Attribute.Match 方法


**程序集:**mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)


Public Overridable Function Match ( _
    obj As Object _
) As Boolean
Dim instance As Attribute
Dim obj As Object
Dim returnValue As Boolean

returnValue = instance.Match(obj)
public virtual bool Match (
    Object obj
virtual bool Match (
    Object^ obj
public boolean Match (
    Object obj
public function Match (
    obj : Object
) : boolean



如果该实例等于 obj,则为 true;否则,为 false


此方法确定两个 Attribute 是否相等。其默认实现与执行值引用比较的 Equals 相同。重写此方法以实现对由本身有意义的组件组成的属性值(如标志或位域)的支持。

例如,请考虑一个值为被分成标志位域的二进制字段的属性。该属性的两个实例的标志集一个共有的,而所有其他标志都不同。Equals 方法无法确定这两个实例是否具有相同的标志集,但 Match 方法可以确定。


下面的代码示例演示在 Attribute 上下文中 Match 的用法。

Imports System
Imports System.Reflection

Module DemoModule

    ' A custom attribute to allow 2 authors per method.
    <AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)> _
    Public Class AuthorsAttribute
        Inherits Attribute

        Public Sub New(ByVal name1 As String, ByVal name2 As String)
            myAuthorName1 = name1
            myAuthorName2 = name2
        End Sub

        Protected myAuthorName1 As String
        Protected myAuthorName2 As String

        Public Property AuthorName1() As String
                Return myAuthorName1
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                myAuthorName1 = AuthorName1
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property AuthorName2() As String
                Return myAuthorName2
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                myAuthorName2 = AuthorName2
            End Set
        End Property

        ' Use the hash code of the string objects and xor them together.
        Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
            Return myAuthorName1.GetHashCode() Xor myAuthorName2.GetHashCode()
        End Function

        ' Determine if the object is a match to this one.
        Public Overrides Function Match(ByVal obj As Object) As Boolean
            ' Obviously a match.
            If obj Is Me Then
                Return True
            End If

            ' Obviously we're not nothing, so no.
            If obj Is Nothing Then
                Return False
            End If

            If TypeOf obj Is AuthorsAttribute Then
                ' Combine the hash codes and see if they're unchanged.
                Dim authObj As AuthorsAttribute = CType(obj, AuthorsAttribute)
                Dim firstHash As Integer = authObj.GetHashCode() And GetHashCode()
                If firstHash = GetHashCode() Then
                    Return True
                    Return False
                End If
                Return False
            End If
        End Function

    End Class

    ' Add some authors to methods of a class.
    Public Class TestClass1
        <Authors("William Shakespeare", "Herman Melville")> _
        Public Sub Method1()
        End Sub

        <Authors("Leo Tolstoy", "John Milton")> _
        Public Sub Method2()
        End Sub
    End Class

    ' Add authors to a second class's methods.
    Public Class TestClass2
        <Authors("William Shakespeare", "Herman Melville")> _
        Public Sub Method1()
        End Sub

        <Authors("Leo Tolstoy", "John Milton")> _
        Public Sub Method2()
        End Sub

        <Authors("Francis Bacon", "Miguel Cervantes")> _
        Public Sub Method3()
        End Sub
    End Class

    Sub Main()
        ' Get the type for both classes to access their metadata.
        Dim clsType1 As Type = GetType(TestClass1)
        Dim clsType2 As Type = GetType(TestClass2)

        Dim mInfo1 As MethodInfo
        ' Iterate through each method of the first class.
        For Each mInfo1 In clsType1.GetMethods()
            ' Check each method for the Authors attribute.
            Dim attr1 As Attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(mInfo1, _
            If Not attr1 Is Nothing And TypeOf attr1 Is AuthorsAttribute Then
                Dim authAttr1 As AuthorsAttribute = _
                    CType(attr1, AuthorsAttribute)
                ' Display the authors.
                Console.WriteLine("Method {0} was authored by {1} and {2}.", _
                                mInfo1.Name, authAttr1.AuthorName1, _
                Dim mInfo2 As MethodInfo
                ' Iterate through each method of the second class.
                For Each mInfo2 In clsType2.GetMethods()
                    ' Check each method for the Authors attribute.
                    Dim attr2 As Attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( _
                        mInfo2, GetType(AuthorsAttribute))
                    If Not attr2 Is Nothing And _
                        TypeOf attr2 Is AuthorsAttribute Then
                        Dim authAttr2 As AuthorsAttribute = _
                            CType(attr2, AuthorsAttribute)
                        ' Compare with the authors in the first class.
                        If authAttr2.Match(authAttr1) = True Then
                            Console.WriteLine("Method {0} in class {1} was " + _
                                        "also authored by the same team.", _
                                        mInfo2.Name, clsType2.Name)
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
    End Sub
End Module

