RoOriginateLanguageException function (roerrorapi.h)

Reports an error, an informative string, and an error object to an attached debugger.


BOOL RoOriginateLanguageException(
  [in]           HRESULT  error,
  [in, optional] HSTRING  message,
  [in]           IUnknown *languageException


[in] error

The error code associated with the error condition. If error is a success code, like S_OK, the function has no effect and returns FALSE. This behavior enables calling the function when no error has occurred without causing an unwanted error message.

[in, optional] message

An informative string to help developers to correct the reported error condition. The maximum length is 512 characters, including the trailing NUL character; longer strings are truncated.

If the string is empty, the function succeeds but no error information is reported. It is recommended that you always provide an informative string.

If message is NULL, the function succeeds and reports the generic string in Winerror.h if available or the generic string associated with E_FAIL.

This function does not support embedded NUL characters, so only the characters before the first NUL are reported.

The message string should be localized.

[in] languageException

An error object that's apartment-agile, in-proc, and marshal-by-value across processes. This object should implement ILanguageExceptionStackBackTrace and ILanguageExceptionTransform if necessary.

Return value

Return code Description
The error message was reported successfully.
message is NULL or points to an empty string, or error is a success code.


The RoOriginateLanguageException function behaves like RoOriginateError but takes another parameter that stores extra information about the error. Language projections use this function to store exception information alongside the COM error information. Language projections need to create an IUnknown object that contains all the information necessary recreate it the exception a later point.

The error object must be apartment-agile, in-proc, and marshal-by-value across processes. The reason for this restriction is that the thread from which the error object is originated may no longer exist, for example due to a CoUninitialize call, by the time the error information is retrieved.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8.1 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 R2 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header roerrorapi.h
Library RuntimeObject.lib
DLL ComBase.dll

See also
