Xamarin Community Toolkit C# Markup

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C# Markup is a set of fluent helper methods and classes to simplify the process of building declarative Xamarin.Forms user interfaces in C#. The fluent API provided by C# Markup is available in the Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup namespace.

Just as with XAML, C# Markup enables a clean separation between UI markup and UI logic. This can be achieved by separating UI markup and UI logic into distinct partial class files. For example, for a login page the UI markup would be in a file named LoginPage.cs, while the UI logic would be in a file named LoginPage.logic.cs.

The latest version of C# Markup requires Xamarin.Forms 5 and is available in the Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup NuGet package.

C# Markup is available on all platforms supported by Xamarin.Forms.


The preview version of C# Markup is available in Xamarin.Forms 4.6 through 4.8 as an experimental feature.

To migrate from the C# Markup preview version to XCT C# Markup:

  1. Update to Xamarin.Forms Forms 5.
  2. Install the Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup NuGet package.
  3. Change all references to the Xamarin.Forms.Markup namespace to Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup, and ensure you include using Xamarin.Forms; in your markup files.
  4. Update Font helper calls where needed. Font now has family as it's first parameter instead of size. For example, replace .Font(15) with .Font(size: 15) or .FontSize(15).

If you are already familiar with the preview version of C# Markup, see Additional Functionality In Xamarin Community Toolkit below.

Basic example

The following example shows setting the page content to a new Grid containing a Label and an Entry, in C#:

Grid grid = new Grid();

Label label = new Label { Text = "Code: " };
grid.Children.Add(label, 0, 1);

Entry entry = new Entry
    Placeholder = "Enter number", Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric, BackgroundColor = Color.AliceBlue, TextColor = Color.Black, FontSize = 15,
    HeightRequest = 44, Margin = fieldMargin
grid.Children.Add(entry, 0, 2);
Grid.SetColumnSpan(entry, 2);
entry.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, new Binding("RegistrationCode"));

Content = grid;

This example creates a Grid object, with child Label and Entry objects. The Label displays text, and the Entry data binds to the RegistrationCode property of the viewmodel. Each child view is set to appear in a specific row in the Grid, and the Entry spans all the columns in the Grid. In addition, the height of the Entry is set, along with its keyboard, colors, the font size of its text, and its Margin. Finally, the Page.Content property is set to the Grid object.

C# Markup enables this code to be re-written using its fluent API:

Content = new Grid { Children =
    new Label { Text = "Code:" }
               .Row (BodyRow.CodeHeader) .Column (BodyCol.Header),

    new Entry { Placeholder = "Enter number", Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric, BackgroundColor = Color.AliceBlue, TextColor = Color.Black } .FontSize (15)
               .Row (BodyRow.CodeEntry) .ColumnSpan (All<BodyCol>()) .Margin (fieldMargin) .Height (44)
               .Bind (nameof(vm.RegistrationCode))

This example is identical to the previous example, but the C# Markup fluent API simplifies the process of building the UI in C#.


C# Markup includes extension methods that set specific view properties. These extension methods are not meant to replace all property setters. Instead, they are designed to improve code readability, and can be used in combination with property setters. It's recommended to always use an extension method when one exists for a property, but you can choose your preferred balance.

Namespace usings

To use C# Markup, include the following using statements in your markup files:

using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup;

If you design your markup for:

  • LTR only: also include using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup.LeftToRight;
  • RTL only: also include using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup.RightToLeft;
  • Both LTR and RTL: do not include LeftToRight or RightToLeft namespaces

To work with Grid rows and columns, also include using static Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup.GridRowsColumns;.

Data binding

C# Markup includes a Bind extension method, along with overloads, that creates a data binding between a view bindable property and a specified property. The Bind method knows the default bindable property for the majority of the controls that are included in Xamarin.Forms. Therefore, it's typically not necessary to specify the target property when using this method. You can also register the default bindable property for additional controls:


The Bind method can be used to bind to any bindable property:

new Label { Text = "No data available" }
           .Bind (Label.IsVisibleProperty, nameof(vm.Empty))

In addition, the BindCommand extension method can bind to a control's default Command and CommandParameter properties in a single method call:

new TextCell { Text = "Tap me" }
              .BindCommand (nameof(vm.TapCommand))

By default, the CommandParameter is bound to the binding context. You can also specify the binding path and source for the Command and the CommandParameter bindings:

new TextCell { Text = "Tap Me" }
              .BindCommand (nameof(vm.TapCommand), vm, nameof(Item.Id))

In this example, the binding context is an Item instance, so you don't need to specify a source for the Id CommandParameter binding.