' Output:
' Method Method1 was authored by William Shakespeare and Herman Melville.
' Method Method1 in class TestClass2 was also authored by the same team.
' Method Method2 was authored by Leo Tolstoy and John Milton.
' Method Method2 in class TestClass2 was also authored by the same team.
using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace MatchCS {
    // A custom attribute to allow 2 authors per method.
    public class AuthorsAttribute : Attribute {
        public AuthorsAttribute(string name1, string name2) {
            authorName1 = name1;
            authorName2 = name2;

        protected string authorName1;
        protected string authorName2;
        public string AuthorName1 {
            get { return authorName1; }
            set { authorName1 = AuthorName1; }

        public string AuthorName2 {
            get { return authorName2; }
            set { authorName2 = AuthorName2; }

        // Use the hash code of the string objects and xor them together.
        public override int GetHashCode() {
            return authorName1.GetHashCode() ^ authorName2.GetHashCode();

        // Determine if the object is a match to this one.
        public override bool Match(object obj) {
            // Obviously a match.
            if (obj == this)
                return true;

            // Obviously we're not null, so no.
            if (obj == null)
                return false;

            if (obj is AuthorsAttribute)
                // Combine the hash codes and see if they're unchanged.
                return (((AuthorsAttribute)obj).GetHashCode() & GetHashCode())
                    == GetHashCode();
                return false;

    // Add some authors to methods of a class.
    public class TestClass1 {
        [Authors("William Shakespeare", "Herman Melville")]
        public void Method1()

        [Authors("Leo Tolstoy", "John Milton")]
        public void Method2()

    // Add authors to a second class's methods.
    public class TestClass2 {
        [Authors("William Shakespeare", "Herman Melville")]
        public void Method1()

        [Authors("Leo Tolstoy", "John Milton")]
        public void Method2()

        [Authors("William Shakespeare", "John Milton")]
        public void Method3()

    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            // Get the type for both classes to access their metadata.
            Type clsType1 = typeof(TestClass1);
            Type clsType2 = typeof(TestClass2);

            // Iterate through each method of the first class.
            foreach(MethodInfo mInfo1 in clsType1.GetMethods()) {
                // Check each method for the Authors attribute.
                AuthorsAttribute authAttr1 = (AuthorsAttribute)
                if (authAttr1 != null) {
                    // Display the authors.
                    Console.WriteLine("Method {0} was authored by {1} " +
                                        "and {2}.", mInfo1.Name, 
                    // Iterate through each method of the second class.
                    foreach(MethodInfo mInfo2 in clsType2.GetMethods()) {
                        // Check each method for the Authors attribute.
                        AuthorsAttribute authAttr2 = (AuthorsAttribute)
                        // Compare with the authors in the first class.
                        if (authAttr2 != null && authAttr2.Match(authAttr1))
                            Console.WriteLine("Method {0} in class {1} " +
                                "was authored by the same team.",
                                mInfo2.Name, clsType2.Name);

 * Output:
 * Method Method1 was authored by William Shakespeare and Herman Melville.
 * Method Method1 in class TestClass2 was authored by the same team.
 * Method Method2 was authored by Leo Tolstoy and John Milton.
 * Method Method2 in class TestClass2 was authored by the same team.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

// A custom attribute to allow 2 authors per method.
public ref class AuthorsAttribute: public Attribute
   AuthorsAttribute( String^ name1, String^ name2 )
      authorName1 = name1;
      authorName2 = name2;

   String^ authorName1;
   String^ authorName2;


   property String^ AuthorName1 
      String^ get()
         return authorName1;

      void set( String^ value )
         authorName1 = value;

   property String^ AuthorName2 
      String^ get()
         return authorName2;

      void set( String^ value )
         authorName2 = value;

   // Use the hash code of the string objects and xor them together.
   virtual int GetHashCode() override
      return authorName1->GetHashCode() ^ authorName2->GetHashCode();

   // Determine if the object is a match to this one.
   virtual bool Match( Object^ obj ) override
      // Obviously a match.
      if ( obj == this )
            return true;

      // Obviously we're not null, so no.
      if ( obj == nullptr )
            return false;

      if ( dynamic_cast<AuthorsAttribute^>(obj) )

      // Combine the hash codes and see if they're unchanged.
      return (dynamic_cast<AuthorsAttribute^>(obj)->GetHashCode() & GetHashCode()) == GetHashCode();
            return false;

