BitVector32 结构


提供一个简单结构,该结构以 32 位内存存储布尔值和小整数。

public value class BitVector32
public value class BitVector32 : IEquatable<System::Collections::Specialized::BitVector32>
public struct BitVector32
public struct BitVector32 : IEquatable<System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32>
type BitVector32 = struct
Public Structure BitVector32
Public Structure BitVector32
Implements IEquatable(Of BitVector32)


下面的代码示例使用 BitVector32 作为位标志的集合。

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;
int main()
   // Creates and initializes a BitVector32 with all bit flags set to FALSE.
   BitVector32 myBV(0);
   // Creates masks to isolate each of the first five bit flags.
   int myBit1 = BitVector32::CreateMask();
   int myBit2 = BitVector32::CreateMask( myBit1 );
   int myBit3 = BitVector32::CreateMask( myBit2 );
   int myBit4 = BitVector32::CreateMask( myBit3 );
   int myBit5 = BitVector32::CreateMask( myBit4 );
   // Sets the alternating bits to TRUE.
   Console::WriteLine( "Setting alternating bits to TRUE:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Initial:       {0}", myBV );
   myBV[ myBit1 ] = true;
   Console::WriteLine( "   myBit1 = TRUE: {0}", myBV );
   myBV[ myBit3 ] = true;
   Console::WriteLine( "   myBit3 = TRUE: {0}", myBV );
   myBV[ myBit5 ] = true;
   Console::WriteLine( "   myBit5 = TRUE: {0}", myBV );

This code produces the following output.

Setting alternating bits to TRUE:
Initial:         BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000000000}
myBit1 = TRUE:   BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000000001}
myBit3 = TRUE:   BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000000101}
myBit5 = TRUE:   BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000010101}

using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

public class SamplesBitVector32  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a BitVector32 with all bit flags set to FALSE.
      BitVector32 myBV = new BitVector32( 0 );

      // Creates masks to isolate each of the first five bit flags.
      int myBit1 = BitVector32.CreateMask();
      int myBit2 = BitVector32.CreateMask( myBit1 );
      int myBit3 = BitVector32.CreateMask( myBit2 );
      int myBit4 = BitVector32.CreateMask( myBit3 );
      int myBit5 = BitVector32.CreateMask( myBit4 );

      // Sets the alternating bits to TRUE.
      Console.WriteLine( "Setting alternating bits to TRUE:" );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Initial:         {0}", myBV.ToString() );
      myBV[myBit1] = true;
      Console.WriteLine( "   myBit1 = TRUE:   {0}", myBV.ToString() );
      myBV[myBit3] = true;
      Console.WriteLine( "   myBit3 = TRUE:   {0}", myBV.ToString() );
      myBV[myBit5] = true;
      Console.WriteLine( "   myBit5 = TRUE:   {0}", myBV.ToString() );

This code produces the following output.

Setting alternating bits to TRUE:
   Initial:         BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000000}
   myBit1 = TRUE:   BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000001}
   myBit3 = TRUE:   BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000101}
   myBit5 = TRUE:   BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000010101}

Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Public Class SamplesBitVector32

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates and initializes a BitVector32 with all bit flags set to FALSE.
      Dim myBV As New BitVector32(0)

      ' Creates masks to isolate each of the first five bit flags.
      Dim myBit1 As Integer = BitVector32.CreateMask()
      Dim myBit2 As Integer = BitVector32.CreateMask(myBit1)
      Dim myBit3 As Integer = BitVector32.CreateMask(myBit2)
      Dim myBit4 As Integer = BitVector32.CreateMask(myBit3)
      Dim myBit5 As Integer = BitVector32.CreateMask(myBit4)

      ' Sets the alternating bits to TRUE.
      Console.WriteLine("Setting alternating bits to TRUE:")
      Console.WriteLine("   Initial:         {0}", myBV.ToString())
      myBV(myBit1) = True
      Console.WriteLine("   myBit1 = TRUE:   {0}", myBV.ToString())
      myBV(myBit3) = True
      Console.WriteLine("   myBit3 = TRUE:   {0}", myBV.ToString())
      myBV(myBit5) = True
      Console.WriteLine("   myBit5 = TRUE:   {0}", myBV.ToString())
   End Sub
End Class

' This code produces the following output.
' Setting alternating bits to TRUE:
'    Initial:         BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000000}
'    myBit1 = TRUE:   BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000001}
'    myBit3 = TRUE:   BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000101}
'    myBit5 = TRUE:   BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000010101}

