OID_WWAN_DEVICE_RESET is sent by the mobile broadband host to a modem miniport adapter to reset the modem device.

Query requests are not applicable.

For Set requests, OID_WWAN_DEVICE_RESET uses the NDIS_WWAN_SET_DEVICE_RESET structure. Modem miniport drivers must respond to set requests asynchronously, initially returning NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION_REQUIRED to the original request before later sending an NDIS_STATUS_WWAN_DEVICE_RESET_STATUS notification containing an NDIS_WWAN_DEVICE_RESET_STATUS structure that represents the reset status of the modem device. This response does not contain a payload, but is always a status code from the modem such as WWAN_STATUS_SUCCESS or WWAN_STATUS_BUSY.

Unsolicited events are not applicable.


Version: Windows 10, version 1709 Header: Ntddndis.h (include Ndis.h)

See also




MB modem reset operations