Worksheets Interface


A collection of all the Worksheet objects in the specified or active workbook. Each Worksheet object represents a worksheet.

public interface class Worksheets : System::Collections::IEnumerable
public interface Worksheets : System.Collections.IEnumerable
Public Interface Worksheets
Implements IEnumerable


Use the Worksheets property to return the Worksheets collection.

Use the Add(Object, Object, Object, Object) method to create a new worksheet and add it to the collection.

Use Worksheets(index), where index is the worksheet index number or name, to return a single Worksheet object.

The Worksheet object is also a member of the Sheets collection. The Sheets collection contains all the sheets in the workbook (both chart sheets and worksheets).



Reserved for internal use.


Returns an Application object that represents the Microsoft Excel application. Read-only.


Returns the number of objects in the collection. Read-only Integer.


Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which this object was created. If the object was created in Microsoft Excel, this property returns the string XCEL, which is equivalent to the hexadecimal number 5843454C. Read-only XlCreator.


Returns an HPageBreaks collection that represents the horizontal page breaks on the sheet. Read-only.


Returns a single object from a collection.


Returns the parent object for the specified object. Read-only.


Determines whether the object is visible. Read/write Object.


Returns a VPageBreaks collection that represents the vertical page breaks on the sheet. Read-only.


_PrintOut(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

Reserved for internal use.

Add(Object, Object, Object, Object)
Add2(Object, Object, Object, Object)

This method is only implemented for the Charts collection object and will produce a run time error if used on the Sheets and Worksheets objects.

Copy(Object, Object)

Copies the sheet to another location in the workbook.


Deletes the object.

FillAcrossSheets(Range, XlFillWith)

Copies a range to the same area on all other worksheets in a collection.

Move(Object, Object)

Moves the sheet to another location in the workbook.

PrintOut(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

Prints the object.

PrintOutEx(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

Reserved for internal use.


Shows a preview of the object as it would look when printed.


Selects the object.

Applies to