TpInitializeCallbackEnviron function (winnt.h)

Initializes a callback environment for the thread pool.


void TpInitializeCallbackEnviron(
  [out] PTP_CALLBACK_ENVIRON CallbackEnviron


[out] CallbackEnviron

A TP_CALLBACK_ENVIRON structure that defines the callback environment. Allocate space for this structure and initialize it using this function.

Return value



The thread pool callback environment is subject to default behaviors that can be changed. For example, callbacks execute in the global pool by default, but a different thread pool can be specified using TpSetCallbackThreadpool. Thread pool callback environment behavior can be changed with the following functions:

Call TpInitializeCallbackEnviron to create a callback environment that can be modified. Call TpDestroyCallbackEnviron to destroy the callback environment.

This function is implemented as an inline function.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header winnt.h