.


  • id: engine ID.

GetIdentity function

Returns the engine Identity.

SetIdentity function

Sets the engine identity.

GetClientData function

Returns the engine client data.

GetLocale function

Return the engine locale.

SetCustomSettings function

Sets a list of name/value pairs used for testing and experimentation.

GetCustomSettings function

Gets a list of name/value pairs used for testing and experimentation.

SetSessionId function

Sets the engine session ID.

GetSessionId function

Return the engine session ID.

SetCloud function

Optionally sets the target cloud.


  • cloud: Cloud

If cloud is not specified, then it will default to global cloud.

GetCloud function

Gets the target cloud used by all service requests.

Returns: Cloud

SetDataBoundary function

Optionally sets the target diagnostic region.


  • dataBoundary: Data boundary region

If dataBoundary is not specified, then it will default to global diagnostic region.

GetDataBoundary function

Gets the data boundary region.

Returns: DataBoundary

SetProtectionCloudEndpointBaseUrl function

Sets the protection cloud endpoint base URL for custom cloud.


  • protectionCloudEndpointBaseUrl: Base url associated with protection endpoints

This value will only be read and must be set for Cloud = Custom

GetProtectionCloudEndpointBaseUrl function

Gets the protection cloud endpoint base url.

Returns: Base url associated with protection endpoints This value will only be read and must be set for Cloud = Custom

SetPolicyCloudEndpointBaseUrl function

Sets the policy cloud endpoint base URL for custom cloud.


  • policyCloudEndpointBaseUrl: Base url associated with policy endpoints

GetPolicyCloudEndpointBaseUrl function

Gets the policy cloud endpoint base url.

Returns: Base url associated with policy endpoints

SetProtectionOnlyEngine function

Sets protection only engine indicator - no policy/label.

IsProtectionOnlyEngine function

Return protection only engine indicator - no policy/label.

IsLoadSensitivityTypesEnabled function

Get the the flag indicating if load sensitivity labels is enabled.

Returns: True if enabled else false.

EnablePFile function

Sets the flag indicating if produce PFiles.

IsPFileEnabled function

Get the flag indicating if produce PFiles.

Returns: True if enabled else false.

SetDelegatedUserEmail function

Sets the delegated user.


  • delegatedUserEmail: the delegation email.

A delegated user is specified when the authenticating user/application is acting on behalf of another user

GetDelegatedUserEmail function

Gets the delegated user.

Returns: Delegated user A delegated user is specified when the authenticating user/application is acting on behalf of another user

SetLabelFilter function

Sets the label filter.


  • labelFilter: the label filter.

Labels are by default filter to scope, this api is to allow filtering by possible actions. If not set HyokProtection and DoubleKeyProtection are filtered.

GetLabelFilter function

Gets the label filters set through deprecated function SetLabelFilter.

Returns: The label filter. Labels are by default filter to scope, this api is to allow filtering by possible actions.

ConfigureFunctionality function

Enables or disables functionality.


  • functionalityFilterType: the type of functionality.

  • enabled: True to enable, false to disable

HyokProtection, DoubleKeyProtection, DoubleKeyUserDefinedProtection are disabled by default and must be enabled

GetConfiguredFunctionality function

Gets the configured functionality.

Returns: A map of the types to a boolean value indicating whether or not it is enabled

SetAuthDelegate function

Set the Engine Auth Delegate.


  • authDelegate: the Auth delegate

GetAuthDelegate function

Get the Engine Auth Delegate.

Returns: The Engine Auth Delegate.

GetLoggerContext function

Get logger context that will be opaquely passed to the logger delegate for logs associated with the created engine.

Returns: The logger context

SetLoggerContext function

Sets the logger context that will be opaquely passed to the logger delegate for logs associated with the created engine.


  • loggerContext: The logger context