TaiwanCalendar.AddMonths(DateTime, Int32) 方法


返回与指定 DateTime 相距指定月数的 DateTime

 override DateTime AddMonths(DateTime time, int months);
public override DateTime AddMonths (DateTime time, int months);
override this.AddMonths : DateTime * int -> DateTime
Public Overrides Function AddMonths (time As DateTime, months As Integer) As DateTime



将向其添加月数的 DateTime





将指定月数添加到指定的 DateTime 中时得到的 DateTime


生成的 DateTime 超出了支持的范围。

months 小于 -120000。

  • 或 - months 大于 120000。


下面的代码示例演示了该方法的使用 AddMonths

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void DisplayValues( Calendar^ myCal, DateTime myDT )
   Console::WriteLine( "   Era:        {0}", myCal->GetEra( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Year:       {0}", myCal->GetYear( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Month:      {0}", myCal->GetMonth( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   DayOfYear:  {0}", myCal->GetDayOfYear( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   DayOfMonth: {0}", myCal->GetDayOfMonth( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   DayOfWeek:  {0}", myCal->GetDayOfWeek( myDT ) );

int main()
   // Sets a DateTime to April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar.
   DateTime myDT = DateTime(2002,4,3,gcnew GregorianCalendar);
   // Creates an instance of the TaiwanCalendar.
   TaiwanCalendar^ myCal = gcnew TaiwanCalendar;
   // Displays the values of the DateTime.
   Console::WriteLine( "April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar equals the following in the Taiwan calendar:" );
   DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );
   // Adds two years and ten months.
   myDT = myCal->AddYears( myDT, 2 );
   myDT = myCal->AddMonths( myDT, 10 );
   // Displays the values of the DateTime.
   Console::WriteLine( "After adding two years and ten months:" );
   DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );

This code produces the following output.

April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar equals the following in the Taiwan calendar:
   Era:        1
   Year:       91
   Month:      4
   DayOfYear:  93
   DayOfMonth: 3
   DayOfWeek:  Wednesday

After adding two years and ten months:
   Era:        1
   Year:       94
   Month:      2
   DayOfYear:  34
   DayOfMonth: 3
   DayOfWeek:  Thursday

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesTaiwanCalendar  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Sets a DateTime to April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar.
      DateTime myDT = new DateTime( 2002, 4, 3, new GregorianCalendar() );

      // Creates an instance of the TaiwanCalendar.
      TaiwanCalendar myCal = new TaiwanCalendar();

      // Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine( "April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar equals the following in the Taiwan calendar:" );
      DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );

      // Adds two years and ten months.
      myDT = myCal.AddYears( myDT, 2 );
      myDT = myCal.AddMonths( myDT, 10 );

      // Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine( "After adding two years and ten months:" );
      DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );

   public static void DisplayValues( Calendar myCal, DateTime myDT )  {
      Console.WriteLine( "   Era:        {0}", myCal.GetEra( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Year:       {0}", myCal.GetYear( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Month:      {0}", myCal.GetMonth( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   DayOfYear:  {0}", myCal.GetDayOfYear( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   DayOfMonth: {0}", myCal.GetDayOfMonth( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   DayOfWeek:  {0}", myCal.GetDayOfWeek( myDT ) );

This code produces the following output.

April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar equals the following in the Taiwan calendar:
   Era:        1
   Year:       91
   Month:      4
   DayOfYear:  93
   DayOfMonth: 3
   DayOfWeek:  Wednesday

After adding two years and ten months:
   Era:        1
   Year:       94
   Month:      2
   DayOfYear:  34
   DayOfMonth: 3
   DayOfWeek:  Thursday

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesTaiwanCalendar   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Sets a DateTime to April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar.
      Dim myDT As New DateTime(2002, 4, 3, New GregorianCalendar())

      ' Creates an instance of the TaiwanCalendar.
      Dim myCal As New TaiwanCalendar()

      ' Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine("April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar equals the following in the Taiwan calendar:")
      DisplayValues(myCal, myDT)

      ' Adds two years and ten months.
      myDT = myCal.AddYears(myDT, 2)
      myDT = myCal.AddMonths(myDT, 10)

      ' Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine("After adding two years and ten months:")
      DisplayValues(myCal, myDT)

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub DisplayValues(myCal As Calendar, myDT As DateTime)
      Console.WriteLine("   Era:        {0}", myCal.GetEra(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   Year:       {0}", myCal.GetYear(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   Month:      {0}", myCal.GetMonth(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfYear:  {0}", myCal.GetDayOfYear(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfMonth: {0}", myCal.GetDayOfMonth(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfWeek:  {0}", myCal.GetDayOfWeek(myDT))
   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar equals the following in the Taiwan calendar:
'   Era:        1
'   Year:       91
'   Month:      4
'   DayOfYear:  93
'   DayOfMonth: 3
'   DayOfWeek:  Wednesday
'After adding two years and ten months:
'   Era:        1
'   Year:       94
'   Month:      2
'   DayOfYear:  34
'   DayOfMonth: 3
'   DayOfWeek:  Thursday


如果生成的日期不是结果年份的结果月份中的有效日期,则生成的 DateTime 日期部分会受到影响。 它更改为生成的年份的最后一个有效日。 如果生成的月份超出指定DateTime年份,则生成的DateTime年份部分将受到影响。 此实现仅支持当前时代。 因此,如果生成的年份不在指定DateTime年份之外,ArgumentException则引发该年份。 生成的 DateTime 当天部分与指定的 DateTime时间保持相同。

例如,如果指定的月份为 10 月(包含 31 天),则指定的日期为当月的第 31 天,参数的值为 months 6,生成的年份比指定年份多一个,生成的月份为 4 月,生成的日期为 4 月的第 30 天,即 4 月的最后一天。

如果参数的值 months 为负值,则生成的结果 DateTime 早于指定的 DateTime值。

Kind返回DateTime值的属性始终相等DateTimeKind.Unspecified。 可以通过调用DateTime.SpecifyKind方法来保留Kind参数的属性time,如以下示例所示。

returnTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(cal.AddMonths(time, months), time.Kind);
returnTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(cal.AddMonths(time, months), time.Kind)