// Add some authors to methods of a class.
public ref class TestClass1

   [Authors("William Shakespeare","Herman Melville")]
   void Method1(){}

   [Authors("Leo Tolstoy","John Milton")]
   void Method2(){}


// Add authors to a second class's methods.
public ref class TestClass2

   [Authors("William Shakespeare","Herman Melville")]
   void Method1(){}

   [Authors("Leo Tolstoy","John Milton")]
   void Method2(){}

   [Authors("William Shakespeare","John Milton")]
   void Method3(){}


int main()
   // Get the type for both classes to access their metadata.
   Type^ clsType1 = TestClass1::typeid;
   Type^ clsType2 = TestClass2::typeid;

   // Iterate through each method of the first class.
   System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = clsType1->GetMethods()->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      MethodInfo^ mInfo1 = safe_cast<MethodInfo^>(myEnum->Current);

      // Check each method for the Authors attribute.
      AuthorsAttribute^ authAttr1 = dynamic_cast<AuthorsAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( mInfo1, AuthorsAttribute::typeid ));
      if ( authAttr1 != nullptr )
         // Display the authors.
         Console::WriteLine( "Method {0} was authored by {1} and {2}.", mInfo1->Name, authAttr1->AuthorName1, authAttr1->AuthorName2 );

         // Iterate through each method of the second class.
         System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum1 = clsType2->GetMethods()->GetEnumerator();
         while ( myEnum1->MoveNext() )
            MethodInfo^ mInfo2 = safe_cast<MethodInfo^>(myEnum1->Current);

            // Check each method for the Authors attribute.
            AuthorsAttribute^ authAttr2 = dynamic_cast<AuthorsAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( mInfo2, AuthorsAttribute::typeid ));

            // Compare with the authors in the first class.
            if ( authAttr2 != nullptr && authAttr2->Match(authAttr1) )
                        Console::WriteLine( "Method {0} in class {1} was authored by the same team.", mInfo2->Name, clsType2->Name );

 * Output:
 * Method Method1 was authored by William Shakespeare and Herman Melville.
 * Method Method1 in class TestClass2 was authored by the same team.
 * Method Method2 was authored by Leo Tolstoy and John Milton.
 * Method Method2 in class TestClass2 was authored by the same team.
package MatchJSL;

import System.*;
import System.Reflection.*;

// A custom attribute to allow 2 authors per method.
/** @attribute AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)
public class AuthorsAttribute extends Attribute
    public AuthorsAttribute(String name1, String name2)
        authorName1 = name1;
        authorName2 = name2;
    } //AuthorsAttribute

    protected String authorName1;
    protected String authorName2;

    /** @property 
    public String get_AuthorName1()
        return authorName1;
    } //get_AuthorName1

    /** @property 
    public void set_AuthorName1(String value)
        authorName1 = value;
    } //set_AuthorName1

    /** @property 
    public String get_AuthorName2()
        return authorName2;
    } //get_AuthorName2

    /** @property 
    public void set_AuthorName2(String value)
        authorName2 = value;
    } //set_AuthorName2

    // Use the hash code of the string objects and xor them together.
    public int GetHashCode()
        return authorName1.GetHashCode() ^ authorName2.GetHashCode();
    } //GetHashCode

    // Determine if the object is a match to this one.
    public boolean Match(Object obj)
        // Obviously a match.
        if (obj.Equals(this)) {
            return true;
        // Obviously we're not null, so no.
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;

        if (obj instanceof AuthorsAttribute) {
            // Combine the hash codes and see if they're unchanged.
            return (((AuthorsAttribute)obj).GetHashCode() & GetHashCode())
                == GetHashCode();
        else {
            return false;
    } //Match
} //AuthorsAttribute

// Add some authors to methods of a class.
public class TestClass1
    /** @attribute Authors("William Shakespeare", "Herman Melville")
    public void Method1()
    } //Method1

    /** @attribute Authors("Leo Tolstoy", "John Milton")
    public void Method2()
    } //Method2
} //TestClass1

// Add authors to a second class's methods.
public class TestClass2
    /** @attribute Authors("William Shakespeare", "Herman Melville")
    public void Method1()
    } //Method1

    /** @attribute Authors("Leo Tolstoy", "John Milton")
    public void Method2()
    } //Method2

    /** @attribute Authors("William Shakespeare", "John Milton")
    public void Method3()
    } //Method3
} //TestClass2

class DemoClass
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Get the type for both classes to access their metadata.
        Type clsType1 = TestClass1.class.ToType();
        Type clsType2 = TestClass2.class.ToType();

        // Iterate through each method of the first class.
        for (int iCtr1 = 0; iCtr1 < clsType1.GetMethods().get_Length(); 
            iCtr1++) {
            MethodInfo mInfo1 = 

            // Check each method for the Authors attribute.
            AuthorsAttribute authAttr1 = 
            if (authAttr1 != null) {
                // Display the authors.
                Console.WriteLine("Method {0} was authored by {1} " 
                    + "and {2}.", mInfo1.get_Name(), 
                    authAttr1.get_AuthorName1(), authAttr1.get_AuthorName2());

                // Iterate through each method of the second class.
                for (int iCtr2 = 0; iCtr2 < clsType1.GetMethods().get_Length(); 
                    iCtr2++) {
                    MethodInfo mInfo2 = (MethodInfo)clsType1.GetMethods().

