SetClusterServiceAccountPassword function (clusapi.h)

[This function is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. Support for this function was removed in Windows Server 2008 and this function does nothing and returns ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.]

Changes the password for the Cluster service user account on all available cluster nodes. The PCLUSAPI_SET_CLUSTER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD type defines a pointer to this function.


DWORD SetClusterServiceAccountPassword(
  [in]           LPCWSTR                      lpszClusterName,
  [in]           LPCWSTR                      lpszNewPassword,
  [in, optional] DWORD                        dwFlags,
  [out]          PCLUSTER_SET_PASSWORD_STATUS lpReturnStatusBuffer,
  [in, out]      LPDWORD                      lpcbReturnStatusBufferSize


[in] lpszClusterName

NULL-terminated Unicode string specifying the name of the cluster.

[in] lpszNewPassword

NULL-terminated Unicode string specifying the new password for the Cluster service user account.

[in, optional] dwFlags

Optional bitfield of values enumerated from the CLUSTER_SET_PASSWORD_FLAGS enumeration containing flags that describe how the password update is to be applied to the cluster.

By default (dwFlags = 0), the function will not proceed unless all cluster nodes are available.


Causes the SetClusterServiceAccountPassword function to proceed even if all nodes are not available. The function will attempt to change the password on as many nodes as it can, but any nodes not in the ClusterNodeUp or ClusterNodePaused states (see GetClusterNodeState) will not be updated.

[out] lpReturnStatusBuffer

Pointer to an output buffer that receives an array of CLUSTER_SET_PASSWORD_STATUS structures describing the result of the password update for each cluster node. If this parameter is not NULL and the buffer is not large enough to hold the resulting data, the function returns ERROR_MORE_DATA and sets lpcbReturnStatusBufferSize to the required size for the output buffer. If this parameter is NULL, no password update will be performed; the function will set lpcbReturnStatusBufferSize to the required buffer size and return ERROR_SUCCESS.

[in, out] lpcbReturnStatusBufferSize

On input, pointer to a value specifying the size (in bytes) of the output buffer. On output, pointer to a value specifying the actual size (in bytes) of the resulting data. The output size is always specified, even if lpReturnStatusBuffer is NULL. This parameter cannot be NULL.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS (0).

If the operation fails, the function returns a system error code. The following are possible error codes.

Return code/value Description
5037 (0x13AD)
Some nodes in the cluster are unavailable (that is, not in the ClusterNodeStateUp or ClusterNodeStatePaused states) and the CLUSTER_SET_PASSWORD_IGNORE_DOWN_NODES flag is not set.
234 (0xEA)
The output buffer pointed to by lpReturnStatusBuffer was not large enough to hold the resulting data.


By default, the SetClusterServiceAccountPassword function does nothing unless all nodes in the cluster are available (that is, in the ClusterNodeStateUp or ClusterNodeStatePaused states). You can use the CLUSTER_SET_PASSWORD_IGNORE_DOWN_NODES flag to override this behavior, but note that any node that fails to update the password will be unable to join the cluster until the password is manually updated on that node.

If the new password is the same as the old password on a node, the password update is not applied to that node and ERROR_SUCCESS is returned.

This function does not update the password stored by the domain controllers for the Cluster service user account.

Do not call SetClusterServiceAccountPassword from a resource DLL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 Datacenter, Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
Target Platform Windows
Header clusapi.h
Library ClusAPI.lib
DLL ClusAPI.dll

See also



Cluster Management Functions