IStiDeviceControl::GetMyDevicePortName method (stiusd.h)

The IStiDeviceControl::GetMyDevicePortName method allows a user-mode still image minidriver to obtain a device's port name.


HRESULT GetMyDevicePortName(
  LPWSTR lpszDevicePath,
  DWORD  cwDevicePathSize



Caller-supplied pointer to a buffer to receive the device's port name.


Caller-supplied number of characters (of type TCHAR) in the buffer pointed to by lpszDevicePath.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, the method returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns one of the STIERR-prefixed error codes defined in stierr.h.


The path name that a still image minidriver receives by calling IStiDeviceControl::GetMyDevicePortName can be used as an input argument to CreateFile (described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation).

A still image minidriver receives an IStiDeviceControl interface pointer as an input argument to its IStiUSD::Initialize method.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header stiusd.h (include Stiusd.h)