下面的代码示例使用 BitVector32 作为节的集合。

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;

int main()
   // Creates and initializes a BitVector32.
   BitVector32 myBV(0);

   // Creates four sections in the BitVector32 with maximum values 6, 3, 1, and 15.
   // mySect3, which uses exactly one bit, can also be used as a bit flag.
   BitVector32::Section mySect1 = BitVector32::CreateSection( 6 );
   BitVector32::Section mySect2 = BitVector32::CreateSection( 3, mySect1 );
   BitVector32::Section mySect3 = BitVector32::CreateSection( 1, mySect2 );
   BitVector32::Section mySect4 = BitVector32::CreateSection( 15, mySect3 );

   // Displays the values of the sections.
   Console::WriteLine( "Initial values:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect1: {0}", myBV[ mySect1 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect2: {0}", myBV[ mySect2 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect3: {0}", myBV[ mySect3 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect4: {0}", myBV[ mySect4 ] );

   // Sets each section to a new value and displays the value of the BitVector32 at each step.
   Console::WriteLine( "Changing the values of each section:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tInitial:    \t {0}", myBV );
   myBV[ mySect1 ] = 5;
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect1 = 5:\t {0}", myBV );
   myBV[ mySect2 ] = 3;
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect2 = 3:\t {0}", myBV );
   myBV[ mySect3 ] = 1;
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect3 = 1:\t {0}", myBV );
   myBV[ mySect4 ] = 9;
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect4 = 9:\t {0}", myBV );

   // Displays the values of the sections.
   Console::WriteLine( "New values:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect1: {0}", myBV[ mySect1 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect2: {0}", myBV[ mySect2 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect3: {0}", myBV[ mySect3 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect4: {0}", myBV[ mySect4 ] );

This code produces the following output.

Initial values:
        mySect1: 0
        mySect2: 0
        mySect3: 0
        mySect4: 0
Changing the values of each section:
        Initial:        BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000000000}
        mySect1 = 5:    BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000000101}
        mySect2 = 3:    BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000011101}
        mySect3 = 1:    BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000111101}
        mySect4 = 9:    BitVector32 {00000000000000000000001001111101}
New values:
        mySect1: 5
        mySect2: 3
        mySect3: 1
        mySect4: 9

using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

public class SamplesBitVector32  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a BitVector32.
      BitVector32 myBV = new BitVector32( 0 );

      // Creates four sections in the BitVector32 with maximum values 6, 3, 1, and 15.
      // mySect3, which uses exactly one bit, can also be used as a bit flag.
      BitVector32.Section mySect1 = BitVector32.CreateSection( 6 );
      BitVector32.Section mySect2 = BitVector32.CreateSection( 3, mySect1 );
      BitVector32.Section mySect3 = BitVector32.CreateSection( 1, mySect2 );
      BitVector32.Section mySect4 = BitVector32.CreateSection( 15, mySect3 );

      // Displays the values of the sections.
      Console.WriteLine( "Initial values:" );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect1: {0}", myBV[mySect1] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect2: {0}", myBV[mySect2] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect3: {0}", myBV[mySect3] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect4: {0}", myBV[mySect4] );

      // Sets each section to a new value and displays the value of the BitVector32 at each step.
      Console.WriteLine( "Changing the values of each section:" );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tInitial:    \t{0}", myBV.ToString() );
      myBV[mySect1] = 5;
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect1 = 5:\t{0}", myBV.ToString() );
      myBV[mySect2] = 3;
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect2 = 3:\t{0}", myBV.ToString() );
      myBV[mySect3] = 1;
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect3 = 1:\t{0}", myBV.ToString() );
      myBV[mySect4] = 9;
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect4 = 9:\t{0}", myBV.ToString() );

      // Displays the values of the sections.
      Console.WriteLine( "New values:" );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect1: {0}", myBV[mySect1] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect2: {0}", myBV[mySect2] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect3: {0}", myBV[mySect3] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect4: {0}", myBV[mySect4] );

This code produces the following output.

