Fatal error C1252

Circular or missing dependency between plugins: 'plugin-name' requires GUID 'globally-unique-identifier'

The Code Analysis tool reports this error when there's an internal error in the plugin dependencies. It's not caused by an issue in the code being analyzed.

In some cases, it's possible to work around this issue by disabling the Enable Code Analysis on Build property. To disable this build property, open the Property pages dialog for your project. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click on the project (not the solution) and select Properties in the shortcut menu. Set the Configuration to All Configurations and the Platform to All Platforms. Open the Configuration Properties > Code Analysis > General property page. Modify the Enable Code Analysis on Build property to No. Choose OK to save your changes, and then save your project files. Rebuild your project to verify that the issue no longer occurs.

If the issue continues, you can report it to Microsoft. For more information on how to report an issue, see How to report a problem with the Visual C++ toolset or documentation.