Miniport drivers use the NDIS_STATUS_WWAN_REGISTER_STATE notification to communicate changes to the MB device's registration state to the MB Service.

Miniport drivers can also send unsolicited events with this notification.

This notification uses the NDIS_WWAN_REGISTRATION_STATE structure.


As the registration state of the device changes, the miniport driver must send appropriate indications so that the MB Service can reflect the correct state to the user.

Registration state changes due to a number of reasons. It may directly result from set requests from the MB Service for OID_WWAN_REGISTER_STATE such as a transient state transition from WwanRegisterStateSearching to WwanRegisterStateHome. It may also result from automatic operations by the miniport driver in the case of automatic provider selection. Finally, it may be caused by change of network availability, for example, losing network coverage may result in transition from WwanRegisterStateHome to WwanRegisterStateDeregistered.

Except for the changes caused by MB Service OID_WWAN_REGISTER_STATE requests, the miniport driver shall notify the MB Service whenever the registration state changes regardless of the underlying cause.

CDMA devices do not support the MB Service initiated registration and deregistration. However, a device initiated register state change notifications based on the availability or non-availability of the carrier network must be sent to the MB Service. CDMA devices must do automatic registration.

For devices that do automatic registration on power-up, irrespective of the current registration mode--auto or manual, the miniport driver must send the register state notification on successful registration.

For manual registration, the MB Service shall only initiate registration after the miniport driver indicates that ReadyState is WwanReadyStateInitialized.

Miniport driver must use the following guidelines while responding to set requests:

  • Drivers must not respond with transient state for a set requests. Transient state for registration is WwanRegisterStateSearching.

  • When RegisterAction is set to WwanRegisterActionManual, if the provider is not visible when the miniport driver receives the request, the miniport driver shall return error code WWAN_STATUS_PROVIDER_NOT_VISIBLE. The device must not switch to automatic registration because of a failure in setting the manual mode. If the device was earlier set to manually register to another network, this request should change the device to register to the network specified in the request. The value of RegisterState in response to the request should be set to WwanRegisterStateDeregistered.

  • When RegisterAction is set to WwanRegisterActionManual, if the miniport driver has already registered with the same network that is been requested, it shall respond with WWAN_STATUS_SUCCESS.

  • The driver should attempt to register to the requested data-class in the set OID_WWAN_REGISTER request. If the miniport driver cannot register to the requested data-class, it should register to the best possible data-class. This is also applicable when the device is already registered to a provider (automatic and manual registration mode) with some other data-class. Any change in the data-class should also result in NDIS_STATUS_WWAN_PACKET_SERVICE notification.

  • When RegisterAction is set to WwanRegisterActionManual, and the Radio is OFF, the miniport driver must program the device to manual registration mode and complete the request with the transaction notification. The RegisterState should be set to WwanRegisterStateDeregistered. The device must attempt a manual registration when the Radio changes to ON state and the event notification must be sent.

  • When RegisterAction is set to WwanRegisterActionAutomatic, and the Radio is OFF, the miniport driver must program the device to automatic registration mode and must complete the request with the transaction notification. The RegisterState should be set to WwanRegisterStateDeregistered. The device must do an automatic registration when the Radio goes to ON state and the event notification must be sent.

  • In case of emergency state registration ( WwanRegisterStateDenied), the uStatus should be set to WWAN_STATUS_SUCCESS and NDIS_STATUS_WWAN_READY_INFO notification must be sent with EmergencyMode set to WwanEmergencyModeOn.

  • For using the state WwanRegisterStateDeregistered the miniport driver must use the following guidelines:

    • WwanRegisterStateDeregistered is used by the miniport drivers for notifying the MB Service that the Radio is OFF but the request for RegisterAction is completed.

    • WwanRegisterStateDeregistered is used by the miniport drivers for notifying the MB Service of a network initiated deregistration.

    • WwanRegisterStateDeregistered is used by the miniport drivers for notifying the MB Service of the lost connectivity to the network due to no network coverage.

  • GSM and CDMA devices must send the register state notification to notify the availability or non-availability of the carrier for a PS connection. When the MB device detects the availability of the carrier network, it must send an event notification with one of the appropriate register states-- WwanRegisterStateHome, WwanRegisterStateRoaming, or WwanRegisterStatePartner. On losing the carrier network signal, an event notification with WwanRegisterStateDeregistered must be indicated to the MB Service.

The miniport driver returns the query result according to the following rules:

  • When the device is trying to lock on to a provider during registration, the miniport driver shall set RegisterState as WwanRegisterStateSearching. Both the ProviderName and RoamingText members should be set to NULL. In case of Manual register mode, ProviderId must be filled in with the ProviderId from the last manual registration set request. ProviderId can be set to NULL in case of automatic register mode.

  • This is a transient state as the miniport driver will eventually move to a stable state at the end of registration, for example, WwanRegisterStateHome, WwanRegisterStatePartner, or WwanRegisterStateRoaming for a successful registration; or WwanRegisterStateDenied for an emergency state registration.

  • If the device is not registered with any provider, the miniport driver shall return WwanRegisterStateDeregistered. Both the ProviderName and RoamingText members should be set to NULL. In case of Manual register mode, ProviderId must be filled in with the ProviderId from the last manual registration set request. ProviderId can be set to NULL in case of automatic register mode.

  • If the device is registered with the home provider, the miniport driver shall set RegisterState as WwanRegisterStateHome. The ProviderId member shall be set to the home provider ID. The ProviderName must be set to the name of home provider network. The RoamingText member should be set to NULL.

  • If the device is registered with a roaming provider, the miniport driver shall set RegisterState as WwanRegisterStatePartner if the provider is a preferred roaming partner or just WwanRegisterStateRoaming for a roaming partner, respectively. If the miniport driver does not distinguish the two, it shall set the value to WwanRegisterStateRoaming. The ProviderId member shall be set to the provider ID of the current provider the device is registered with and the ProviderName must be filled in with the current registered provider name. The RoamingText member should be set to some provider specific string value if exists or to NULL otherwise.



Available in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.



See also