If you only need to bind to Command, you can pass null to the parameterPath argument of the BindCommand method. Alternatively, use the Bind method.

You can also register the default Command and CommandParameter properties for additional controls:

    (CustomViewA.CommandProperty, CustomViewA.CommandParameterProperty),
    (CustomViewB.CommandProperty, CustomViewB.CommandParameterProperty)

Inline converter code can be passed into the Bind method with the convert and convertBack parameters:

new Label { Text = "Tree" }
           .Bind (Label.MarginProperty, nameof(TreeNode.TreeDepth),
                  convert: (int depth) => new Thickness(depth * 20, 0, 0, 0))

Type-safe converter parameters are also supported:

new Label { }
           .Bind (nameof(viewModel.Text),
                  convert: (string text, int repeat) => string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(text, repeat)))

In addition, converter code and instances can be re-used with the FuncConverter class:

FuncConverter<int, Thickness> treeMarginConverter = new FuncConverter<int, Thickness>(depth => new Thickness(depth * 20, 0, 0, 0));
new Label { Text = "Tree" }
           .Bind (Label.MarginProperty, nameof(TreeNode.TreeDepth), converter: treeMarginConverter),

The FuncConverter class also supports CultureInfo objects:

cultureAwareConverter = new FuncConverter<DateTimeOffset, string, int>(
    (date, daysToAdd, culture) => date.AddDays(daysToAdd).ToString(culture)

It's also possible to data bind to Span objects that are specified with the FormattedText property:

new Label { } .FormattedText (
    new Span { Text = "Built with " },
    new Span { TextColor = Color.Blue, TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Underline }
              .BindTapGesture (nameof(vm.ContinueToCSharpForMarkupCommand))
              .Bind (nameof(vm.Title))

Gesture recognizers

Command and CommandParameter properties can be data bound to GestureElement and View types using the BindClickGesture, BindSwipeGesture, and BindTapGesture extension methods:

new Label { Text = "Tap Me" }
           .BindTapGesture (nameof(vm.TapCommand))

This example creates a gesture recognizer of the specified type, and adds it to the Label. The Bind*Gesture extension methods offer the same parameters as the BindCommand extension methods. However, by default Bind*Gesture does not bind CommandParameter, while BindCommand does.

To initialize a gesture recognizer with parameters, use the ClickGesture, PanGesture, PinchGesture, SwipeGesture, and TapGesture extension methods:

new Label { Text = "Tap Me" }
           .TapGesture (g => g.Bind(nameof(vm.DoubleTapCommand)).NumberOfTapsRequired = 2)

Since a gesture recognizer is a BindableObject, you can use the Bind and BindCommand extension methods when you initialize it. You can also initialize custom gesture recognizer types with the Gesture<TGestureElement, TGestureRecognizer> extension method.


C# Markup includes a series of layout extension methods that support positioning views in layouts, and content in views:

Type Extension methods
FlexLayout AlignSelf, Basis, Grow, Menu, Order, Shrink
Grid Row, Column, RowSpan, ColumnSpan
Label TextLeft, TextCenterHorizontal, TextRight
TextTop, TextCenterVertical, TextBottom
IPaddingElement (e.g. Layout) Padding, Paddings
LayoutOptions Left, CenterHorizontal, FillHorizontal, Right
LeftExpand, CenterExpandHorizontal, FillExpandHorizontal, RightExpand
Top, Bottom, CenterVertical, FillVertical
TopExpand, BottomExpand, CenterExpandVertical, FillExpandVertical
Center, Fill, CenterExpand, FillExpand
View Margin, Margins
VisualElement Height, Width, MinHeight, MinWidth, Size, MinSize

Left-to-right and right-to-left support

For C# Markup that is designed to support either left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) flow direction, the extension methods listed above offer the most intuitive set of names: Left, Right, Top and Bottom.

To make the correct set of left and right extension methods available, and in the process make explicit which flow direction the markup is designed for, include one of the following two using directives: using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup.LeftToRight;, or using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup.RightToLeft;.

