Cloud Diagnostics - Take Control of Logging and Tracing in Microsoft Azure

Mon, 07 Jun 2010 10:00:00 GMT

It’s difficult to troubleshoot any application without a trail of clues to follow, and cloud apps are no different. We look at how logging and tracing are enabled for Azure, and how you can use Windows PowerShell to manage diagnostics for a running service.

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Beyond Macros - Create Word and Excel Smart Documents with C++ and XML

Tue, 18 Nov 2003 10:00:00 GMT

One of the coolest new parts of Office 2003 is a programmability feature called Smart Documents, which allows developers to augment Word and Excel documents with programmable content and behavior. Typically, examples illustrating Office programmability use Visual Basic or Visual Basic .NET. In this article, the author develops a Smart Document for Excel using C++. He describes the new ISmartDocument interface and shows how to use it to manage a simple task list such as an Excel spreadsheet.

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