NDK_FN_REGISTER_MR callback function (ndkpi.h)

The NdkRegisterMr (NDK_FN_REGISTER_MR) function registers a virtually contiguous memory region with an NDK adapter.



NTSTATUS NdkFnRegisterMr(
  [in]           NDK_MR *pNdkMr,
  [in]           MDL *Mdl,
  [in]           SIZE_T Length,
  [in]           ULONG Flags,
  [in]           NDK_FN_REQUEST_COMPLETION RequestCompletion,
  [in, optional] PVOID RequestContext


[in] pNdkMr

A pointer to an NDK memory region (MR) object (NDK_MR).

[in] Mdl

An MDL or chain of MDLs that represent a virtually contiguous memory region from the starting virtual address up to the number of bytes specified in the Length parameter.

[in] Length

The number of bytes to register starting from the first MDL's virtual address. The first MDL's virtual address can be obtained by calling the MmGetMdlVirtualAddress macro. The length must not exceed the total number of bytes represented by the MDL chain.

[in] Flags

A bitmask of flags that specify the access permissions for the registered memory region. The following flags can be set:

Value Meaning

[in] RequestCompletion

A pointer to a request completion callback routine NdkRequestCompletion (NDK_FN_REQUEST_COMPLETION).

[in, optional] RequestContext

A context value to pass to the Context parameter of the callback function that is specified in the RequestCompletion parameter.

Return value

The NdkRegisterMr function returns one of the following NTSTATUS codes.

Return code Description
The MR registration was completed successfully.
The operation is pending and will be completed later. The driver will call the specified RequestCompletion (NDK_FN_REQUEST_COMPLETION) function to complete the pending operation.
The part of the MDL chain from the starting virtual address up to the length in bytes does not represent a virtually contiguous memory region.
The request failed due to insufficient resources.
Important  The request can fail inline as well as asynchronously with this status code.
Other status codes
An error occurred.


On an NDK_MR object that was created with the FastRegister parameter set to FALSE, NdkRegisterMr is used to register a virtually contiguous memory region with the adapter.

The NDK consumer must pass an MDL or chain of MDLs that represent virtually contiguous memory region that is pinned in physical memory. The base virtual address for the memory region being registered is the virtual address indicated by the MmGetMdlVirtualAddress macro. If the MDL chain does not represent a virtually contiguous memory region from the starting virtual address up to the specified length in bytes, the NDK provider must fail the request.

The provider must treat the virtual address that MmGetMdlVirtualAddress returns as an index to the start of the memory region being registered. The provider must not use the virtual address as a valid virtual address for reading or writing buffer contents.

The NDK consumer must not use the MDL chain while the registration request is pending.

NdkRegisterMr does not support zero-based virtual addresses.

An NDK consumer must pass the NDK_MR_FLAG_RDMA_READ_SINK flag when it registers memory that might be used as the sink buffer for an RDMA read request. Certain NDK providers might require enabling special access rights on the sink buffer for an RDMA read request on adapters for which the NDK_ADAPTER_FLAG_RDMA_READ_SINK_NOT_REQUIRED flag is not set in the AdapterFlags member of the NDK_ADAPTER_INFO structure. The NDK_MR_FLAG_RDMA_READ_SINK flag allows such providers to support registration requests appropriately.

Note  Buffers can be registered for multiple purposes. Therefore, the NDK_MR_FLAG_RDMA_READ_SINK flag might be accompanied by other flags.
If an NDK consumer passes the NDK_MR_FLAG_RDMA_READ_SINK flag on an adapter for which the NDK_ADAPTER_FLAG_RDMA_READ_SINK_NOT_REQUIRED flag is set in the AdapterFlags member of the NDK_ADAPTER_INFO structure, the provider is not required to handle the NDK_MR_FLAG_RDMA_READ_SINK flag and must not fail the request due to the presence of this flag.

To deregister the memory region, use the NdkDeregisterMr (NDK_FN_DEREGISTER_MR) function.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported,Supported in NDIS 6.30 and later.
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Windows
Header ndkpi.h (include Ndkpi.h)

See also


NDKPI Object Lifetime Requirements