For C# Markup that is designed to support both left-to-right and right-to-left flow direction, it's recommended to use the extension methods in the following table rather than either of the above namespaces:

Type Extension methods
Label TextStart, TextEnd
LayoutOptions Start, End
StartExpand, EndExpand

Layout line convention

The recommended convention is to put all the layout extension methods for a view on a single line in the following order:

  1. The row and column that contain the view.
  2. Alignment within the row and column.
  3. Margins around the view.
  4. View size.
  5. Padding within the view.
  6. Content alignment within the padding.

The following code shows an example of this convention:

new Label { }
           .Row (BodyRow.Prompt) .ColumnSpan (All<BodyCol>()) .FillExpandHorizontal () .CenterVertical () .Margin (fieldNameMargin) .TextCenterHorizontal () // Layout line

Consistently following the convention enables you to quickly read C# Markup and build a mental map of where the view content is located in the UI.

Grid rows and columns

Enumerations can be used to define Grid rows and columns, instead of using numbers. This offers the advantage that renumbering is not required when adding or removing rows or columns.


Defining Grid rows and columns using enumerations requires the following using directive: using static Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup.GridRowsColumns;

The following code shows an example of how to define and consume Grid rows and columns using enumerations:

using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup;
using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup.LeftToRight;
using static Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup.GridRowsColumns;
// ...

enum BodyRow { Prompt, CodeHeader, CodeEntry, Button }
enum BodyCol { FieldLabel, FieldValidation }

View Build() => new Grid
    RowDefinitions = Rows.Define(
        (BodyRow.Prompt    , 170 ),
        (BodyRow.CodeHeader, 75  ),
        (BodyRow.CodeEntry , Auto),
        (BodyRow.Button    , Auto)

    ColumnDefinitions = Columns.Define(
        (BodyCol.FieldLabel     , Stars(0.5)),
        (BodyCol.FieldValidation, Star)

    Children =
        new Label { LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.WordWrap } .FontSize (15) .Bold ()
                   .Row (BodyRow.Prompt) .ColumnSpan (All<BodyCol>()) .FillExpandHorizontal () .CenterVertical () .Margin (fieldNameMargin) .TextCenterHorizontal ()
                   .Bind (nameof(vm.RegistrationPrompt)),

        new Label { Text = "Registration code" } .Bold ()
                   .Row (BodyRow.CodeHeader) .Column(BodyCol.FieldLabel) .Bottom () .Margin (fieldNameMargin),

        new Label { } .Italic ()
                   .Row (BodyRow.CodeHeader) .Column (BodyCol.FieldValidation) .Right () .Bottom () .Margin (fieldNameMargin)
                   .Bind (nameof(vm.RegistrationCodeValidationMessage)),

        new Entry { Placeholder = "E.g. 123456", Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric, BackgroundColor = Color.AliceBlue, TextColor = Color.Black } .FontSize (15)
                   .Row (BodyRow.CodeEntry) .ColumnSpan (All<BodyCol>()) .Margin (fieldMargin) .Height (44)
                   .Bind (nameof(vm.RegistrationCode), BindingMode.TwoWay),

        new Button { Text = "Verify" } .Style (FilledButton)
                    .Row (BodyRow.Button) .ColumnSpan (All<BodyCol>()) .FillExpandHorizontal () .Margin (PageMarginSize)
                    .Bind (Button.IsVisibleProperty, nameof(vm.CanVerifyRegistrationCode))
                    .Bind (nameof(vm.VerifyRegistrationCodeCommand)),

In addition, you can concisely define rows and columns without enumerations:

new Grid
    RowDefinitions = Rows.Define (Auto, Star, 20),
    ColumnDefinitions = Columns.Define (Auto, Star, 20, 40)
    // ...


Controls that implement IFontElement can call the FontSize, Bold, Italic, and Font extension methods to set the appearance of the text displayed by the control, e.g.:

  • Button
  • DatePicker
  • Editor
  • Entry
  • Label
  • Picker
  • SearchBar
  • Span
  • TimePicker


Effects can be attached to controls with the Effects extension method:

new Button { Text = "Tap Me" }
            .Effects (new ButtonMixedCaps())

Logic integration

The Invoke extension method can be used to execute code inline in your C# Markup:

new ListView { } .Invoke (l => l.ItemTapped += OnListViewItemTapped)

In addition, you can use the Assign extension method to access a control from outside the UI markup (in the UI logic file):

new ListView { } .Assign (out MyListView)


The following example shows how to create implicit and explicit styles using C# Markup:

using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup;

namespace CSharpForMarkupDemos
    public static class Styles
        static Style<Button> buttons, filledButton;
        static Style<Label> labels;
        static Style<Span> link;

