FrameworkElement.BindingGroup 属性


获取或设置用于该元素的 BindingGroup

 property System::Windows::Data::BindingGroup ^ BindingGroup { System::Windows::Data::BindingGroup ^ get(); void set(System::Windows::Data::BindingGroup ^ value); };
public System.Windows.Data.BindingGroup BindingGroup { get; set; }
member this.BindingGroup : System.Windows.Data.BindingGroup with get, set
Public Property BindingGroup As BindingGroup


用于该元素的 BindingGroup



以下示例是应用程序的一部分,该应用程序检查用户是否已将两个 对象的属性设置为相等值。 第一个示例创建两 TextBox 个控件,每个控件都绑定到不同的数据源。 的 StackPanel 包含 BindingGroup 检查两个 ValidationRule 字符串是否相等的 。

    <src:Type1 x:Key="object1" />
    <src:Type2 x:Key="object2" />

  <StackPanel Name="sp1"
              DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource object1}}"
              Validation.ValidationAdornerSite="{Binding ElementName=label1}"

      <BindingGroup Name="bindingGroup">
          <src:BindingGroupValidationRule ValidatesOnTargetUpdated="True" />

    <TextBlock Text="First string" />

    <TextBox Width="150"
             Text="{Binding Path=PropertyA}" />

    <TextBlock Text="Second string" />

    <TextBox Width="150"
             Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource object2}, 
      Path=PropertyB, BindingGroupName=bindingGroup, 
      TargetNullValue=please enter a string}" />


  <Label Name="label1"
         Content="{Binding ElementName=sp1, Path=(Validation.Errors)[0].ErrorContent}"
         HorizontalAlignment="Center" />

  <Button HorizontalAlignment="Center"

  <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <TextBlock Text="First string:"
               FontWeight="Bold" />
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource object1}, 
      Path=PropertyA, TargetNullValue=--}" />

  <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <TextBlock Text="Second string:"
               FontWeight="Bold" />
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource object2}, 
      Path=PropertyB, TargetNullValue=--}" />

以下示例显示了上一 ValidationRule 个示例使用的 。 在 Validate 方法重写中,该示例从 BindingGroup 获取每个源对象,并检查对象的属性是否相等。

public class Type1
    public string PropertyA { get; set; }

    public Type1()
        PropertyA = "Default Value";

public class Type2
    public string PropertyB { get; set; }

    public Type2()

public class BindingGroupValidationRule : ValidationRule
    public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo)
        BindingGroup bg = value as BindingGroup;

        Type1 object1 = null;
        Type2 object2 = null;

        foreach (object item in bg.Items)
            if (item is Type1)
                object1 = item as Type1;

            if (item is Type2)
                object2 = item as Type2;

        if (object1 == null || object2 == null)
            return new ValidationResult(false, "BindingGroup did not find source object.");

        string string1 = bg.GetValue(object1, "PropertyA") as string;
        string string2 = bg.GetValue(object2, "PropertyB") as string;

        if (string1 != string2)
            return new ValidationResult(false, "The two strings must be identical.");

        return ValidationResult.ValidResult;
Public Class Type1
    Public Property PropertyA() As String

    Public Sub New()
        PropertyA = "Default Value"
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Type2
    Public Property PropertyB() As String

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class BindingGroupValidationRule
    Inherits ValidationRule
    Public Overrides Function Validate(ByVal value As Object, ByVal cultureInfo As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As ValidationResult
        Dim bg As BindingGroup = TryCast(value, BindingGroup)

        Dim object1 As Type1 = Nothing
        Dim object2 As Type2 = Nothing

        For Each item As Object In bg.Items
            If TypeOf item Is Type1 Then
                object1 = TryCast(item, Type1)
            End If

            If TypeOf item Is Type2 Then
                object2 = TryCast(item, Type2)
            End If
        Next item

        If object1 Is Nothing OrElse object2 Is Nothing Then
            Return New ValidationResult(False, "BindingGroup did not find source object.")
        End If

        Dim string1 As String = TryCast(bg.GetValue(object1, "PropertyA"), String)
        Dim string2 As String = TryCast(bg.GetValue(object2, "PropertyB"), String)

        If string1 <> string2 Then
            Return New ValidationResult(False, "The two strings must be identical.")
        End If

        Return ValidationResult.ValidResult

    End Function

End Class

若要调用 ValidationRule,请调用 UpdateSources 方法。 以下示例在按钮的单击事件发生时调用 UpdateSources

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Private Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
End Sub


BindingGroup可用于验证对象的多个属性的值。 例如,假设应用程序提示用户输入地址,然后填充类型Address为 的对象,该对象具有用户提供的值、、 ZipCodeCountry属性StreetCity。 应用程序有一个面板,其中包含四 TextBox 个控件,每个控件都绑定到对象的一个属性。 可以使用 ValidationRule 中的 BindingGroup 来验证 Address 对象。 例如, ValidationRule 可以确保邮政编码对地址的国家/地区有效。

子元素从其父元素继承 , BindingGroup 就像任何其他可继承属性一样。


标识符字段 BindingGroupProperty
元数据属性设置为 true Inherits