Initial values:
        mySect1: 0
        mySect2: 0
        mySect3: 0
        mySect4: 0
Changing the values of each section:
        Initial:        BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000000}
        mySect1 = 5:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000101}
        mySect2 = 3:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000011101}
        mySect3 = 1:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000111101}
        mySect4 = 9:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000001001111101}
New values:
        mySect1: 5
        mySect2: 3
        mySect3: 1
        mySect4: 9

Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Public Class SamplesBitVector32
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Creates and initializes a BitVector32.
      Dim myBV As New BitVector32(0)
      ' Creates four sections in the BitVector32 with maximum values 6, 3, 1, and 15.
      ' mySect3, which uses exactly one bit, can also be used as a bit flag.
      Dim mySect1 As BitVector32.Section = BitVector32.CreateSection(6)
      Dim mySect2 As BitVector32.Section = BitVector32.CreateSection(3, mySect1)
      Dim mySect3 As BitVector32.Section = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, mySect2)
      Dim mySect4 As BitVector32.Section = BitVector32.CreateSection(15, mySect3)
      ' Displays the values of the sections.
      Console.WriteLine("Initial values:")
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect1: {0}", myBV(mySect1))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect2: {0}", myBV(mySect2))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect3: {0}", myBV(mySect3))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect4: {0}", myBV(mySect4))
      ' Sets each section to a new value and displays the value of the BitVector32 at each step.
      Console.WriteLine("Changing the values of each section:")
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "Initial:    " + ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myBV.ToString())
      myBV(mySect1) = 5
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect1 = 5:" + ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myBV.ToString())
      myBV(mySect2) = 3
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect2 = 3:" + ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myBV.ToString())
      myBV(mySect3) = 1
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect3 = 1:" + ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myBV.ToString())
      myBV(mySect4) = 9
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect4 = 9:" + ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myBV.ToString())
      ' Displays the values of the sections.
      Console.WriteLine("New values:")
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect1: {0}", myBV(mySect1))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect2: {0}", myBV(mySect2))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect3: {0}", myBV(mySect3))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect4: {0}", myBV(mySect4))

   End Sub

End Class

' This code produces the following output.
' Initial values:
'        mySect1: 0
'        mySect2: 0
'        mySect3: 0
'        mySect4: 0
' Changing the values of each section:
'        Initial:        BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000000}
'        mySect1 = 5:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000101}
'        mySect2 = 3:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000011101}
'        mySect3 = 1:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000111101}
'        mySect4 = 9:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000001001111101}
' New values:
'        mySect1: 5
'        mySect2: 3
'        mySect3: 1
'        mySect4: 9


BitVector32BitArray 在内部使用的布尔值和小整数更高效。 BitArray可以根据需要无限期增长,但它具有类实例所需的内存和性能开销。 相比之下, BitVector32 只使用 32 位。

BitVector32结构可以设置为包含小整数的两个部分或布尔值的位标志,但不能同时包含这两个部分。 是 BitVector32.Section 进入 BitVector32 的窗口,由可包含 中指定的 CreateSection最大值的最小连续位数组成。 例如,最大值为 1 的节仅由 1 位组成,而最大值为 5 的节则由 3 位组成。 可以创建 BitVector32.Section 最大值为 1 的 以用作布尔值,从而允许在同 BitVector32一 个 中存储整数和布尔值。

某些成员可用于 BitVector32 设置为部分的 ,而其他成员可用于设置为位标志的成员。 例如, BitVector32.Item[] 属性是设置为节的 的 BitVector32 索引器,而 BitVector32.Item[] 属性是设置为位标志的 索引 BitVector32 器。 CreateMask 创建一系列掩码,这些掩码可用于访问设置为位标志的 中的 BitVector32 单个位。

在设置为节的 上使用 BitVector32 掩码可能会导致意外结果。



初始化 BitVector32 结构的新实例,该实例包含现有 BitVector32 结构中表示的数据。


初始化 BitVector32 结构的新实例,该实例包含以整数表示的数据。



获得作为整数的 BitVector32 的值。


获取或设置存储在指定 BitVector32.Section 中的值。





创建一系列屏蔽中的第一个屏蔽,该系列屏蔽可以用于检索作为位标志设置的 BitVector32 中的单个位。


在一系列屏蔽中的指定屏蔽后面再创建一个屏蔽,该系列屏蔽可以用于检索作为位标志设置的 BitVector32 中的单个位。


创建一系列包含小整数的节中的第一个 BitVector32.Section

CreateSection(Int16, BitVector32+Section)

在一系列包含小整数的节中,在指定的 BitVector32.Section 后面创建新的 BitVector32.Section




确定指定对象是否等于 BitVector32


作为 BitVector32 的哈希函数。


返回表示当前 BitVector32 的字符串。


返回表示指定的 BitVector32 的字符串。