        #region Implicit styles

        public static ResourceDictionary Implicit => new ResourceDictionary { Buttons, Labels };

        public static Style<Button> Buttons => buttons ?? (buttons = new Style<Button>(
            (Button.HeightRequestProperty, 44),
            (Button.FontSizeProperty, 13),
            (Button.HorizontalOptionsProperty, LayoutOptions.Center),
            (Button.VerticalOptionsProperty, LayoutOptions.Center)

        public static Style<Label> Labels => labels ?? (labels = new Style<Label>(
            (Label.FontSizeProperty, 13),
            (Label.TextColorProperty, Color.Black)

        #endregion Implicit styles

        #region Explicit styles

        public static Style<Button> FilledButton => filledButton ?? (filledButton = new Style<Button>(
            (Button.TextColorProperty, Color.White),
            (Button.BackgroundColorProperty, Color.FromHex("#1976D2")),
            (Button.CornerRadiusProperty, 5)

        public static Style<Span> Link => link ?? (link = new Style<Span>(
            (Span.TextColorProperty, Color.Blue),
            (Span.TextDecorationsProperty, TextDecorations.Underline)

        #endregion Explicit styles

The implicit styles can be consumed by loading them into the application resource dictionary:

public App()
    Resources = Styles.Implicit;
    // ...

Explicit styles can be consumed with the Style extension method.

using static CSharpForMarkupExample.Styles;
// ...

new Button { Text = "Tap Me" } .Style (FilledButton),


In addition to the Style extension method, there are also ApplyToDerivedTypes, BasedOn, Add, and CanCascade extension methods.

Alternatively, you can create your own styling extension methods:

public static TButton Filled<TButton>(this TButton button) where TButton : Button
    button.Buttons(); // Equivalent to Style .BasedOn (Buttons)
    button.TextColor = Color.White;
    button.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
    return button;

The Filled extension method can then be consumed as follows:

new Button { Text = "Tap Me" } .Filled ()


The Invoke extension method can be used to apply platform-specifics. However, to avoid ambiguity errors, don't include using directives for the Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.*Specific namespaces directly. Instead, create a namespace alias and consume the platform-specific via the alias:

using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup;
using PciOS = Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific;
// ...

new ListView { } .Invoke (l => PciOS.ListView.SetGroupHeaderStyle(l, PciOS.GroupHeaderStyle.Grouped))

In addition, if you consume certain platform-specifics frequently you can create fluent extension methods for them in your own extensions class:

public static T iOSGroupHeaderStyle<T>(this T listView, PciOS.GroupHeaderStyle style) where T : Forms.ListView
  PciOS.ListView.SetGroupHeaderStyle(listView, style);
  return listView;

The extension method can then be consumed as follows:

new ListView { } .iOSGroupHeaderStyle(PciOS.GroupHeaderStyle.Grouped)

For more information about platform-specifics, see Android platform features, iOS platform features, and Windows platform features.

A recommended order and grouping of properties and helper methods is:

  • Purpose: any property or helper methods whose value identifies the control's purpose (e.g. Text, Placeholder, .Assign).
  • Other: all properties or helper methods that are not layout or binding, on the same line or multiple lines.
  • Layout: layout is ordered inwards: rows and columns, layout options, margin, size, padding, and content alignment.
  • Bind: data binding is performed at the end of the method chain, with one bound property per line. If the default bindable property is bound, it should be at the end of the method chain.

The following code shows an example of following this convention:

new Button { Text = "Verify" /* purpose */ } .Style (FilledButton) // other
            .Row (BodyRow.Button) .ColumnSpan (All<BodyCol>()) .FillExpandHorizontal () .Margin (10) // layout
            .Bind (Button.IsVisibleProperty, nameof(vm.CanVerifyRegistrationCode)) // bind
            .Bind (nameof(vm.VerifyRegistrationCodeCommand)), // bind default

new Label { }
           .Assign (out animatedMessageLabel) // purpose
           .Invoke (label => label.SizeChanged += MessageLabel_SizeChanged) // other
           .Row (BodyRow.Message) .ColumnSpan (All<BodyCol>()) // layout
           .Bind (nameof(vm.Message)), // bind default

Consistently applying this convention enables you to quickly scan your C# Markup and build a mental image of the UI layout.