                    // Check each method for the Authors attribute.
                    AuthorsAttribute authAttr2 = (AuthorsAttribute)Attribute.

                    // Compare with the authors in the first class.
                    if (authAttr2 != null && authAttr2.Match(authAttr1)) {
                        Console.WriteLine("Method {0} in class {1} " 
                            + "was authored by the same team.", 
                            mInfo2.get_Name(), clsType2.get_Name());
    } //main
} //DemoClass

 * Output:
 * Method Method1 was authored by William Shakespeare and Herman Melville.
 * Method Method1 in class TestClass2 was authored by the same team.
 * Method Method2 was authored by Leo Tolstoy and John Milton.
 * Method Method2 in class TestClass2 was authored by the same team.
import System;
import System.Reflection;

package MatchJS {
    // A custom attribute to allow 2 authors per method.
    AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method) public class AuthorsAttribute extends Attribute {
        public function AuthorsAttribute(name1 : String, name2 : String) {
            authorName1 = name1;
            authorName2 = name2;

        protected var authorName1 : String;
        protected var authorName2 : String ;

        public function get AuthorName1() : String {
            return authorName1;
        public function set AuthorName1( value: String ) {
            authorName1 = value;

        public function get AuthorName2() : String {
            return authorName2;
        public function set AuthorName2(value : String){
            authorName2 = AuthorName2;

        // Use the hash code of the string objects and xor them together.
        public override function GetHashCode() : int {
            return authorName1.GetHashCode() ^ authorName2.GetHashCode();

        // Determine if the object is a match to this one.
        public override function Match(obj) : boolean {
            // Obviously a match.
            if (obj == this)
                return true;
            // Obviously we're not null, so no.
            if (obj == null)
                return false;

            if (obj instanceof AuthorsAttribute)
                // Combine the hash codes and see if they're unchanged.
                return (AuthorsAttribute(obj).GetHashCode() & GetHashCode())
                            == GetHashCode();
                return false;

    // Add some authors to methods of a class.
    public class TestClass1 {
        Authors("William Shakespeare", "Herman Melville")
        public function Method1() : void 

        Authors("Leo Tolstoy", "John Milton")
        public function Method2() : void 

    // Add authors to a second class's methods.
    public class TestClass2 {
        Authors("William Shakespeare", "Herman Melville")
        public function Method1() : void 

        Authors("Leo Tolstoy", "John Milton")
        public function Method2() : void

        Authors("William Shakespeare", "John Milton")
        public function Method3() : void 

    class DemoClass {
        static function Main() : void {
            // Get the type for both classes to access their metadata.
            var clsType1 : Type = TestClass1;
            var clsType2 : Type = TestClass2;

            // Iterate through each method of the first class.
            var methods1 : MethodInfo[] = clsType1.GetMethods();
            for(var i : int in methods1) {
                var mInfo1 : MethodInfo = methods1[i];
                // Check each method for the Authors attribute.
                var authAttr1 : AuthorsAttribute = AuthorsAttribute(
                    Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(mInfo1, AuthorsAttribute));
                if (authAttr1 != null) {
                // Display the authors.
                Console.WriteLine("Method {0} was authored by {1} " +
                                    "and {2}.", mInfo1.Name, 
                // Iterate through each method of the second class.
                var methods2 : MethodInfo[] = clsType2.GetMethods()
                for( var j : int in methods2) {
                        var mInfo2 : MethodInfo = methods2[j];
                        // Check each method for the Authors attribute.
                        var authAttr2 : AuthorsAttribute = AuthorsAttribute(
                        // Compare with the authors in the first class.
                        if (authAttr2 != null && authAttr2.Match(authAttr1))
                            Console.WriteLine("Method {0} in class {1} " +
                                "was authored by the same team.",
                                mInfo2.Name, clsType2.Name);


 * Output:
 * Method Method1 was authored by William Shakespeare and Herman Melville.
 * Method Method1 in class TestClass2 was authored by the same team.
 * Method Method2 was authored by Leo Tolstoy and John Milton.
 * Method Method2 in class TestClass2 was authored by the same team.


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Attribute 类
Attribute 成员
System 命名空间