Additional functionality in Xamarin Community Toolkit

In the Xamarin Community Toolkit, C# Markup adds support for:

  • MultiBinding
  • MultiConverter
  • BindableLayout
  • RelativeLayout
  • DynamicResource

Multi-Binding helpers

New overloads of the Bind helper offer support for multi-binding.

There are overloads that support 2, 3 or 4 bindings with a type-safe inline converter:

new Label { }
    .Bind (Label.TextProperty,
        new Binding (nameof(vm.Name)),
        new Binding (nameof(vm.Score)),
        ((string name, bool score) v) => $"{v.name} Score: { v.score }"

The value for all bindings are passed in as a ValueTuple with type-safe members.

You can also pass in a type-safe converter parameter:

new Label { }
    .Bind (Label.TextProperty,
        new Binding (nameof(vm.Name)),
        new Binding (nameof(vm.Score)),
        ((string name, int Score) v, bool winner) => $"{v.name} Score: { v.Score } Winner: { winner }",
        converterParameter: true

Here bool winner gets the value from the converterParameter.

You can specify two-way conversion inline:

new Entry { }
        new Binding (nameof(vm.Emoticon)),
        new Binding (nameof(vm.Repeat)),
        ((char emoticon, int repeat) v) => new string(v.emoticon, v.repeat),
        (string emoticons) => (emoticons[0], emoticons.Length)

In the convertBack function you return the same ValueTuple that you receive in the convert function.

You can specify more than 4 bindings by passing in a multi-value converter:

new Label { }
        new List<BindingBase> {
            new Binding(nameof(vm.Name)),
            new Binding(nameof(vm.Score))
        new FuncMultiConverter<string, bool>(
            (object[] values, bool winner) => $"{values[0]} Score: { values[1] } Winner: { winner }"

This is not type-safe: you will need to cast the values to their type in the convert function.

The FuncMultiConverter classes implement IMultiValueConverter. The class used for any number of bindings is FuncMultiConverter<TDest, TParam>, which only specifies the destination type and the parameter type of the convertor. The binding values are passed as an object[].

There are also type-safe generic overloads for FuncMultiConverter that take 2, 3 or 4 values (and optionally a convertor parameter). These classes pass the binding values in a type-safe ValueTuple.

Bindable layout helpers

The EmptyView, EmptyViewTemplate, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate and ItemTemplateSelector helpers offer support for bindable layouts on all Layout<View> types:

new StackLayout { }
    .ItemTemplate (() =>
        new Label { }
            .Bind (nameof(Item.Name))
    .ItemsSource (vm.Items)

RelativeLayout helpers

The Children helpers lets you add constrained child views to a RelativeLayout.

To create constrained views from normal views, four helpers have been added: Unconstrained, Constraints and two Constrain overloads. Each overload returns a corresponding *ConstrainedView class, which offers a fluent API for setting constraints on RelativeLayout child views.

Constraints on a child view can be set with:

  • A single Bounds expression.
  • Separate expressions for X, Y, Width and Height.
  • Separate Constraint instances for X, Y, Width and Height. Each of these Constraint instances has overloads for:
    • Constant.
    • Relative to parent.
    • Relative to view.

The following code shows examples of using these helpers:

new RelativeLayout { } .Children (
    new Label { } // Bounds constrained
        .Assign (out Label child0)
        .Constrain(() => new Rectangle(30, 20, layout.Height / 2, layout.Height / 4)),

    new Label { } // Expressions constrained
        .Constrain() .X      (() => 30)
                     .Y      (() => 20)
                     .Width  (() => layout.Height / 2)
                     .Height (() => layout.Height / 4),

    new Label { } // Constraints constrained - parent relative
        .Constraints() .X      (30)
                       .Y      (20)
                       .Width  (parent => parent.Height / 5)
                       .Height (parent => parent.Height / 10),

    new Label { } // Constraints constrained - view relative
        .Constraints() .X      (child0, (layout, view) => view.Bounds.Right + 10)
                       .Y      (child0, (layout, view) => view.Y)
                       .Width  (child0, (layout, view) => view.Width)
                       .Height (child0, (layout, view) => view.Height),
) .Assign (out layout)

Dynamic resource helpers

The DynamicResource, DynamicResources and RemoveDynamicResources helpers add support for setting dynamic resources on an Element:

new Label { }
    .DynamicResource (Label.TextProperty, "TextKey")

new Label { }
    .DynamicResources((Label.TextProperty     , "TextKey"),
                      (Label.TextColorProperty, "ColorKey"));